Why don't guards attack Horde?

In gadgetzan if horde attack you guards do nothing but if alliance attack they jump on them also in lights hope the guards do nothing

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If this is actually happening… :rofl:


Better question is: How come factions you have high rep with don’t help you if you’re attacked by players with lower rep?


How do you know their rep?

They know they ally with us in the future sooooooooooooo…

Not sure. A rogue jumped me and when stun broke I gouged him. Guards came over and rofl’d me.

LHC guards are not fighting horde this is a MAJOR BUG.
wtf happened?

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The NPCs should be able to tell, no?

With the amount of wah threads, I can no longer tell the bug threads.

I was killed by a Gad guard today. I have a feeling this is wah, but if not get a ss and post on the bug forum.

I was pvping in Lights hope.

The guards did not fight for anybody.

They killed like one mage but that was it.

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Last night a 60 rogue jumped me while I was right in front of a guard at LHC. The guard completely ignored it. I didn’t play on PVP servers before the Cata revamp of LHC, but post revamp they deleted anyone attacking the other faction.

Slips a Goblin a $20

What? Can’t be!


Wrong. Ten chars

They only fight for you if you are revered with them

Honest? or you teasing?

I don’t think that’s accurate. In Vanilla they stomped anyone, even if you were neutral.

The whole point of a neutral area is to keep it neutral.

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From what I have been told, you have to be a certain reputation for those guards to defend for you.

I think they may be bugged though. I think it is a combination of them being bugged AND them only fighting for you at a certain reputation that makes them unresponsive 90% of the time.

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sounds like a plausible bug.
Dont think as intended, would give an urgency to farm rep though.
Hopefully some useful bug reports have been sent

Must be a bug. Every time I’ve tried to PvP in Gadgetzan, a swarm of little green guys have chased me out of town with clubs.