Why dont worgen druids get a wolf form instead of a cat form

Ask Blizzard, not me.

They are the ones making inconsistent design choices on a daily level.

Like Paladins and Priests can share everything. Angel wings, bubbles, golden sparkles, etc. But Warlocks and Demon Hunters both having a Demon Form? Heresy!


dont some of the the worgen consider themselves to be children of goldrinn after they accepted the curse?
Also, if rage for worgen is bad then why can they be fury warriors or bears for that matter since both use rage as a resource bar

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Well except for an undead fury warrior, when was the last time you saw one eat a person?

Edit the problem is they’re super strong, crazy, and eat people.

when that one undead rogue ganked, killed, and ate me, then started tbaging my corpse in stranglethorn. (you talking about undead or worgen?)

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I was making a light joke off someone saying fury warrior are fueld by the power of rage. Also pointing out the core of the problem that wolf form resulted in many murders and some cannibalism.

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The point is that the rage is uncontrollable. Warriors aren’t in a constant never-ending state of rage and violence like those in the pack form or the worgen. If a non-worgen druid were to try the pack form, they wouldn’t be able to control it. If Malfurion can’t do it, then I doubt anyone else can. For Worgen, their form is the pack form that’s been mutated. They can’t take the true pack form themselves because their pack form is corrupt.


wouldn’t it be incredibly hard for worgen warriors specifically to maintain control given that they rely on rage to do anything and since the druids told worgen to try to avoid getting enraged in fear that they might lose control? in that state a WW would be close to if not equal to a druid in pack form in terms of rage.

Worgen cat form works fine, just the wrong cat.

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The original point of this thread is to get an answer as to why Worgen can’t take the true pack form. The reason is that they ARE in the pack form, but it’s been corrupted. Not even the ritual that balances rage with humanity can fix the mutation of the pack form.

The pack form embodies the rage of Goldrinn. It’s an extreme, uncontrollable, beastial rage on a completely different level than what a warrior may feel. Again, not even MALFURION can control that kind of rage. This should emphasize how great that rage is. The ritual gives worgen control, and yes while negative emotions such as anger can cause them to shift to worgen form, it’s still a much milder rage than what they feel without the ritual. It has been shown a few times that even when shifted into worgen form through anger (Greymane, Tobias Mistmantle, Halford Ramsey), those worgen still have enough sanity and awareness to know what’s going on around them and control their own actions.

At this point I think you’re trying use game mechanics as an argument for lore where it doesn’t work.

Devs are not very attentive to the details of zoology!

doesnt the rage problem transfer from the pack form to the worgen form? if thats the case then they would already have dealt with it by doing the ritual therefore allowing them to transform into pack form without any problems. If its a different rage then it wouldnt make much sense do to the worgen form being a pathogen version of the pack form. My question is why didnt the scythe help the rage within the worgen form, but not the pack form

worgen bear form needs reworked if anything, ugly bears.

I’d like a Glyph to keep Worgen form over going Bear/Cat. We already have our own natural claws that are likely almost as deadly as Cat or Bear form.

Seriously Worgen deserve their own forms.

KT and Zandalari have amazing forms.
I totally supprt a true worg form for cat form atleast.


I already explained in previous posts that the Worgen form is the corruption of the Pack Form. It IS the Pack Form. When the Nelf Druids took Pack Form, they couldn’t control the bestial rage of that form. What what they did was that they tried using the Scythe of Elune to soothe the form so they could control it. When the Scythe of Elune was used on the Nelf Druids in Pack Form, instead of giving them control of the form, it instead mutated into the Worgen form we know today. That happened because Goldrinn was rebelling against the attempts at taming the Pack Form. He hated Elune and did NOT want the druids to be able to control his form.

The only thing the Tal’doren ritual did was balance the ferocity of the Worgen form with the victim’s humanity. That is -ALL- it did. It does NOT fix the mutation of the pack form.

I don’t know how much clearer I can explain it to you.

Knowing blizzard Worgen would get a wolf glyph but it wouldn’t have a tail 
 wait don’t we call that running wild?

Because wolf form is forbidden.

The main reason is because its FERAL spec
although I guess feral could apply to any animal.

#2 is good enough. Hell, even Malfurion couldn’t control that form and wound up attacking Cenarius when he tried.

Better question is why do Worgen Druids need any form at all. Looks to me their current bi-pedal form would suffice for both feral and prot.