Why don’t you raid?

'Ate people.
Raid’s got well more people than M+.
Simple as.


I came back too late to make the cut. Been doing M+ to gear, and will probably try to wiggle into some fated groups in season 4.

It’s much harder to jump into raiding so late in the expansion now - especially when there is no reason to do older tiers or even go for the loot.


where modern raid went south IMO. why I like my legacy runs. I may not get the mount or boss mog I wanted. But I leave with stuff. get like 10 boe greens ones has to be a new one. or…its gold on sale lol.

right now in tbcc on many servers there is at least 1 crew running a SWP trash mob run as I write this. Can be a gdkp.

they are literally in the raid to kill only trash.

why tbh…I may get raid aspirations in wrath.

100 gold buy in. bid say 800 on stuff. lose. get 1200 on pot split. at least I got 300 gold out of the deal. retail raid doesn’t even pay out 300 gold. and in SL…we saved the universe. not a planet. the universe…

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Or the opposite where the “make me a sammich” bros try to impress each other. :roll_eyes:


Cool name lol

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Raiding is a massive time investment, in terms of single blocks of time, and if you’re involved in the group’s leadership in some way, even more so.

This is fine if it’s both fun and rewarding.

Currently, it is fun and not at all rewarding unless you’re pushing Mythic fairly early. Given that I’ve always been a Heroic Raider (in current terms), that does not include me.

I finally quit raiding regularly halfway through BfA. I stuck around for longer than I really felt it was worthwhile solely because of the people I was raiding with, but eventually the disparity between Raid and M+ rewards got me to pull the plug.

Nothing major has changed since then. M+ still has Raiding neutered in the gearing department. A specific OP Trinket or whatever is NOT a good enough reason to prog and farm an entire raid when M+ is significantly easier, faster, and overall more efficient for general gearing.

M+ brought gearing from a multi-month process to a multi-week process and in that environment, Raiding serves no real purpose for power progression, which is mostly what keeps me interested in this game to begin with.


Time commitment, unrewarding gear drops, punishing fights and mechanics, strict barrier to entry.


Same reason I don’t do dungeons or pvp; I’m old and crap. The harder I try not to screw up, the more likely I’ll screw up. And the absolute last thing I need is a giant spotlight on me for it.


Hard to find 20 friends that can play the game at a decent level.


I raid sometimes but the ‘scheduling my RL around a video game’ and ‘wait times forming groups’ and ‘a lot of time spent sometimes for zero loot’ always gets me in the end

LFR is my usual endgame, plus pvp stuff

that’s why i miss the original founders vision with titanforging and bad luck protection vendors where i could chase tier in LFR and a few pieces of raid gear from the vendors

I loathe questing with a passion, most boring thing imaginable after playing wow since the level 60 days. Sometimes the world is kind of interesting but the last time I really found that to be true was Pandaria

oh yeah, and nowadays regular raiding expects members to grind M+ every week which also bores me to tears

same dungeons for two years when they got old after doing the heroic versions on launch a bunch of times. Making them more annoying and manual grouping doesn’t make them less boring. Add in crap drop rates and a reliance on the vault and the whole experience is bad. Intended to manipulate players into extra grind instead of entertaining them.


Almost all the friends I raided with have left over the years because they got tired of some of the poor design choices by Blizz. Would like to raid again at some point if they all somehow came back.

That though would require Blizz to stop making bad design choices, good luck with that.

Most of the changes I am referring to are the ones that took the Wrath 10 man guilds and slowly picked them apart.


It’s just not fun anymore.

The payoff to effort ratio has gotten worse over time and it was never great.
Spending an evening with friends could offset paltry returns but all the friends are long gone.
I’ve reached an age (70) where the reflexes and learning curve aren’t what they used to be. Even if there were guilds who would put up with that I’d feel rather self conscious holding everyone up.

My tolerance for people drama also isn’t what it used to be, especially during my recreational time.


I don’t like a lot of the raiding communities I’ve encountered. That isn’t to say they’re all bad, but they put a lot of pressure on a game. I have a lot of pressure resting on me in my real life, so I’ve decided not to add that pressure on to myself in Azeroth either.


Stopped in Legion when I started having health issues. Nothing major, just chronic. Just consists of going to the doctor’s often and being undependable. So I run LFR when I get the chance to still experience it.


Heroic and below are boring. To be fair, a lot of early Mythic bosses are boring too but that’s besides the point. Regardless, the raid content you can do outside of Mythic is boring, and I don’t really like “Mythic Raid guilds”. So far my experience is that they’ve been kind of “cringe” for lack of a better word. There are a LOT of sweaty unskilled players pretending they’re good at the game and its just silly. Bad players with ego is just not something I am willing to tolerate whatsoever.

I don’t think I’ll raid in WoW again in any real capacity unless they introduce some form of 10-man Mythic raiding. Otherwise, I’m just going to stick to M+ and just 1 or 2 shot AOTC a few months after the raid comes out.


Around the middle of Cata I had the realization about “the same grind on repeat, only to lose your upgrades for new ones when the next tier/expansion comes out.”

What’s the point of doing something so highly competitive if everyone else playing the game can do the exact same raid and kill the exact same boss and loot the same gear? There’s nothing unique about raiding to me.

It was a waste of time to go back every single week and repeat the exact same thing for months on end.

To be fair though, I stopped doing dungeons too for the same reason. It’s been just questing and roleplay for me full time since then.


I am an introvert and being so thrown into a group stress me almost where I can’t enjoy the game which is why I remain a solo player.



This is the cringe stuff I’m talking about. “What’s the point in raiding if other people can have fun with the game?”


I don’t raid … current raids. But I just did Mythic Denathrius with some people tonight!


5 pull boss, way better than 100+ pulls on the same boss imclgo. Talk about a waste of time. I know we’ll get better gear from questing eventually, just wait a bit and good things will come!

I don’t think I will get CE this patch, even on my good hunter. But I’ll take some swings a mythic jailer next xpac :sunglasses:

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My schedule doesn’t permit me to block off hours of the same time frame every week.

I also don’t like to feel like I must do homework to play a video game like watching other people beat the boss before I ever get to set foot in the instance.