Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Yes, she was expanding the land she ruled over… Her Dominion.

Akiyass Mentally incapable of reading between the lines that trolls were displaced from the territories they owned, even though the map shows a MASSIVE Kaldorei empire

You are dishonest. And it’s sad.


That’s not what that means. Looks like you found another hill to die on hun.

She actually quoted something so that’s a first. At least one poster up the line is still waiting on a reference on night elf rapid aging.

Provide proof, otherwise you’re the dishonest one.

Show me literally anything that says Trolls were displaced. Show me those lands were settled and cultivated by Trolls. Show me one instance where blizzard references to this situation as displacement.

That is your claim, and if you want to claim it to be objectively true, prove it. A map that doesn’t show any cities or settlements, or the time frame of expansion, isn’t proof.

It’s literally included in the definition you provided.

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So, a map showing troll land being conquered by outsiders isn’t proof…Well, okay than. You are dishonest.

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Dominion is a reference to internal power, not expansion. Wow. Your quote even supports me, the land a ruler or government controls. You really are sad.

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It shows that the Kaldorei empire expanded into territory that was once controlled by the Empire of Zul. But displacement isn’t a claim that land was conquered, it’s a claim that people were moved. So show me literally any evidence that Trolls had settlements in those areas, and were forced to move.

Expanding the land a ruler or Government controls lol.

That’s not internal control, that’s expanding imperial boarders.

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This is just starting to get sad.

No. No it’s not. There is no mention of expansion in that definition.

See what I mean when people say she ignores evidence that goes against her arguement? All of a sudden the map of Kaldorei empire expanding rapidly and taking over almost all know troll territory somehow isn’t evidence.


“Azshara continued expanding her dominion.”

Dominion = Land a ruler or government rules over.

Expanding her dominion = Expanding the land she rules over…

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Well night elfs are perfect and never do bad. Even night elf Hitler.

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I love how I am being accused of the thing the accusers are actively doing lol.

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Dominion is a reference to internal power. She is expanding her internal power and control as she just got done conquering a crap ton of territory.

All trolls were probably escorted out of newly acquired night elf territory on magical rainbows, with complementary gift baskets.


Dominion is

So expanding one’s dominion is expanding…

This isn’t complicated.

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Well, she is the one type that thinks the horde needs to be genocided off the map and that Alleria Mind R@ping people in the Shadowlands novel was a good and glorious thing. Just so you know who you’re dealing with.

Everyone else can figure out that the troll territories had cities and villages. But Akiyass? Oh no, she needs it explicity explained to her with big pictures drawn.

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Oh really? Whelp, that just alludes to some unfortunate implications into this conversation.

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If you scroll through this long topic, she’s said some pretty questionable stuff, got called out for it, but doubled downed anyway.

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