Why don't the Kyrians just stop?

Likely answer is that there is a worse thing that happens if they don’t ferry the souls away in to the proper Death Realm and they hang out in the outskirts of the mortal realm too long.

A lot of this also falls on the Kyrians not being given the power and mandate to act outside their role, since there was a clear concern the power they have if wielded with a spirit of the law interpretation could lead to them upsetting the balance of the mortal and cosmic planes.

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Well clearly, the best solution is for all these jerks on all these worlds to just stop dying. If they feel like they’re about to die, they just shouldn’t.


Your grammar is so poor, I honestly have no idea what point you are trying to say.

I can’t tell if you are speaking to me, or about the characters in the game. Sometimes I think you can’t tell the difference.

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This has so much potential to backfire and make things worse though.

Let’s assume, for example, that a bunch of Goblin souls end up in Ardenweald, make deals with the Brokers for some cool new shredder-like bodies, and start harvesting the natural resources of Ardenweald for profit, cutting down the trees, slaughtering the wildlife to sell pelts and meat, bottling that precious clean water to sell to places like Maldraxxus or Revendreth where clean water like that doesn’t seem to exist, etc…

Let’s say a bunch of Paladins and Priests wind up in Bastion, from different worlds, and start arguing about who’s faith was right, end up agreeing the Kyrian obviously kidnapped them from the afterlife they were supposed to go, destroy half of Bastion, and then fight one another over the remaining half in a bloody Holy War.

Let’s say a bunch of pure, innocent souls, heck let’s say they’re children who simply did not live long enough to even sin, are sent to Revendreth. What the heck are the Venthyr supposed to do with a bunch of children who never sinned, and thus there is no anima to harvest from them? Worse, what if these children start pulling pranks or throwing tantrums, and the Venthyr still cannot touch them?

Sending souls to Afterlives to which they do not belong could be potentially devastating for the Shadowlands, and do far more damage than all of them going to the Maw.

I recommend you disengage with that poster. :point_down:

It will likely get you nowhere…


I think she was complimenting you on your noble and equitable diamond.


This is insane. Like there is absolutely no good reason for them to do that.

I can’t even read it as a cult mentality thing, it comes of as pure bad writing that they aren’t even pretending to address the issue here.

I forget, is there anything in the story so far that tied Devos to the Mawsworn? Because if not, could the forsworn rebellion be her trying to cut off the Kyrian from flooding the Maw with anima?

Like, with the Afterlives short, it might seem like Devos is going rogue and corrupting Kyrian to pass their own judgments (In this case, throwing Arthas into the maw, serving the jailer). However, we know she is deviating from the path BECAUSE of the threat the Maw poses, and she saw Arthas as an agent of the Maw. So it’s not so much that she is serving the Jailer in this instance, but rather returning an agent of the Maw to the maw itself.

Honestly, there is little difference between Mawsworn and conventional Kyrian, because both are serving the Jailers purpose, the only difference is if they know it or not.

So really, the only odd one out are the Forsworn, who very well could be Devos trying to stop the steady flow of Anima to the Maw by pushing Kyrian to push their own judgments upon souls, rather than just blinding tossing them into the maw.

I am not sure if I articulated that thought very well but… Devos is a good guy maybe?

Ignoring the fact that the story doesn’t even bring this up as an option, this solution is a temporary one. The other option is to what, just let all those children, goblins, Paladin and priests go straight to the maw where they don’t belong anyway and literally give your enemy more power? And who is to say the covenants can’t pick who they want or souls can’t volunteer to who they want to help? Hell, you could try and find a mostly empty realm to try and hold them before they choose.

I mean, save for the children one, this is literally happening anyway by the end of the leveling campaign where you and Tal’Inara speak with the WQ, Renathal, and Kyrestia. They agree to let more mortals into the shadowlands who are going to join covenants. So those goblins? Can still chop down trees in Ardenweald. The Paladin and priests? Can absolutely argue about faith in Bastion.

