Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

You are absolutely right. You can even be a nice guy Sith Lord too. Man, having options is great.

The same could be said for the Horde then and their warchief picking fights with the strongest titan keeper who had the one item we needed to stop the legion.

Genn’s actions saved us, not doomed us.

You can’t punish the Alliance when his actions prevented us going to war with the Vyrkul and got us one of the strongest allies against the Legion.


There were. Genn broke the lantern.

Sure you can. He tried to assassinate the leader of a world power before he even knew about the lantern.

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By Dreadmoore’s armistice logic, Sylvanas didn’t have the grounds to hold anything against Genn any more because of her agreeing to an armistice with the Gathering at Arathi. Sylvanas even went so far as maintaining the armistice by killing her own Forsaken there and not attacking any Alliance participants.

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can you prove that? I mean out of the game we know he didn’t but fact was he could just say he found out from spies. He could also have the Diary from Aszuna to prove he knew.

I mean it was stupid that Anduin Chided him for it when he should have stated that he stopped sylvanas enslaving the Valkyr.

and that freed eyir. So whats your point? We know now she wasn’t intending to use the Valkyr to save the Forsaken or stop the Legion she wanted them for the power.

Yes. I’ve posted the imgur album umpteen times in this very thread. Search imgur, you’ll find it.

These things are not mutually exclusive. Every soul the Legion claims is a soul that the Maw does not.

Yes I know Genn didn’t know before the attack silly. I mean you couldn’t prove he didn’t know after stormheim in game. Sure if Sylvanas wasn’t being dodgy in stormheim he should be punished but she was so there isn’t anyway in game to prove he was not aware especially with the Diary turning up afterwards.

So you can’t expect him to be put on trial in game when he was proven right. There is no way for anyone ingame to claim he was wrong for stopping her or for Anduin to punish him As ultimately he was expected to act if she was upto something.

He finds out from you in Stormheim, doesn’t he? I know he eventually finds out, but I don’t remember how.

So you actually expect the Alliance player character to testify against him then? That is gonna be a stretch especially if he gets the Diary from Aszuna.

Besides the Horde have no way to prove that so they can’t demand him to be punished.

Not to mention any trial would bring up what sylvanas was doing in Stormheim so it would end up making the Horde look worse.

I mean… you’re supposed to be the good guys, aren’t you?

I’m unsure if that matters. If the Alliance wants to avoid war, they have to punish Genn at the minimum to show the other world power that they did not intend to assassinate its leader.

Though we aren’t idiots, why would we drag the Alliance through the mud for the Horde. I mean your warchief was doing shady stuff and he stopped her so why would we punish him?

No, the Alliance really doesn’t when his actions ended up assisting us in preventing the Legion killing us all. In fact the Horde would be lucky the Alliance didn’t Perceive the Sylvanas actions as more of a threat and actually declare war on the Horde.

You also have to remember this is after the Alliances King died because the Horde ran away from the fight. The Horde would need to prove that Sylvanas didn’t do that on purpose.

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This is not true, once again, as the Alliance circumvented this by showing that it wanted to avoid war by reaching out to try to start bridging connections between the undead and the living to establish lasting peace between the Alliance and Horde, which Sylvanas agreed to allow the Gathering for.

Something that Sylvanas probably didn’t want to have clarified, since overall it would have been in her interest to stoke as much tension between the Alliance and the Horde as possible for her upcoming war.

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You don’t know that they do. Again, Sylvanas loses if the Legion wins. The souls the Legion claims do not go to the Maw. They go to the Legion’s Soul Engines and other pet projects. There is absolutely no reason to assume that self-interested Sylvanas Windrunner wouldn’t use the Valkyr army to fight the Legion.

I mean, sure. That’s simple. Would Anduin like to see Vol’jin’s urn now, or later?

Plainly, so that something like Teldrassil does not occur.

Again that is a stretch and no way to prove that. You are the one wanting him to be punished in game. It would be on the Horde to prove that she had a better plan to fight the Legion.

The Alliance however can prove that the got the Vyrkul and keepers on our side and got the Shield from them. All of which would have been impossible if Sylvanas had succeeded.

Besides the verdict would be overturned by now and Genn would be exonerated based on what we know Sylvanas was up to.

