I think it’s the outfit. I’m not even joking. I actually really do like Calia being added to the story, but this outfit really is a bit much. For someone who was naught but a humble priest, desperate to remain unknown until very recently, who is trying to sell herself as just one of the people, wanting to now find her place among the forsaken, her outfit really feels out of place to me. It’s very extravagant and audacious. It feels like there’s a disconnect between who they tell us she is and how she appears.
I love the look in its own right. I think it’s a super cool design. And if they wanted to add it as a priest tier or even cosmetic set I would be all over it. But I really think they should give her a new look.
Yeah, it looks fine. Who ever did the model did a great job. But, that’s not the issue. The issue is that she’s being shoehorned into the Horde and the Forsaken and she doesn’t fit.
She feels like an apology to people who hated Sylvanas. Everything about her is the opposite of Sylvanas.
Calia raised by the Light, Sylvanas by Necromancy.
Calia wants to heal the world and give hugs to all the wounded animals of the world… Sylvanas did not care about that crap and didn’t have time for your issues.
Basically, Calia is a bland barby version of Sylvanas, and it’s almost insulting that the writers think she belongs with the Horde or especially the Forsaken.
I don’t think it’s the dress although I agree it doesn’t help.
I think it’s the fact she’s not a zombie and an obvious replacement for Sylvanas as the “undead eye candy.” Also, at least with Sylvanas she experienced and understood what the Forsaken went through. Calia just fluttered in like a Light butterfly.
Well sure. I’m not trying to suggest no one has other legitimate reasons for disliking her. This is just something that I realised was bothering me about her while replaying the lordaeron quest last night. Like I said, it feels at odds with her trying to find a place among the forsaken. So in that way I agree that she doesn’t fit.
The problem with her outfit is she chose a Stormwind tailor instead of one from Lordaeron. How can the Forsaken respect her if she won’t even buy local?
No, but you do make a very good point about what her outfit says about her. She claims that she doesn’t want the throne, but looks the part. She looks like a queen.
My only hope out of all of this Calia stuff… is that she ends up being incredibly evil. Do this Blizzard, and I’ll be happy. Make her more complex than wanting to save the world, one wounded animal at a time.
Preface: I know admittedly next to nothing about alot of recent lore/character progression.
Just a thought, wondering if these issues only exist because of an apparent skipped patch. Wondering if there was character progression in that patch for Calia that would bridge the disconnects.
Imo, the forsaken should have been able to figure it out on their own. They didn’t need Calia to swoop in and magically save them. Calia hasn’t done anything of note to deserve to be on a council of any kind.
Again, this could have been an opportunity for Blizz to do some character development within the forsaken but they chose to dump Calia on us instead.
I think it would be interesting, and would help changes some minds about her place among the Forsaken, if Blizzard would have her show a bit of backbone…and perhaps, reveal a tinge of darkness.
Her demeanor seems to be that of a Holy priest. Make her Discipline instead…meaning, have her exert a bit of dominance after assuming her new position of authority, using shadow magic. If they see she isn’t a pushover that can be messed with, then the Forsaken just might consider her worthy of being their new ‘Lady’.