Why Dracthyr Should Get The Mage Class

Don’t forget that Dracthyr get passive health regen for the whole group with their Visage form.

your right, I forgot about that one but somehow with all that people think it’s comparable to a tauren.


Hey Lux, did you ever think that your awful pun (disclaimer: awful puns are the best puns) would cause all this arguing? Coz I sure as hell didn’t. These people are crazy

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While I’m sure people will want talents for their racials when they open up new classes to dracthyr, I don’t see them doing it. Logistically it would be a mess, a class tree specific to one race (while the class is not) with points that go into talents that are not going to be accounted for in most builds, and modify utility that isn’t of the class. With racial talents in the evoker tree it becomes much harder to seperate evoker from dracthyr, but will also leave non-evokers lacking when they get other classes. Not to say I think that’s a problem. A mage dracthyr would have effectively have 2 knockbacks, a knock up, and a disorient, oh, and polymorph, not to mention all the slows if they’re frost. So I think the base racials will be more than fine without the modifications from talents.

In Snoop Dogg: Lizzo wizzo with that frizzel chizzel?

Mages use to be called evokers ,etc.back in wraith ,these Dracthyr have the same abilities of a mage class except for making food substance and teleporting ,so as of now they don’t need the class but with time they may wish to give up their abilities, well that’s on them.

Sure enough they wouldn’t need slowfall,lol.

I don’t mind this. I like my skinny lizard wizard.

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Seems like sound logic to me

Let’s do it!

LMAO when I went to join this discussion, I had to scroll up because I was thinking “wait, what post even started this?” Ahh… Public forums, gotta love them.

Took me a while to find a look I was happy with in dracthyr and visage, but I did, and while I’m typically in visage out of combat, I’m not bothered by being in dracthyr form at all.

My biggest complaint is that mail mogs mostly suck. I have a few decent outfits for visage firm but they’re almost entirely full sets with stuff hidden, like the Gilneas set and the ZC campaign tint. Always on the lookout for better pieces but it’s not easy.

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At one point in season 2 the 3 classes I was playing the most were all the mail classes, and I could make do with some of the looks. However, despite mail armor being one of my bigger collections, it felt like I hardly had anything. :upside_down_face:

literally any mage class ability except for a few fire breath things that vaguely resemble mage abilities.

belly laugh!

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They’ll have more class soon enough.

I’ll be the first to be a holy lizard

Just as people are upset about other people wanting Dracthyr to be other classes, plus that has nothing to do with the topic.

Has nothing to do with the forums.

Best advice for yourself indeed, lol.

What a great response.

Thank you for such enlightenment. Never seen someone use “No u” in so many words before.

You showed you are an insulting person very elighting indeed.

Have a lovely day!

If you look at it really broadly I could kind of see the argument, because we have fire, arcane, and time manipulation, but only time is “exclusive” to mages. Druids use arcane, shamans and warlocks fire, etc.

Thematically they’re not similar at all.