What does that prove? Nothing. Just cause your warchief was injured doesn’t mean all the Horde had to turn tail and run leaving the Alliance Surrounded without warning.

Not to mention we know now it was again Sylvanas’s bosses manipulations that made Vol’jin die.

Teldrassil occurred because the Horde are easily manipulated into war. If saurfang actually understood Genn and what Sylvanas had done to his Son I would presume he actually would have agreed with Genn’s actions. If he had known what Sylvanas was upto in Stormheim He would have agreed with Genn.

He was just an old Idiot who just lusted after a glorious death who was happy to overlook all the terrible things the horde were doing to get what he wanted.

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The Legion has been soul stealing since WC1.

Odyn’s not that hard to beat up.
His son wasn’t either.

I don’t think you understand how appeasing world powers works.
If you send someone to assassinate the leader of a world power, you announce: I declare war on you.
If you do not make reparations, war will be carried out. And it was. Saurfang could not be convinced to move the Horde’s troops to war until he was reminded that War Dog Genn Greymane was in Anduin’s ear.

And so the Horde marched.

And so the Elves died.

You’re being obscenely disingenuous, but I’ll make this even easier for you:
Anduin will never disbelieve his pet Tauren. His pet Tauren would confirm that the Horde was about to die.

Saurfang could not be convinced to move the Horde’s troops to war until he was reminded that War Dog Genn Greymane was in Anduin’s ear.

Considering Sylvanas did nothing to prevent the Legion from winning for the rest of the expansion, and instead spent all her time screaming at Horde players to attack the Gilneans at the Warden Towers, this idea that Sylvanas was invested in defeating the Legion doesn’t have much supporting it.

Sylvanas probably would not have wanted anyone looking into Vol’jin’s death for the risk of discovering Mueh’zala’s involvement and the Jailer’s plans connected to it all.

And Saurfang ultimately paid for his misjudgement of Genn and Sylvanas with the desecration of the Horde that took teaming up with Genn and Sarfang sacrificing his own life to make up for.


So your argument is because the legion also uses souls its fine for Sylvanas to work for the Jailer and send all our souls to the Maw? Thats a pretty stupid argument.

Neither is anyone for the PC I mean even the jailer will end up a chump at the end of the day. From a Lore perspective he is the most powerful Keeper and can blow legion ships out of the sky.

Again your ignoring the Fact that your leader was working against all of us in trying stopping the Legion, even your character. If the Horde started making demands like that it would be laughed at by all of Azeroth.

You also still have to prove Genn Didn’t know Sylvanas shady plans before hand which the Horde can’t.

Yet, he still didnt completely believe Baine and asked Sylvanas himself if she left on purpose to make Varian died. Which now we know she lied about.

Yet again this is the problem Saurfang doesn’t trust Sylvanas and understands she is manipulative. He has never met Genn or but seems to have a very narrow perspective.

So the answer is simple he allowed himself be manipulated as he wanted his warriors death and this was his way to get it. Its literally why the short story is called “a good war”.

I’m stating that you cannot say that just because Sylvanas was trying to enslave the Valkyr, that she was going to leave us to the Legion. That doesn’t fit her MO given everything we know about the souls she needs in the Maw, which will not go to the Maw if the Legion gets them first.

So can high mountain poop.

See above.
Your argument is that Sylvanas intends for everyone to die to the Legion. Categorically untrue. The Legion keeps the souls it kills.

He never asked Baine at all, did he?

Which goes to show how damning having War Dog Genn Greymane in Anduin’s ear is. Saurfang knows Sylvanas is manipulative. He also knows the Alliance approves of killing Horde at any time, including when the entire World will become Soul Engine Food.

Yet he has never met the man so how would he know what kind of man Genn is or his motivations? He is an idiot who was easily manipulated by Sylvanas.

Its easy to see that Saurfang is only aware of Genns attack on sylvanas in the story but there is no mention of what sylvanas was upto which meant she wanted that kept quite. Likely this is why she never demanded reperations she didn’t want it coming up.

He saw that Genn didn’t care if every living soul in Azeroth – including his own daughter – was soul-enslaved by the Burning Legion as long as he got a chance to kill Sylvanas.

if you remember, he was wrong. Sylvanas wasn’t aboard the ships.