Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Whether they “knew” Sylvanas was up to something or not, Alliance were still going to attack at Stormheim. After Broken Shore, Greymane was itching for a fight.


Posting this more for others, since I already know you will continue lying about it.

Sure it does. You lied and stated that Azsuna canonically takes place before Stormheim and the Alliance is going out because they discovered Sylvanas had a dastardly plan. Meanwhile, the actual events of the game make it plain that they’re just going to kill her and haven’t caught her doing anything.

Man, if only the in-game Alliance was as radical as some of its forum posters. Would be a far more interesting story. Almost thought I was reading a discussion on the Imperial Inquisition from WH40K.


Nothing there debunks anything I have said.

Yeah it’s pretty clear that Greymane didn’t give one hoot whether or not Sylvanas was up to something. He was out for blood, pure and simple.


It does

She did

Because she had a dastardly plan

Because she had yet to do what she had planned.

His personal motivations don’t matter. What matters is the Alliance had reason to suspect she was up to something devious.

I don’t know why people keep trying to defend Greymane’s actions. Him acting out of anger and vengeance against Anduin’s explicit orders makes for a more compelling and interesting story instead of the trash fire of “Alliance good, Horde bad” that’s constantly given to us.


It’s like peple want a stupid story…

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He would have attacked even if they suspected that she was only there to plant flowers. It simply didn’t matter. He wanted revenge for Varian and his son as well so there was nothing anyone could do to stop Greymane from going on the offensive.

The idea that Alliance does something wrong apparently gives some people tourettes.


I am not sure why people keep trying to defend Sylvanas.

She -was- trying to enslave all the Val’kyr. She is the one of Azeroth’s worst war criminals.

If anyone is guilty of turning this into faction morality P-measuring contest, it the Horde desperately trying to, once again, downplay the misdeeds of their characters…

But that wasn’t what she was there to do. And the Alliance had evidence of that.

I’m not downplaying anything. I just find it funny that many in the Alliance want to get their “justice” against the Horde, but whenever one of their characters does something a bit questionable there’s a slough of white knights coming out to whitewash it.

If it was up to me, writers like Golden would’ve been shown the door and some of the Warhammer writers would’ve been brought in. At least then we would’ve gotten the “morally gray” war that Blizzard tried and failed to do.


No one’s saying Sylvanas didn’t deserve it, and if they are saying that, they’d be wrong. And Greymane did a good thing in preventing her from enslaving the val’kyr. However, lore events support the idea that even if the Alliance knew Sylvanas was up to something, Greymane wouldn’t have cared one way or another.


I did like William King’s Illidan novel.

I am all for a morally grey Alliance. But that is not how it has been written. It is funny to me that Horde Players keep saying Blizzard makes the Alliance too morally justified in their writing, but then acts like the Alliance never had justification for anything it does.

I don’t doubt that, but I don’t think it matters. Horde players bring it up as justification for the War of Thorns, completely ignoring what Sylvanas was in Stormheim to do, and ignoring the quest in Azuna that gave the Alliance reason to stop her.

That is why Anduin specifically requests the Alliance Champion to go to Stormheim and investigate, which is a detail Treng conveniently leaves out with his screenshots.

The line Sylvanas gives Saurfang to convince him to go to war, conveniently leaves out what Sylvanas was doing in Stormheim to begin with. if Saurfang knew, do you think he would have agreed to go to war? I somehow doubt it, making him slightly less gullible than Horde players, who KNOW the truth, and still buy into her line of BS.

I’m more of the mind that Blizzard gives too much justification to the Alliance and nearly none to the Horde. The Horde’s never allowed to feel good about themselves. It’s stuck in this never ending quest for redemption that the writers will never let them have.

If I’m being forced to play the villain, at least get rid of characters like Baine and bring in more Nathanos to praise me for being ruthless and cold.


That is how a lot of Horde players think. They will say the Alliance is too often justified, but they wont acknowledge any of the justifications.

And it is entirely from a place of bitterness. Horde players don’t want to admit the Alliance is justified because they would then have to admit the Horde were doing something they shouldn’t have been doing.

But they don’t like Blizzard’s writing direction for the Horde, so they have to say the Alliance is justified. Alliance posters are just not allowed to agree.

It’s a paradox. Horde players stuck in a place between faction pride and nothing to be proud about. So it is externalized as “The Alliance is always bad, even when they aren’t.”


I don’t know. Maybe? Sylvanas’ cover story for capturing Val’kyr was to have a way for Forsaken to proliferate (a cover story even Greymane believed judging by his “You took my future so I take yours” comment). It’s not until now that we learn she was doing it for the Jailor.

It could be argued that Greymane’s open attack gave credibility to Sylvanas’s reasoning that the Alliance would eventually start a war with the Horde, which was one of her big selling points on the War of Thorns.

I’m so happy I stayed out of War of Thorns on my toons. :slight_smile:

I always wondered why there were no moments of Horde fighting Alliance attacks in Zandalar while Alliance players had Brenedan. Even the Horde war campaign through 8.0 was maybe 20% fighting Alliance. The rest was skulking about, fighting pirates, fighting Ashvane loyalists, or fighting corrupt tidesages.


Which, even that most people on Azeroth disagree with. Garrosh compared her to the Lich King with that reason, and perhaps rightfully so. Denying people the release of death for the sake of her own political and military might.

Only by omitting what she was there to do. Enslave an entire race of angelic beings. If you think Saurfang would have been okay with that, you are delusional. Given that information, Saurfang would have never attacked Ashenvale.

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I don’t know why I’m bothering, but there is a reason why trying to use the captain’s log from Aszuna as justification for Genn’s attack on the Forsaken fleet is a problem.

My Horde characters got the log, too. Blizzard has not stated one way or the other about who got the book. And I just went back through those Alliance quests again recently and paid attention to the dialogue. Alliance doesn’t have a clue what Sylvanas is doing.

Genn and Rogers wanted blood. They didn’t care about orders or anything. They were going to attack once they spotted the fleet.


As stated, Greymane would have attacked Sylvanas no matter what Sylvanas was doing. She might have been there to do bad, but it was still an open attack for no other reason than “Horde Bad and I’m Mad”.

Given this, the Horde thinking that the Alliance want to exterminate the Horde isn’t exactly unfounded. Sylvanas just used these concerns to get what she wanted.

Anduin: “Sylvanas is on the move to Stormheim. She might be up to something. Genn, Rogers, take the fleet and investigate.”
Greymane’s just replaced “investigate” with “exterminate”.


Anduin sends the Champion to investigate. It is not explained why, but it implies secrecy, and a reason why they would pursue Sylvanas. Considering Ian had said the most canonical rout was clockwise from Azuna to Stormheim, it make complete sense that it was this tip-off is the reason why the Alliance is concerned about Sylvanas being in Stormheim at all.

With Horde having a presence literally everywhere else on the Island, it doesn’t make sense that the Alliance, Anduin specifically, would care about Sylvanas’ whereabouts.

It doesn’t matter. You can’t say what Genn would have done, all you can say what he did do. He stopped the Horde Warcheif from enslaving an entire angelic race.

Had Saurfang had known, he would have never supported her war. Which means she intentionally omitted that detail, because it justifies the Alliance’s actions. She wasn’t making a real case to go to war, she was manipulating Saurfang….

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