Why don't they just get rid of

Players would cry too much. Players crying is what made them get rid of pvp servers anyway.

Open world PVPers, in general, arent a fan of PVP unless they get an over whelming / low risk advantage.

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Same thing with the general population of PVEers.

How 'bout no.

Because forced open world PvP is trash.

And the playerbase is spread too thin between phasing, the hundreds of different expac zones you can quest through, and server pop.

The kind of World PvP you’re looking for, like what was seen in vanilla, is different because phasing didn’t exist back then and everyone was funneled into the same zones.

These two things are unrelated.

We’re in the era of leveling your character 100% through the dungeon finder, not really seeing an issue with forced world pvp.

We also have dragonriding now. The moment you leave combat you are completely vanished, they have no way of catching you.

Honestly, we’re in the era where you don’t need to do any world quests whatsoever outside of the stuff they purposely lock behind quests.
What makes world pvp bad is their quest design, it’s not world pvp its self lol.

Also running back to your corpse might be out of date now, this is a big reason no one wants to die in the open world, I would just remove this antique novelty, no one cares about it anymore.

I mean. Yeah.

People that only PVE aren’t typically big on open world PVP experiences.

Something something human nature something something path of least resistance.

Like you could attack other warmode players but still be in the same phase as PVE players?
That would be perfectly cool.

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Okay, but PVE realms have always been a thing?

I hear they’re forcing a faction balance in SoD.

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The one colour I’ll never get and unfortunately, it’s my favorite colour and that’s still not enough to get me to get it.

Like… no sister. Just no.

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Don’t you bring Pink Floyd into your harebrained idea.

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Why do you want to kill WoW? Do you work for Square Enix or another game developer?

Why would anyone want to pay money for a game where you’re ganked nonstop, literally preventing you from playing the actual game?

Hard pass.

If you want all PvP why aren’t you playing Overwatch?

Just because you don’t do open world content doesn’t mean everyone else plays the same as you.

In fact, open world content is so popular, Dragonflight has added open world events every single patch.

I’m the opposite of you. I only level via open world content and haven’t actively raided or run any dungeons I can’t solo since Wrath. And while I love the new Follower Dungeons to have a nice, non-toxic and drama free run, there’s no way I’ll continue to run them repeatedly after I get past the questline gate of running said dungeons because that kind of repetitive play bores me to annoyance.

Forced PvP? No thank you.

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Forced pvp only works in games that from the start it’s quite obvious that pvp is a core focus of the game.

Because then no one can cry foul about why they have to be ganked or forced to pvp because folks would say “um dude it’s a pvp mmo what did you think would happen?”

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When I hear “forced PvP” I imagine some guy sitting there like, “No! No! I don’t want to kill that small [race] [class]! They are only level 43!” and the evil creature on their shoulder whispering, “But you have to, they signed up for this! You must commit the PvP!”

But on the topic? Nah. There were tons of complaints about PvP happening on PvP servers, now they they can turn the WPvP off without spending money, there’s no reason to really complain even if some are stubborn enough to complain about it anyways.

Nice bait post btw 10/10 on engagement.
Here is your cookie :cookie: :grinning:

No one wants Open PVP servers, coz they are just plain old boring and lack luster.

I just wanna do my WQs in peace without having to deal with “fight me, bro!” People…

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There were always pve servers, are you new?

Man, I love being outnumbered 5:1, then 8:1, then finally 15:1 before they ditched PVP servers. I loved getting camped endlessly 3v1, 5v1, level-capped characters running around in level 30 and 40 zones. Being unable to run specific content unless I got lucky and there wasn’t a wall of griefers there at the moment. I loved taking literal hours just to do one quest in STV. I loved holiday bosses being incredibly hard to do because the opposing faction would camp their associated dungeons (pre-LFG) and spam so many things the server would literally destabilize and crash.

I loved Argus being such a shtshow that I quit the game for 6 months because the ONLY WAYS IN were chokepoints in caves that were often surrounded and camped by Horde and I would be dead before the loading screen (on an SSD!) was even over.

No, wait, I didn’t love any of that. I hated it. I hated the fact that I like PVP and went into WoW not knowing it would be a one-sided grief-fest. And by the time I learned that I had several characters and friends on my server so my only option was to spend hundreds on character transfers and leave everyone.

Ditching the dedicated PVE/PVP ruleset and making it completely optional and opt-in was one of the best changes the game’s ever had.

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They can just bring back pvp servers, so we don’t have to see threads about pvp happening while leveling in warmode.