Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Sure, but it’s really just your perception, not the reality. You are speaking so generally, as if these powers, Trolls or otherwise, are monolith hive minds, and it is complete unacceptable to portray them in a way other than how you would prefer they be portrayed monolithically.

Blizzard doesn’t justify anything when it comes to the trolls and their empire. It shows a conflict, more often from the perspective of the player character, who is either attached to the Alliance and Horde. Of course from the perspective of a Dwarf in the Dwarf Starting zone, things are going to be framed in a way that makes the Dwarves look innocent. Of course from the perspective of a Blood Elf, in the Blood Elf starting zone, it’s going to be framed in a way that makes the Blood Elf seem innocent. That is the perspective of the player character.

And even then, it’s the softest damn ball. Zul’jinn’s “Villain” monologue was hardly villainous. It was a man literally listing the atrocities done to him. He was framed as the victim in that scenario in every possible way.

For so many other Troll encounters, there isn’t a framing at all.

So, that is what I am saying. You make these hella long posts making declarative statements, completely unsupported. At the end of it, your argument is this.

“Trolls lose and they shouldn’t.”
“The story should be framed in the way I would like it to be.”

Which, okay, fair enough. But don’t put that idea forward as if there is any objectivity to it.

And that has been extremely harmful to the Kaldorei cultural roots as the Savage, Amazon Wood Elves they originally were.

You can cry and moan about how bad Trolls have been treated, but the moment you elevate Night Elves to a position of a Dev-favored race, you lose all credibility. At least the Trolls still have their culture, Night Elves are being made into Tolkein Elves with every bit of Lore Blizzard adds.

Night Elves barely have a culture left.

Again, don’t say Blizzard’s Human bias translates into Night Elf bias. Human/Orc bias has been the most damaging thing to the Night Elf story.

Right, and after years of being the punching bag for the sake of Horde story telling, the majority of Nelf players, at least OG nelf RPers, have completely left the game.

Again, I am not saying the story is good. I am rejecting your assertion that it has been good for Night Elves. It hasn’t.

I am also rejecting your assertion of racial codification and Blizzard showing bias towards European Colonial coded races. It’s not nearly that deep. Blizzard makes call backs to their Orcs vs Humans franchise. So it’s Orc vs Human storytelling that takes president over everyone else, including elves and trolls.

Again, I think it is incredibly offensive to suggest what you are suggesting, for reasons I have already stated.

No, he wasn’t. Stop with the declarative statements, and provide proof. You have failed to do so with any and all claims you have made.

Garrosh didn’t even do what he was accused of. That completely sinks your claim that he was already being portrayed as a villain. How are you going to blame Garrosh for something he didn’t do, and somehow use that as evidence for his villainy? That doesn’t make any sense.

Secondly, there was no Nelf sympathy in Cata, save for maybe Darkshore. Which was just the aftermath of the Cataclsym itself, nothing to do with the Horde.

The Horde got to seizes Nelf territory, deforest large areas of Nelf forest, and terraform entire Nelf regions. Blizzard didn’t frame it one way or another. It was a defeat on Alliance side and a victory on Horde side. That’s it.

And even if it was framed the way you claim, why are you acting like thats a good thing Nelves? You think it’s somehow a good thing to be the prime target of a pity party for the sake of other races’ storylines? You think getting entire zones set on fire is something nelf fans wanted?

Once again, you are making declarative statements completely without evidence.

Like you can’t do the same to determine they are not children.
Like their DIalogue:
“Killing you be easy!”
“I’m gunna make you into Mojo!”
“My weapon be thirsty!”
“You be dead soon!”

And what they drop, such as several weapons, leather and chain armor. And the fact their model is the hulking, muscular, Amani Troll model.

They aren’t children. They are warriors.

That has only ever happened in War of Thorns. Cata, most everything bad that happened to Nelves had nothing to do with the main story. Even on Alliance side, you just stumble upon these territories razed by Horde troops during questing. Acting like it’s being intentionally framed to guilt trip you is completely baseless. War of Thorns was the first time that happened, and the ultimate result was the majority of the Night Elf RP community quitting the game.

Are you insane? Night Elves get nothing. The only thing a Nelf player can typically look forward too is a Cenarian Circle outpost, which now includes Tauren, Trolls, Kul Tirans, Worgen, and Zandalari.

Cata gave us Hyjal, sure. Which can go down in history as the place Thrall got married. And is also one big Cenarian Circle zone, so that’s still not even Nelf specific. And of course, Blizz couldn’t give us a Zone that wasn’t on fire during Cata.

I have already explained to you the problem Nelf players have with Legion. Suramar was nelf lore, now more tied to Blood Elves than it is to Nelves. Just another part of Nelf Lore that Blizzard had to rewrite into Horde lore.

At his point, I would rather Nelves had been forgotten like the Draenei or Tauren. Least they get to keep what’s theirs. Every time Blizzard sets their eyes on the Night Elves, it feels like the eye of Sauron.

There is actually a really good post that, I thought, summed up the feelings of Nelf fans. I encourage you to read it, because your perception of how Nelves are treated by Blizzard is way off.

Oh please, Illidan is the ultimate nelf outlier. He is the antithesis to Nelf culture. Why the hell would nelf fans care about that edgy incel? The dude is basically the personification of would-be school shooter wish fulfillment.

Saying Illidan is nelf-player pandering is like saying Sylvanas in BfA is Forsaken player pandering. Except not even that, because Sylvanas was actually cool at one time.

No, it had it’s armies destroyed by the Tol’vir, and was since unable to fortified it’s vast holdings. The Nelves had nothing to do with the empire’s collapse. They made a bad call by allying themselves with Lei’shen.

They could of… from where I sit, the races who have had their lore mostly ignored has had it off far better than the Night Elves. Especially the Zandalari in BfA. Dazar’alore is basically everything Nelf players wanted for Suramar City. But no… We got a grape flavored Silvermoon.

Well, if all you do is make declarative statements without backing anything up, then why should I but forward the effort?