Why elitism doesnt work in 2019

This would have to be my favourite word for 2019! +1

Thanks for today’s first laugh! :smile:

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But but but, I am a God.
Just look at how perfect and awesome my physique,
my hairstyle, my beard, and my manicured claws are.
There are no bad specs, just bad players :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup, absolutely zero excuse for laziness.

Perhaps it’s because we are paying $15 a month to not waste our time with depleted keys and raids not running as smooth as possible. If you’re not familiar with dungeons and certain mechanics and affixes then it is on you to get better so you can enjoy that content.

We all have limited time to play as we are older and have jobs so we are trying to efficiently use our time.

Unless I am missing something else, the above mentioned is a good reason why people can be elitist and picky.


Sounds like you need to make some friends. I am sure that you probably have many great friends in and out of game. But it sounds like you need a group of friends that are about the plane as you are in the game. That way you can run content together and it is a group of equals doing content that feels challenging to all of you.

This game is much tougher if you try and pug everything.

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What if I told you everything in my life is going great and that is because I am this way with absolutely everything?

Narcissism exists, and it definitely does NOT equate to low self esteem.

So like… am I gonna get paid or something for packing someone around on my back like that? TLDR; L2gitgud

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Found this little tidbit:

Not only can a narcissist have low-self confidence/low self-esteem, these things are usually the root cause of their narcissism.

Narcissists project an image of high self-confidence to the world. This is a defence mechanism that hides their low self-esteem and offers them a feeling of protection.

Narcissists have insecurities and they will oftentimes project those insecurities onto those in their circles as a way of making themselves feel better about themselves. My ex-friend, a textbook narcissist, had a PhD in this type of behaviour.

Example 1: My narcissist friend had male pattern baldness by age 21 — and a really bad comb-over that he sported to try to hide his baldness. He is extremely insecure about his hair and spent a fortune on hair plugs, which never worked. I have a full head of hair. He would always insult me for the way I wore my hair.

Example 2: I’m 5′11″ tall and weigh 175 lbs. I work out and have what might be called an “athletic build”. He is 5′7″ and 180 lbs and has no muscle tone to him whatsoever — he’s just pudgy. Although I never made fun of his weight issues, he would always tell me that I looked “anorexic”, which I am most certainly not, but it obviously made him feel better about himself to insult me.

Example 3: We’d go out to pubs at night and I could get female attention — he never could. After a night out where I’d chat-up and flirt with women, he would tell me how he thought I was a “latent homosexual.”

At no point in the 20 years I knew him did I ever — even once — insult him for his less-than-perfect appearance, but he always found a way to take a jab at me. And this happened constantly.

Does this give you a clearer understanding of narcissism and its roots?

I can find 10 studies that say the opposite.

About the only conclusion we can draw in regards to narcissism is about the same as the conclusions we can draw about people who are elitist and take video games seriously:

There is too much variation to definitively attribute a characteristic or set of characteristics to them. Any such deduction would be a gross generalization fallacy.

Ergo, your narrative that tryhards in video games are detestable people with qualities you find lacking is strictly your opinion and unfounded. It is entirely likely someone is both ultra competitive at the game and also has absolutely nothing wrong mentally or physically in their real life. So stop trying to justify your feelings that there’s something wrong with them as a whole and that people who share your mindset are the norm or desired players.

Yes. My opinion. I stated that already. However, I think my post is probably pretty accurate.

Again, you’re wrong, because I can point to plenty of reliable sources that agree with my position that “not all narcissists are the same.”

So, keep thinking that, but your “opinion” is invalid because it is provably false. Like someone who keeps believing the earth is flat.

Well, of course not all elitists, tryhards, or narcissists, whatever you want to call them, are low self esteem individuals . I never stated that.

Don’t hold opinions on things that will have some scientific fact behind it.

Opinions are relegated to topics that have no actual truth behind them, e.g. “I think blue is the best color.”

You can say you don’t like people who are elitist, but you can’t go make claims about them from a psychological standpoint when there is a factual posture to have. Just because your experience and personal anecdotes lead you to think something is one way or sway your feelings doesn’t make it valid or mean there isn’t a truth (that you just don’t happen to know yet) out there about the topic.

Yeah, you can have opinions about anything really. And yes, I can make claims about anything too.

You CAN, but you also should recognize when you’re WRONG. People have the “opinion” that the earth is flat. That doesn’t make it a valuable opinion to have. They’re wrong and should be treated as such. Your “opinion” is factually incorrect, and should be acknowledged as such.

You mean my opinion that a lot of people who would be identified as elitist WoW player who strut around like they’re a big deal are in fact most likely sad pathetic individuals who use the game to cover up their insecurities and lack of confidence? That opinion?

Not this one

This one. You have no evidence, research, or anything else to back up this. You’re just using it to demonize them and paint a picture that makes you feel better about belittling them.

You don’t think that opinion is true in some cases?

Only as true as it is about anyone else in the game. Solo players who want to get carried by good people and cry about “elitism” included. Point is: it has nothing to do with the trait of “elitism” insofar as you can prove, so don’t attempt to make it seem so.

Elitism is stupid, but so is complaining about people not helping you in your own personal goals. An elite player doesn’t have to make you feel like doo doo, but you also shouldn’t take them not wanting to play with you as a personal attack. You’re not entitled to their help or alliance just as much as they shouldn’t treat you like garbage.

Also, about the whole gear or IO score thing… just because people don’t take you along for a low score or some requirement they have it doesn’t mean they are “trashing on you”. It just means they have a standard that needs to be met. Too many people are mentally weak and taking a group denial as getting trashed on or hazed. Or they’ll PM spam someone that denies them and start the trash talk, at which point what do you expect is going to happen?