Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Yes, they harvested souls to power Legion machines, doesn’t mean all souls were going there.

Seems like they actively need to capture and then sacrifice people at the actual machines for them to get the soul. So that means most of the souls of people killed during the invasion still went to the Jailer.

Not all souls go to the machines. They use souls for a lot of stuff. Fel magic itself is powered off of souls, and fel magic is the Legion’s magic.


And yet they were also still feeding most of those souls to the Jailer thus fueling his warmachine. So your still not indicating to me why I would believe Sylvanas wanted to stop the war when its was benefiting her master.

There is a reason Sylvanas was so powerful when she fought during the war of thorns. Because she had the power of all the Souls that died against the Legion.

Source? I’m not aware of even one soul that died during Legion that has made it to the Maw.

We know both Vol’jins soul has ended up in the shadow lands and Ysera’s which means they weren’t captured by the Legion. we also don’t know of anyone outside the few who were captured to be used as fuel for the Soul engines souls going to the Legion.

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I know. :confused: Late reply, but I’m just being salty again over how shattered my suspension of disbelief has become over the game’s premise because of this expansion. I think what I was really asking for was a way to make myself feel invested again, and that’s not really something anyone can answer because I feel like it’s impossible at this point.


We also know that Bwonsamdi personally took it there, as he took the trolls who ended up in the other side after.

We know Elune herself took Ysera to Night Elf Zone.

Are you telling me that you’re unaware of these three points of information?

Yet they weren’t captured by the Legion so one would have to presume that any other souls were going to the Maw not the Legion.

Bwom also never got Vol’jins soul he lost it, that t-rex loa apparently saved it from the maw. Ysera’s soul was saved from the Maw by Elune. Not saved from the Legion though.

You haven’t indicated outside these soul engines(which required people to be captured and sacrificed at it). You have nothing else to prove that the Legion was getting the souls of everyone else they killed during their invasion.

We have already been told that the Machine of death was broken in Legion so outside of those few souls that were captured or saved by other Death creatures were all getting fed to the Maw.

I even predict Anduin will come across his Varian’s soul at some point in Shadowlands.

I don’t Understand why you think it matters we know Sylvanas had ulteior motives for everything she had done Since Wrath now. She didn’t care about the legion any more that she cared about the about the Old gods.

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they are bound by the invisible meta that prevents faction changing for gameplay reasons

I have been a major Blizz fanboy since 1995 with WC2. Which was my introduction to gaming. I have a pretty long rap sheet of defending Blizzard. Even some of there, now admittedly, poor choices.

I do not think there has been a point ever, in my 25 years of playing Blizzard games, that I have been less invested. I do not think there has ever been a point in that time where I have been more critical of Blizzard’s writing direction.

Frankly, I do think it is ultimately because of Activision. All the Warcraft OGs left, the company has become too big, they are too locked-in on their financial sheets to really consider the wants and needs of their fan base. None of the people at Blizzard, at least when it comes to Warcraft, are in touch with the fans or franchise as a whole.

Every expantion since MoP has felt like a jumping of the Shark.
WoD: “Lets bring back all these nostalgia inducing WC2 characters.”
Legion: “Lets bring back Illidan”
BfA: “Let’s kick off the story with some outrageous, gut wrenching event. It’s doesn’t need to make sense, just shock, awe and subverting expectations. It worked for GoT.”
Shadowlands: “Okay… that didn’t work. Back to the Nostalgia. Uther, Arthas, Garrosh, Draka, Kael’thas. You remember them right? Please buy our game…”

I know Horde players aren’t big fans of MoP’s story. But man, I sort of miss Blizzard when they had the balls to release a Kung Fu panda expantion… And like, make the story a comparatively serious one.


Dude there was no demon to soul trap Vol’jin when Vol’jin died.
Why are you being disingenuous?

Look up the definition of lost, then rethink your post.

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Care to explain how you loose something you never got in the first place? And if you’re still confused, I’ll give you a hint, Bwon did have Vol’jins soul, but for reasons, lost it.

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Bets on Uther being the Hand of Valor (even though he was apparently missing his memories???)

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That would certainly be interesting.

Shadowlands disproves Dreadmoore’s theory, any way. There’s spirits in Ardenweald that talk about how they ended up there after the Legion burned their planet down, so the Legion doesn’t even bother collecting all of planet’s souls. The Legion only uses soul engines that to power their war machines, but once the war is won the Legion only cared about killing all life, not saving the souls for themselves.


Perhaps them being “used” as fuel still sends them to the shadowlands.

There are ways to get beings into the shadowlands as there is a quest in maldraxxus where you go to the great dark beyond on a legion invasion planet from 8.3 to grab some foe. because they needed one for the arena.

GET UM @Irenaus

Man I took a break for one month and Dreadmoore end up spouting lies/headcanons.

There is no lore stating the taurens ever went to the night elves. These two races spent nearly 10,000 years apart. For all we know the taurens thought the night elves extinct/a myth.

Also, if we want to play this game, Garrosh and the Horde refused to help Baine retake Thunderbluff. Jaina and Anduin on the other hand helped him retake it back pre-Shattering.

Tide of War literally tell you most taurens were content with the wall being erected

At this point there is no one to criticize. Everyone in Bael Modan ended up dead and the dad of the guy running Bael Modan was also killed.

There is no lore stating the night elves ever maintained strong ties with the taurens, or more specifically with the tauren tribes that did live in the Barrens.

Dreadmoore, that vision was NOT about defeating the LEGION, it was likely about defeating the VOID LORDS!

It was vast and empty and swallowed all light that entered it. Velen knew it would be all consuming until, at last, it would turn and devour itself, endlessly gnawing on nothing in the Great Dark Beyond, removing all meaning from the universe, from the most heart-breaking sonata to the most arresting sunset. It was too terrible to see, to comprehend, and yet the army headed straight for it. And the light began to fade…

Also, if you want to blame someone blame the Legion, stop victim blaming! I’d also point he did need the help of everyone in Azeroth to actually beat the Legion.

Actually, it was the son of General Twinbraid. This is why he later joins the Alliance against the Horde in Cata, out of revenge for his son.

Which is one of the ways things Blizzard does. If you play Horde Alliance characters do horrible things, and then Blizzard kills them all off and it is never spoken of again. Or you have things like the murder of Goblin miners, where they simply never say who ordered it. Meanwhile Thrall, who was in exile during Teldrasil, is shown taking all this blame personally.

The Alliance never gets called to account where the villain bat seems to be only the plot they can write for the Horde.