Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

They had to play up just how cartoonishly evil Sylvanas was in order to get us all on board with MOP 2.0

I don’t care what the justifications themselves are. I care that the Horde doesn’t get any. Taurajo and Purge of Dalaran are literally the only things the Horde can point to and both Alliance posters and Blizzard’s own writing have answered - “Yeah, but you did X, so shut up.”

So it’s either never-ending redemption that will never happen… or just become the Sith Empire.

I don’t like getting hit with the villain bat and then told by my own faction leaders I should feel bad about it. If I’m going to be forced to be the Sith Empire, then keep Sylvanas and Nathanos around and get rid of Baine so we get praised for being the baddies.


They were attacking no matter the circumstances. it’s right there.


You don’t get to brutalize the Alliance faction and feel good about it.

And rightfully so, given the circumstances.

You don’t get to ignore all context and use that narrow view to justify starting a war.


As mentioned before, the Alliance had reason to suspect Sylvanas was up to something shady.

*As you lied before.

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Pfft, someone’s obviously never played the Sith in SWTOR. Plenty of opportunities to be blackhearted evil and the NPCs praise and glorify your actions.

Blizzard just can’t decide if they want the Horde to be villains or heroes and the Horde players suffer for it.


It does matter. Motives are important here. The Alliance had no clue what Sylvanas was up to, they only knew she was going somewhere and made assumptions. Assumptions might have turned out to be correct, but that doesn’t change the fact that Greymane didn’t care about the val’kyr. He just wanted to claw Sylvanas’s face off.

Him smashing that lantern and setting Eir free was simply an “F U” to Sylvanas.

I’d like to think them making a Horde Council and removing all outright villain characters from Horde leadership are them taking active steps to not villainbat the Horde anymore.

People think they’ll just try again in the next two or three expansions, and they might be right. That would feel like Blizzard openly trolling Horde players though.

Darth Nox FTW.


Yeah, I liked the Sith Inquisitor story more than the Sith Warrior… granted I haven’t finished the Warrior story yet.

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It’s easy to write everything you disagree with as a lie. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make you right. You Horde bias is once again, making you look silly.

I played an Imperial Agent.

In Warcraft, it is different. In SWTOR, the story telling is separate and distant. You never seen land that was yours just last expansion, get burned and destroyed.

Playing the republic, you are not repeatedly forced to be merciful to those who invaded your lands, and genocided your people. You want the Horde to just be villains? Fine… Just do not get made when the Story makes the Alliance the good guys, and unapologetically kills your leaders and razes your villages.

Yes, they are… And you can talk about Genn’s motives as soon as you address what the Horde’s Warcheif was in Stormheim for.

Not true, the Alliance was tipped off she was up to something from a missive they found in Azuna. No assumptions, they knew she was up to something.

That would make them the bad guys.

Not if the Horde were the bad guys.

If such is the case, then it is just bad guys getting what they deserve.

Good to see you’re still excellent at putting words in people’s mouths. I literally don’t care about this strawman you’ve created. I don’t give two figs about the pixels on the screen.

I’ve stated multiple times that if the Horde suppose to be the villains, then characters like Baine need to be removed from the faction and characters like Sylvanas made more prevelant.


I’m not writing everything I disagree with as a lie. You lied and stated Genn knew. I provided factual canonical proof that he didn’t. You will continue to lie unabashedly because you aren’t arguing honestly and objectively.


That is literally all you do. That is your defense every time someone disagrees with you. You throw a tantrum in the thread, resort to ad hominem and virtue signaling, and try to ware down the opposition with rapid-fire posting that completely derails conversation. You are basically the Horde equivalent to Kat, congratulations.

Unfortunately, I have no disciplen. Otherwise, I would do everyone a favor and just ignore you. It’s not like we will ever have a productive conversation ever.

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I can talk about Genn’s motives regardless.

All they knew was that she was going to Stormheim. The assumption was that because Sylvanas is going somewhere she must be up to something. Given Sylvanas this is an easy assumption to make but it’s still an assumption.

If the Alliance break the aggreed upon armistice to get revenge, that would make them the villains of that arc. This stance is based off of Blizzard’s theme that people who start wars, for whatever reason, are bad guys.

Daelin Proudmoore started war for revenge and he’s recognized as a villain in the lore now.


Firstly, ad hominem is specifically only in relation to the poster and not the poster’s argument. My denouncement of your lies is because you have seen proof that you are wrong, but you continue to lie rather than admit that you’re wrong.


My Sith Inquistor approves.

How? I found it and gave it to a nice Forsaken person.


Genn does not comment on the Fate of the Queen’s Reprisal. Anduin does not send him due to the Queen’s Reprisal. Genn states he goes there intending to find something worth killing her over.

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You can, but that doesn’t make it relevant.

No, the missive specifically mentions enslavement. Of what? not sure, the ink was smudge. But the Alliance KNEW she was going to Stormheim to enslave someone or something. Anduin specifically sends the Alliance champion to investigate.

Did you not read the context of that post? I was responding to someone who said they want to Horde to be the unredeemable villains, and be praised for being such.

I was specifically responding under the mutually agreed upon condition that the Horde were the villains…

Yeah, and calling someone a liar is just that. There is no assumption of good faith. There is not sportsmanship in disagreement. You are just a bully.

And I found it and gave it to an Alliance person.

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