Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

It was a good thing. It wasn’t the greatest thing though. That’d be Hyjal.

I know it hurts, but it’s still true.


I mean we don’t know how long she’s had infinite mawsworn. She’s very clearly had the Jailer’s backing since Edge of Night, though. Either way, Genn didn’t stop her from getting what she wanted – both by using him to get the horde to go to war, and by later showing she’s had infinite mawsworn.

You literally can’t prove that. You keep stating it, but all evidence suggests that’s not accurate. I will repeat for the last time:

Blessed post.


So how is the story supposed to be written to show that the horde can be good on their own in a believable way now?

I mean, torturing civilians in front of their children is ok in yours. :man_shrugging:



Well formation of the Council is a good start. Next they can start contributing to Azeroth’s defense like they should be and stop making careers out of starting wars with the Alliance.

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Council or not, it’s still the same horde that’s gone through at least two wars without the influence of demon blood. Just because the top level is shuffled around doesn’t mean it isn’t still mostly made up of the same people who went along with it. I don’t know how, at this point, you can build up enough good will to counteract the bad it’s done at this point. :confused:


Considering the Alliance was at Hyjal as well… I think creation of the Alliance is a bit more vital.

But that would require you saying something positive about the Alliance, so. Whatever.

Magical means of information extraction that is not possible in the real world, sure.

Irl torture that has no where near the effectiveness required to justify the means… No so much. I know that is a complex idea, and you are not big on those, so, I don’t blame you for not understanding.

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I’m unsure if I care if good will is built up with the Alliance or its playerbase. They can stew, I don’t care if they’re happy with Horde development. The Horde isn’t written for them; it’s written for us. Blizzard needs to make us happy instead of Alliance players and Alliance NPCs.


It matters to me.


Okay, but all they’ve been trying to do since MoP is humor the Alliance playerbase. They haven’t tried to humor us. It is long since time they acknowledge the Horde playerbase matters more than the Alliance does in regards to the Horde’s story.

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I play Alliance, and I am not terribly humored with Alliance writing. So, I would advise not speaking for other people. There are a lot of Alliance players unhappy with the writing direction, we just have different problems.


It’s sad they went along with it but nothing’s going to change that fact. The best thing for the Horde to do is move forward and do better.

And, honestly, building “good will” shouldn’t be a goal for the Horde. Trying to appease the Alliance is like trying to hike to the top of Everest wearing ice scates.

The Horde should do better because it’s A) Good for Azeroth (remember Saurfang died shouting “For Azeroth!” so this should become a Horde monicar) and B) Because it’s good for the Horde. Aggression against the Alliance has generally won them nothing, so they should really quit trying.

Didn’t I just say that creation of the Alliance is a good thing? I did, and you even quoted it.

Why are you being dishonest? :frowning:

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You are going to call me dishonest while saying the participation in a single battle (Of which the Horde had Alliance help) is somehow a greater contribution to Azeroth’s security than the formation of a World Power that has been involved in every World-saving conflict since it’s founding?

Hell, the Horde can’t even win their own civil wars without Alliance help…

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Then you don’t get to virtue signal about enslavement of a magical angelic species. That’d be hypocritical.

Weren’t you complaining in this very thread about insults?



So, an effective but uncomfortable means of information extraction that could save countless lives is somehow the same as the enslavement of an entire race for the explicit purposes of advancing the political and military power of the undead?

I said Treng was resorting to ad hominem, and he denied it. Here, I am resorting to ad hominem because I honestly believe it.

Akiyass is the same person, who claimed that the alliance genociding the horde would be a good and glorious thing. You’re wasting your breath.


When did I say that?

When we had the argument about the alliance mining azerite and you said it would perfectly okay for the alliance to genocide the horde with their new super weapons.

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You also complained about down playing. The hypocrisy keeps rolling.



I have never said that. Typically, when I am talking about Azerite, I say the Alliance was forced to mine it because the Horde was using it to develop weapons against them, which is an existential threat to Azeroth’s world soul.

Now, I might have said I would be okay with the Alliance showing some teeth and doing something morally ambiguous or even wrong. But that is in regards to story direction, not in regards to morality.

It’s not down playing, that is what it is.