Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Because you again cut out context to fit your argument I will quote myself because you utterly refuse to argue honestly:

No I did not. What you provided did not prove any of my claims false in any regard. You are just being a bully because I do not blindly accept your reasoning.

You’re just digging a hole for yourself. The more you debate dishonestly, the less people are going to trust anything you post.

And that is why the whole thing is ambiguous. Both sides can say they got the book. Until Blizzard states otherwise, it’s up in the air. There is no canon statement that states one side or the other got the book.


It isn’t even ambiguous because Anduin, Genn, and Admiral KillHorde are completely unaware of it.


Only thing I can think of is that recovering the note is non-canon since it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in any way until the final moment when Genn finally catches Sylvanas in the act, but by then he’s already attacked the horde fleet long ago.

I don’t get why it isn’t enough of a justification that he was retroactively proven right because Sylvanas couldn’t help being Sylvanas.


I am not debating dishonestly. You are just failing to debunk my claims.

Or both sides got a book saying the same thing?

It is the only way it makes sense. Anduin had no reason to suspect Sylvanas of anything UNLESS that quest is present to provide the context.

Unless you honestly believe that Anduin has a racist bias against the Horde? Which goes against everything we know about the character.

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This is a lie.

See, easy to just say something is a lie when your own ability falls utterly short. Maybe you have an ego problem.

Besides her leaving his father to die.

Anduin is the perfect, golden, angel boy who is perfectly understanding and forgiving, and never jumps to conclusions, remember?

or do Horde fans suddenly think Anduin is realistic and well written?

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Where’s the racist bit coming from? Personally I don’t get it. It’s perfectly understandable for everyone to distrust Sylvanas, given who she is.

I’d even go so far as to say that she could theoretically have NEVER done anything wrong in all of WoW but, simply due to the nature of undeath and the horde bolting at the Broken Shore, I think it would have made sense for Anduin to want Sylvanas to be watched.

Edit: Personally that’s why I was super disappointed that it turned out Sylvanas was Doing A Bad in Stormheim after all. It would have been poetic and fully understandable that Sylvanas’s crows finally come home to roost and screw over an innocent objective because of the name she’s made for herself. But then Ghost Lamp and BFA happens and DAMN IT Blizzard.


That sure is an opinion.

No. I just think he lost his dad to the Legion and thought Sylvanas might be behind it. He certasinly 100% is unaware of the note as he does not send Genn over it, Genn is not made aware of it, and Admiral KillHorde not only doesn’t know about it, she’s just going to kill Horde.

I agree.

Horde always has to be the wind up villain for the Alliance to heroically defeat.

You can’t make that assertion. We know, the canonical order of the zones is Clockwise from Azuna to Stormheim. So, even if you want to say he is unaware of the note, there is still a margin of error in that statement.

Me throwing you the softest ball, we have to at least assume that he -could- know of the note.

And even if he didn’t… As Sarm said, is it not enough that his and Genn’s suspicions were proven correct retroactively? We all know what she was there to do, and anyone making justifications for it is delusional.

Hell, back in Legion, I liked Sylvanas. I was cheering her on in Stormheim. But I never thought what she was doing was right. Nor Genn was in the wrong for standing in her way. Regardless of what he might or might not know.

I can. Genn is not aware of the note. He is blithely unaware of any wrong doing and states he is going out there “to find something wrong” because “He’s not in the habit of not killing prey he’s hunting.”



Neither does you saying “It’s irrelevant” make it so.

See how that works? You can have your opinions but they don’t really have much influence on what the lore is or isn’t. Sylvanas did wrong in Stormheim but this doesn’t wash away Greymane’s less-than-heroic motives behind his attack.

No it doesn’t. It says she’s going to steal something’s power, but it says nothing about enslaving anything.

I admit that the idea of Sylvanas wanting to steal power is a good motivation for investigating but this doesn’t make Genn’s motives any more pure.

So you admit that if Alliance broke the current armistice and attack the Horde for revenge that they’d be the villains?


You can’t. He doesn’t mention it, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know. Even less so, that doesn’t mean Anduin doesn’t know.

So you can’t make that assertion.

In this case it does. It is irrelevant, and you tendency to willfully ignore inconvenient truths doesn’t mean you are correct. In fact, it means you are woefully incorrect.

Pretty sure the word enslave is in the actually text.

That has nothing to do with what i was talking about but, but if you want to talk about this we can.

There is not evidence that there was an armistice, aside from the one signed at the end of MoP, which the Horde broke by attacking Alliance researchers in Ashran.

Come Legion, we see the Horde and Alliance are not fighting for the sake of combating the Legion threat. But t doesn’t go beyond that, the most we can assume is that there is an unspoken ceasefire. Considering their history of joining forces to fight the Legion, there is a precedent set for this very thing.

But even if there was an armistice signed (just to reaffirm, no such thing was signed), the Alliance has every reason to suspect Sylvanas was up to something. First, by what was found in Azuna. If you do not accept that, then the second reason is the sheer fact that it’s Sylvanas. Regardless, the Alliance is proven correct to be suspicious.

So, even if the Alliance broke a treaty. Doing so to save the Val’kyr from enslavement and denying Sylvanas more power to further deny people the release of death, and disrupt the natural order for the sake of her own political and military might…

To me, that sounds like the good guys stopping the bad guys… again.

edit: I typed this on my phone. So excuse errors.

There is no mention of enslavement anywhere in the missive.

<… ing Legion repelled from Orgrim…>

<… on the Broken Shore. I have every faith that my crew will bring glory to the forsaken and make the Dark Lady proud. We’re half a da…>

<… barely survived. Queen Sylvanas has ordered the fleet to make way for Stormheim. I have a staff meeting with Admiral Harker on the Windrunner in an h…>

<… teresting to be certain. The queen is going to steal the very power of the v… or herself!>

<… separated by a massive storm. I’ve given the order to batten down the hatches and weather it. There’s no sign of the fleet. Once the… [illegible text] … we’ll catch up and rendezvous at the…>

Furthermore, by the Alliance’s own admission, they had no clue what Sylvanas was doing up until the very end of the zone when she’s confronted with Eyir.

Edit: Wanted to add sources, but no trust level


Okay, I misremembered the text. Even still, “Steel the power of the V… … or herself!” Is pretty cut and dry, when Stormheim is home to the Val’kyr, and Sylvanas has a precedent of using Val’kyr to bolster her ranks.

They didn’t know the specifics, that doesn’t mean they didn’t know she was planning something devious. That doesn’t discredit the possibility that the Alliance was perusing her Specifically because of what they found in Azuna.

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