Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Your argument seems to try to paint genn as bad as the Legion while ignoring everything Sylvanas was upto. Fact is that Sylvanas was upto no good and the Horde have no way of proving Genn didn’t know thus can’t demand he be punished without bringing up all the shady stuff sylvanas was doing as the warchief.

Especially at this current point in the story there is more evidence that Genn saved us all with his actions.

My argument is specifically stating that it doesn’t matter what Sylvanas was up to because she actively wasn’t violating the armistice betwixt the Horde and Alliance. He was harming a group that was not a member of the Alliance – and beyond the fact, Genn had no idea when he showed up.

He announced that the Alliance declared war on the Horde by attempting to assassinate the Warchief.

No? She has infinite mawsworn.

But she didn’t have infinite Valkyr while she was trying to get us to kill each other. That is the important difference, She likely would killed far more of us if she did.

I mean if two can power up Nathanos to stand against Tyrande imagine what an army could have done.

No but she was working against us during the Legion invasion. The argument that Genns attack was more detrimental when he stopped her from starting a war with the Vyrkul during a war with the Legion is silly. If the Horde Decided to commit to a war over it they would have been still seen as the Agressors.

Again its on the Horde to prove he didn’t know what she is upto and they have no way to do that.

The Horde can cry about it all they want about Genn not being punished however end of the Day he was right to try to try to kill her and we would have all be better off if he had.

Ironically Saurfang blamed Genn for the war however probably agrees with his motivations now while he’s getting tortured in the Maw after being killed by her.

What will make this never end is the refusal of Alliance players to admit that the Horde even has a leg to stand on here.

As long as you try to diminish and argue away what Horde players view as a legitimate point in their favor, you will never convince any of them of anything except Alliance player inability to be wrong in any way, shape, or form, an arrogance that is so immensely irritating it’s hard to even describe.


thats happened on both sides, allways, its not an “one way Ticket”, Jellex. And you know this.


Irony thy name is Jellex. Are you serious right now? I don’t even like the Alliance, but you can’t argue with the lore. The Horde player base needs to understand that either Blizzard writes the Horde as irredeemable villains, or they don’t. Can’t have it both ways just because it irks you every time an Alliance players uses the sheer fact of it to troll you.

I am much in favor of a darker, more morally ambiguous Alliance, however, there is a problem with that. That problem is evident with the Horde itself, and the degradation of Horde characters. I do not want my favorite characters to be villain batted and turned into a loot piñata anymore than you do.

So there are a few things Horde players are going to have to accept. Either the morally ambiguity of the Alliance will be written better than it has been for the Horde, or Warcraft’s writing will only continue down it’s destructive and unwanted path.


Not true.

Blizzard’s writing of the Horde has been a proverbial see-saw ever since Wrath when Garrosh started becoming relevant.

On one hand they constantly throw one character after another under the villain bus.

On the other hand, Blizzard has Horde players off fighting Old Gods to defend Zandalar, working with Alliance in Nazjatar and against N’Zoth, etc. On top of that, they have characters like Baine, Thrall, and Saurfang making nice with Alliance as well.

It’s clearly a case that Blizzard is plucking villains out of the Horde’s roster but they don’t want to villain bat the entire faction. By filling the Horde leadership with non-villains and making a council, it’s like they’re actually trying to remove the temptation to villainbat them again.


I mean, good deeds kind of fall short when they had been responsible for multiple genocides leading up to this point. The best thing the Horde has ever done for Azeroth’s security is united the Kingdoms to make the Alliance.

Really? I could have sworn they stood in defense of Mt. Hyjal along with humans and Night Elves to save Azeroth? :thinking:


Yeah… You know, after the destruction of the first and second war. After one of their Shaman’s became the Lich King and ravaged the world. After they had a civil war with the Warsong, of which the Alliance had to help them recover from… After that same Warsong drank demon blood and killed the Night Elves’ greatest Champion and historical enemy of the legion…

None of these things takes away from the fact that they were there at Hyjal.

Nor does any of your examples of Horde doing bad things take away from those times Horde did good things.


It kind of does, since they destruction they wrought is what brought the Legion to Hyjal to begin with.

If the races of Azeroth had been united before the Horde came, I do wonder if they would have been able to defend Azeroth on their own without suffering through the repeated trauma and losses fighting the Horde.

The issue is, they weren’t united before the Horde came. Which is why I say, the greatest thing the Horde has ever done for Azeroth’s security, is the forming of the Aliiance.


Maybe not.

Speculation on what “could have been” isn’t lore. Some like to claim that the night elves could have won if they had Cenarius fighting for them, which might have been true. I think it’s just as likely Cenarius could have been killed by Mannaroth, who, in case you forgot, was killed by Grom Hellscream, taking him out of the Legion’s arsenal.

We can speculate on this until we’re old and gray but in the end, what happened is still lore and the orcs were still instrumental in the defense of Mt. Hyjal and of Azeroth.


Not before killing Cenarius, untold amount of Night Elves, orcs, Tauren, Trolls, humans, Dwarves, gnomes and high Elves, who all fought to break Grom free of Mannoroth’s control.

I think the Legion won that trade off.

At the end of the day, the Horde has caused more damage than they have helped, I think that is pretty definitive.


Word of God, aka Blizzard, has repeatly stated that without the Horde, Azeroth isn’t surviving anything the Legion or any other world ending threat throws at it. This is a uncomfortable fact for a lot of posters on this forum apparently.


All the damage the Horde has done vs. the planet getting saved.


Yeah. You’re wrong.


Certain people like to forget that the Alliance isn’t exactly innocent either. And I would say overall, that the Horde has done more good than harm. But what do I know, I guess I didn’t buy the right shade of alliance blinders


Right, but they didn’t say if that was due to a lack of manpower, or a lack of unity. Which, again, is why I say, the greatest thing the Horde has done for the security of Azeroth, was the forming of the Alliance.

Right, thanks the Alliance is here to repeated save us from external threats like the Horde. And good on them for repeatedly helping the Horde with their own, internal struggles. Even if it gets a few Alliance settlements exterminated from time to time.

Blizzard specifically said that the human kingdoms would be too busy fighting amongst themselves to do anything about it.

Oh good… So I am right in saying the greatest thing the Horde has done for Azeroth’s security is the formation of the Alliance.