Yes you are. Because I do something a specific way, you want to make sweeping judgments about my moral character. That is attributing motive. I am not robbing anyone of context, the context is right there for everyone to see at the click of a button. Get over yourself.
Not what I said. For someone who likes to throw around accusations of taking people out of context, you sure do it a lot.
There is no substantial evidence for unconscious bias because there is no scientific consensus on it. That is, in part, because it is an unprovable hypothesis. It is an idea predicated on attributing motive to people, something you seem very adept at doing.
I never made that claim. YOU brought up Quetzolcoatal as if to suggest Hakkar’s unlikeness to Quetzolcoatal is evidence that Blizzard is relying on negative tropes. I brought up Kululkan to disprove that claim. Stop lying.
Just because you reject blatant evidence presented to you doesn’t mean it’s not scholarly evidence.
It’s not, and that short biography about her personal life (not academic) doesn’t disprove anything. I didn’t know the gender of the person, because I only ever saw the name and either didn’t notice the pronouns used, or there weren’t any.
I am using Westboro as an example. Vodou has it’s issues just like every religion that has ever existed. Just because your bias doesn’t allow you to see that doesn’t make it any less factual.
Which is only portrayed as such either from the nelf perspective, or retroactively when Garrosh was Villain batted in MOP. More baseless claims that we have tussled over for weeks now. All you have done is make declarative statements, and haven’t objectively proven your position in any sense. The only thing you are effectively doing at this point is waste my time.
Again, that instance is not what you claim it to be. The Harpies were actively desecrating shines on Hyjal and serving the Black Dragonflight. You want an example of real in-universe racism? Garithos.
A non-Highborn noble house?.. If they aren’t highborn, they aren’t noble…
It doesn’t matter, these things happened in undetermined points during her reign. This isn’t a timeline, this is just a brief description of what happened over the course of these thousands of years.
And yet, the entire culture 180ed into not JUST anti-arcane, but outright, hostile rejection of it. And entire culture reformatted to be the antithesis of the Highborne way of life. The Highborne Empire is the antithesis of modern day Night Elf. Saying it is nelf lore is like saying elf lore is Troll Lore. Or ogre lore is orc lore.
First, you don’t know that because numbers on night elf losses were not given. Second, the effects of what happened in Gnomergan were not as long lasting or as detrimental as the loss of the Dragon Aspects Blessings.
Fair enough, I must have missed that. But define true aging? Because 7 years for a race that lives thousands shouldn’t be suffering significant joint pains, wrinkles, and even death. True aging can just as easily mean aging beyond the point of maturity. It says nothing regarding the rate in-which they are aging. What we know for a fact is night elves are dying after only 7 years of aging, despite that they ought to be in prime, physical condition.
So we agree, Frostmane Welps are not children. Got it.
Vitality from Alextraza. Not immortality, but they did regain longevity and health. Which was the entire point of Teldrassil since Cata. It is unclear if the Night Elves will ever get that back. The weight of this line from Elegy cannot be understated.
“How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.”
It is a real possibility that the Burning of Teldrassil fast-tracked the Kaldorei to extinction.