Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

“Oh dear, we’d love to help fight back against the centaur but the Tauren didn’t send us the requisite forms for assistance. Our hands are tied, nothing we can do”

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Oh my. So you’ve evolved from headcanon to fanfiction? You should send your resume to Blizzard.


Oh, look an Alliance IDIOT that forgot how the orcs and Trolls helped the Tauren out against the Centaur before they even ran into Alliance on Kalimdor.

From the WCIII orc Campaign: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Landfall_(WC3_Orc)

Now the Orcs, after Hyjal and when Jaina’s dad was invading, did save Baine: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Old_Hatreds_(WC3_Orc)#Rescue_Cairne.27s_Son

In essence:
WCIII: Orcs and Trolls reach Kalimdor, help the Tauren out against the centaur
Founding of Durotar: While gathering the allies that they met in WCIII to repel the human invasion from Durotar, the Orcs saved Baine from the centaur.

As far as the Night Elves not helping the Tauren, that is another matter all together, But if one is going to ignore events, like what happened in WCIII yet cite what happened in later content, I.E. TFT, they deserve to called out. I will also add that certain alliance players do this alot and reflect badly on the entire faction.


The Tauren in Warcraft III did indeed join the Horde for the same simple reason the Highmountain Tauren joined the Horde after Legion: The Horde helped them.

Why any of the Tauren stayed with the Horde while Sylvanas was Warchief, however, is a different matter, as even in the now infamous Before the Storm even Sylvanas herself thought they should have left:

    Baine was watching her closely. Some days she wished he would just follow his big, bleeding heart and turn the tauren to the Alliance.
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Man, that would be hilarious if Baine ended up defecting to head up an alliance tauren allied race.

Baine can leave if he wants.

The rest of the Tauren population made it intensely clear during Cata about what they would like to do to the Alliance for burning their lands and killing their children


This I just attribute to the fact the Tauren are indeed Horde, just not Sylvanas’ Horde, same with some orcs (Saurfang) and Blood Elves (Lor’themar) and likely a few allied races as well (HMT, Nightborne and possibly Zandalari) and Pandaren as well.

Only those that were seeking vengeance for Camp T, but even if Baine did not hold all of the alliance responsible for that, he is likely still smart enough to know that he would face a tough battle shifting the Tauren to the Alliance due to it. Really, the Tauren are more or less stuck with the Horde at worst, at best they MIGHT be able to break away and keep diplomatic ties to both factions to deal with larger threats or call for aid from races in either.

Dude, I get where you’re coming from, but chill with this


To be fair, even Lor’themar almost had the Blood Elves join the Alliance when Garrosh’s Horde wasn’t “their” Horde any more.

Baine is most definitely loyal to the family concept of the Horde. Probably why Lor’themar considers Baine the best of the Horde.


But they didn’t JOIN the Horde until the Orcs saved Baine.
It was literally the reason they joined, to which the entire thread was about.

Yeah, calling others an “Idiot” when you yourself can’t even understand the subject your trying to “call me out” for.

This is YOIUR headcannon, here are a few other things to keep in mind: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Tauren
and of particular note:

At the brink of extinction, the chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, desperate for help, turned to the strange green-skinned warriors from over the sea. Cairne quickly befriended Warchief Thrall and the other orcs, and recognized that they shared a love for honor and battle. For their part, the orcs and the Darkspear trolls that composed the Horde found much in common with the tauren. Each of these races wanted to achieve a more shamanistic culture, and the tauren, long versed in the lore of spirit and nature, were well-prepared to provide counsel and support to the budding shamanism within the Horde

Owing a blood-debt to the orcs for their assistance, the tauren joined Thrall on Mount Hyjal to defend Kalimdor from an invasion by the demonic Burning Legion. Following the Legion’s defeat, the tauren who helped defend Hyjal returned to their new home in Mulgore.[12]

https://wow.gamepedia.com/Where_Wyverns_Dare_(WC3_Orc) note, Cairn is here
https://wow.gamepedia.com/The_Oracle_(WC3_Orc) and here
https://wow.gamepedia.com/By_Demons_Be_Driven_(WC3_Orc) and here

Yeah, and you just proved yourself to be one, again. The only thing you have might be is the Tauren did not officially join the Horde till after they rescued Baine. There are other moments the Tauren are with the Horde, and could have joined before then,

But just to satisfy your stubbornness, here is the text from that part of the bonus: Enlist the Tauren

IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar : This beautiful land must be Mulgore. I have never met a tauren before, but their strength and courage are legendary.

IconSmall Cairne.gif Cairne Bloodhoof : Who are you, traveler? Why have you come here?

IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar : I come in the name of Thrall, warchief of the Horde. His lands are in danger, and he calls upon his old allies to aid him. I seek the one known as Cairne. Do you know him?

IconSmall Cairne.gif Cairne Bloodhoof : I am Cairne, but I can be of help to no one. Return to your warchief and tell him that I am dead… just as my heart is dead.

Tagar walks up to Rexxar to explain the situation.

IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Tagar : The barbarous centaur attacked our village recently. Our chieftain’s only son–Baine, was taken captive. The centaur are cannibals and do not keep prisoners for long. We searched everywhere for a sign that Baine was still alive, but we found no trace of him.

IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Tagar : Poor Cairne has been lethargic for some time. Without his wisdom and leadership, I fear that the centaur will decimate our tribe. Perhaps if you could find some clue as to his son’s fate, it might rouse the chieftain from his stupor?

IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Tagar : Find Bovan Windtotem out on the plains. He and his brethren will aid you on your search.
Rescue Cairne’s Son

IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar : Greetings, brother Windtotem. I was told you could help me locate Chieftain Bloodhoof’s son. There may still be a chance that the boy lives, but we’ll need to find the centaur encampment as quickly as possible.

BTNSpiritWalker.png Bovan Windtotem : I see.

Bovan walks towards a nearby well.

BTNSpiritWalker.png Bovan Windtotem : I dreamed of this…

Bovan casts a spell, and the pool shows where Baine is being held captive.

IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar : That’s the centaur encampment. They could be keeping Baine in one of those cages, but we’ll have to fight our way to them. IconSmall Rexxar.gif Rexxar : Don’t worry, Baine. We’ll have you back to your father in no time.

IconSmall Cairne.gif Cairne Bloodhoof : Baine, my son, I thought I’d lost you forever! I was an old fool to despair. Rexxar, by returning my son to me, you have given me new life. For that I will ever be grateful.

IconSmall Cairne.gif Cairne Bloodhoof : Now, you said that your warchief was in trouble–that the Horde needed the tauren once again. Well, Thrall did much for us in his time, and we will not fail him. My warriors will rendezvous with the warchief upon the battlefield, but I will be returning with you.

Hmm, look at that, It looks like the Tauren were allied with the Horde in the same way Rohan was allied with Gondor in LOTR even before Baine was rescued. Your claim of them doing it to gain their favor falls flat because it looks more like it was done to restore Cairns spirit.

Actually, looking at it, the Tauren only “officially” joined the Horde to help balance out the factions in vanilla. Outside of that it is up in the air as far as when it can be claimed. I “called you out” because you made a claim yet did not provide proof to back it up and, when I pointed out it could have happened earlier you doubled down.

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That’s not headcanon when it’s literally the Lore… THAT YOU JUST POSTED…AGAIN.

Yet here you aren’t, Proving my argument and Proving your own ignorance of your own.

The Horde helped the Tauren so the Tauren helped the Horde in the War.
Blood Debt Paid.

But they did not “join” the Horde until later and only because they saved Baine, Because the Horde came to the Tuaren seeking help.

Everything I’ve said is supported by everything you just posted.

Thank You and You’re Welcome.

End of the day, the Night Elves didn’t help the Tauren.


I think that was the point he was trying to make with the sarcastic remark. :gift_heart:

It IS headcannon because it is UP IN THE AIR, that bound of friendship? could easily be claimed as being allied with the Horde

It is not ignorance, it is stating things that happened

Even if so, it ignores the idea that Tauren were still there to help the budding shamanism within the Horde, would not an advisory role be considered “joining?”

Agian with the “only” there were other factors:
blood debt
Bounds of Friendship

Nothing I posted says the Tauren only joined the Horde because they saved Baine, that is the part I AM SAYING IS HEADCANNON.

The lore, as stated, supports the Tauren joining the Horde:
During WCIII
After Baine was rescued
In the interim period between TFT Bonus and Vanilla

I call ones like you idiots because you state “x is the only way or reason it could happen” and don’t even consider that it could have happened any other way.

So, if you want to claim that the Tauren only joined the Horde because they saved Baine, find the proof, that is all anyone is asking foir because the lore, as written, can support many points of view.

The statement holds no weight, though. It’s about as relevent why the Tauren joined the Horde as saying “End of the day, the Qiraji didn’t help the Tauren.”

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It is relevant to the fact people are discussing Night Elves and Tauren.
That’s why I commented.

Which itself is irreverent, as the questions asked were why the Tauren are still with the Horde after Garrosh and Sylvanas, not why the Tauren didn’t join the Night Elves before joining the Horde.

I don’t see how commenting on an ongoing conversation is irreverent. Things evolve and move over a thousand posts.

Or are lead astray by obvious strawman points.

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