The point is, from a writing perspective it’s stupid. If we’re already glossing over consequences here, it’s less narratively abrasive to gloss over consequences/plot holes of a temporary wrong afterlife than it is for characters (hell, a whole damn covenant) to be complicit it helping your enemy get power so the plot can keep going in the right direction.

Now I’ve gotta go to the Maw and try to rescue Ben Howell because some Bearer just yeeted him at the Arbiter who is on a snoozecation that everyone was already aware of. Thanks.

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So why are we aiding the kyrians again?

This is stupid as hell.

you can say that “it shows that the shadowlands functioning stuff is flawed” tbh this is just lazy.

It mostly shows the machine of death was designed by its creators to be monolithic in design. The idea it would be attacked and dismantled from the inside is seemingly something they never built contingency plans for, so the parts of the system that are still there are trying to keep running according to their original design.

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What is the point of being a kyrian if they could just make the robots have flight or wings or whatever and have them carry the souls then? What is the point of even having kyrian if the goal is to have depersonalized robots/slaves that do something?

Why not just have slaves or machines do that?


The role of the Kyrians seems almost like an afterthought and is poorly explained/demonstrated imo. Anyways, I imagine it would be very bad if death stopped in every mortal world in existence.

It is their sacred duty to throw souls into the Maw.

Have you not seen the process for purifying the Kyrians souls to ensure that they are delivered straight into the Maw?

It is actually really weird that Blizzard made Devos a pawn of the Jailer. It is a far more interesting story if she was deviating from the path to save innocent souls from the Maw. It could even have a neat little philosophical message attached to it. The Paragon of Loyalty betraying her Archon to better serve her purpose. Loyalty to ideals vs Loyalty to individuals. “When Tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”

The story of Bastion immediately become more interesting, and Devos becomes instantly cooler as a character. It would have been cool too, if the Bastion was mostly the same, and the revelation of Devos’ cause becomes clear at the end of the Questline or a patch later… Because suddenly, all the NPCs who helped you through the zone are now the baddies… But not because they themselves are evil, but because they are so caught up in a broken system they cant break out of.

Blizzard keeps talking about “morally grey” story telling… and here, they seem to have the perfect set up for just that… Only to ruin it by aligning Devos with the Jailer. For… Reasons?


You know, that’s actually pretty cool. And if you wanted, later down the line you could have the covenant story being about coming together but forging in a new direction as one. I’ve fantasized myself about the player and a few other characters creating the ‘third’ option with recruiting Kyrian and those Forsworn who don’t want to serve the Maw/Jailer doing a similar thing – even rescuing Forsworn from the Maw who have become or are on the cusp of becoming Mawsworn but have gone “I’ve made a huge mistake”. But eh, this is Blizzard, so it’s probably asking way too much. It’s a shame though, because I really liked Devos in the Bastion cinematic. Her explanation for joining the Jailer in the Spires of Ascension dungeon is super weak.


I wonder if Blizzard intended Devos to be some “Secret good guy”. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I am reading to much into it, but Bastion just seems like it was lining up some kind of Devos plot reveal like that, but they backed out last minute.

It honestly feels like Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Just at an attempt to Band-aid some flopped story directions, ultimately resulting in something worse and less fulfilling than what was originally intended.

Edit: It is worth mentioning that I still think Shadowlands is a vast improvement to BFA (so far), despite my disappointment with the Bastion story.

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It seems like the original bastion concept perhaps had a long running dispute between light and dark kyrians, with “light” Kyrians being zealous to a singular path which all had to walk (just as the Light is dogmatic to a single path) and the “dark” Kyrians representing the concept of free will. But then, when concept of a Dark Bastion became the basis of Ardenweald the story had to change to accommodate, and it sort of felt a bit messy as a result.

That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I don’t think Ardenweald has anything to do with the concepts of dogmatic rigidity, or free will.

It is more since there was no longer a place where the dark kyrians existed, they became an invasive aberration. There was no established division in place, so the dark kyrians come across as oddly heavy handed.