Why Dracthyr Should Get The Mage Class

Because then I could play a Dracthyr Frost Mage and be a Lizard Blizzard Wizard :smiley:


Too late they are mages and priest now.

Not really.

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Technically, they are all mages ,they have the same features as them just added shaman and priest abilities. The mimic every aspect character abilities of the game.

So they donā€™t need a mage class to play,I know there will be something said about ports well they can get group toy if Blizzard would make one that can port people as a mage. There is go they donā€™t need one.

Yeah no, Iā€™m going to check out of this at this point. The only thing evokers have that resembles mages is a fireball. And there is nothing resembling priests. But have a great day all the same, Pyromor. But I wonā€™t be responding further.

I thought Dracthyr would get at least a few more class options in The War Within, but it seems Blizzard wants to wait a bit longerā€¦ How hard is it for these test tube geckos to learn how to wield a sword or bow or cast Arcane spells?

They need to revamp the racials for dracthyr to have other classes. Giving mage mastery buff, +70% armor, knock-up, knock-back and glide is kinda crazy. Those passives werenā€™t designed to be on every class.

No lol

Not by any metric that matters.

Dracthyr can abandon evoker way of life and do other things I donā€™t see why they canā€™t be other classes.

This Dracthyr abandoned evoker life and is learning time magic.

Nope Dracthyr is a class that should never existed. They then add Aug in the middle of the patchā€¦ really wish blizzard will think twice before adding more new class and spec since they canā€™t even balance the current specs in the game.

What about Worgenā€™s Critical Strike buff?

Not a Dracthyr racial.

What about Taurenā€™s War Stomp stun or Kul Tiranā€™s Haymaker knockback?

What about Demon Hunterā€™s Glide, Mageā€™s Slow Fall, or Priestā€™s Levitate?

How??? Mastery is used by all classes (their usefulness dependent, but that goes for every race with a statistic increase as mentioned above), and crowd control and a slow fall is not unique to the test tube geckos.

Dracthyr is a race, Evoker is a class.

I wonder when this fallacy will finally dieā€¦

Time Magic is part of the Evokerā€™s tool kitā€¦

Good thing Dracthyr are a race and they do, in fact, exist.

I was expecting some as well. Was ready to race change this toon to Dracthyr because I love them. Oh well, I finally get my heritage in 10.2.7 but itā€™ll probably be disappointing.

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Blizzard has said that itā€™s possible for Dracā€™thyr to learn how to ā€œswing a sword or cast frostboltā€ in the future. Was kind of hoping it would be TWW, but looks like itā€™ll be later. Maybe Midnight or TLT.

I love my dragon, but evoker is a class that Iā€™m having trouble playing. I would enjoy the race more if they could be other classes that I can play.

Itā€™ll be cool to have a Dracthyr druid.

Donā€™t remind me of that debacle over the BlizzCon 2023 imageā€¦

Nothing to do with the BlizzCon image, although I think when Iā€™ve seen that when they introduced the campfire instead of player housing. I got up to refill my drink since I was a bit disgusted by it and thinking what a waste of resources and decided not to listen.

So you got upset over the new character selection screen?

Maybe itā€™s best you just stay off the forums if that disgusted you lol.

Not very. They already can. Evokers are just a fraction of the actual dracthyr population, most of the weryns are various flavors of soldier.

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That was the point; it was a rhetorical question. Hell, some of Sarkarethā€™s group could use Stealth and dual wield daggers.

I know, I was agreeing with you. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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