Why don’t you raid?

For reasons that have changed over the years, regularly scheduled play and my life usually don’t agree, and when they do it’s short lived.

Additionally, the stories behind raids are compelling to me less and less often. I had reason to want to go to Karazhan and Icecrown Citadel, but everything since has been increasingly dodgy. It’s just hard to care about the throwaway settings and baddies that raids are comprised of.


Don’t be on a crappy discord then?

I’ve never dealt with that on discords.

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Don’t find it fun anymore.

There was a time I played games more seriously, but I have mellowed out and prefer to bum around being a big fish in the little pond.


how about ‘fun’ and ‘because you like raiding’ ?

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I’ve tried for years and they were all one of three things.

-meme speak nonstop
-casual racism
-multiple guys trying to impress girl all night.

  1. Scheduled things are not my friend.
  2. 2 to 3 hour raid nights bore me

Gear would not motivate to me raid. If tier hadn’t been available outside of raid I wouldn’t be subbed.


Too many people all trying to be heard at once between pulls, I don’t like people that much, so groups of more than 10-15 is too many for me, usually.

Edit: I’ve also never participated in a raid where every member is on the same page as far as skill and effort. Extremely frustrating for me, and I’m sure for the other side as well.


That’s why I still raid a bit. But without the reward, it is less fun in my opinion. I like playing with guildies, conquering things together–but I can do that elsewhere.

Some of the fights are cool–Halondrus is one that I particularly enjoy. But after killing it a number of times, there is no incentive to keep killing it. Stops being as fun, and there is no reward for the effort.

Personally, I quit raiding, when after a wipe pugs took up to 20mins-1hr to repull the boss. That’s when I quit PvE and started a long and amazing relationship with PvP. I could play MUCH more with constant uptime and PvP Casual Mode queues were fast back in those days.

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yea with like one break no thanks

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It’s stressful.

It’s always been stressful.

After a while, it just isn’t fun to raid anymore. I’m too nervous to make a mistake or upset someone else. I find it difficult to stick to a schedule at my age. It requires a large block of time, commitment, careful planning, patience, and coordinated communication (usually outside the game).

At the end of the day, my life is already stressful, and I don’t have room for more of it. I want to play games to unwind, to relax, and to forget about life’s woes and pain. Raiding does not give me that in any way, shape, or form.


thats why I play vanilla too. The gearing is much slower so there’s always a reason to raid.

They tried that in 9.0 but casuals complained so the draught ended.

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Maybe I’m getting too old and chilled out to get into it anymore. I don’t like the large group setting, 10m was a bit more my style. I’d rather not use a voice communication to raid either. The raids have been super cool to run through later on when I can solo though.

They’ve been designing some really cool things.


I raided most of BfA, wanted to layback in Shadowlands. Maybe if the time comes i will try to get back into Mythic Raiding for Dragonflight.

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I kind of do. And then I get sick of Shadowlands being terribad, and go do something else for a while. Seriously, Slands is poison to me.

I’d like to raid again. I liked mythic raiding and raid leading and all that. Maybe if Blizzards gets their ish together and can come up with a decent xpack, I’ll get back in to it eventually. Maybe. Maybe.

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I burnt out and left the game in 9.1. Came back in 9.2 and decided to retire from raiding and m+. Now I focus on casual game play and having a lot more fun.


LFR isn’t raiding

Anything above LFR requires major time commitment and listening to sweaty andy’s on discord, no loot oh also PvP > PvE

I used to do PuG raids a lot in Mists of Pandaria. Even the Heroic Raids in MoP was doable without much fuss.

I just do LFR now.


Raid? In this economy?


Dont have the energy anymore to find the right group to raid with


with 2 kids, finding a group then having the chance of being interrupted during raid, then feeling responsible for leaving during a raid, just not worth it right now

I got to raid a bit during Castle Nathria and that was fun

but the new ones don’t interest me all that much, and as someone else said, listening to discord chat can be like nails on chalkboard at times

Mythic + is fine for me, pugging is like a mythic boss in itself :rofl:

and if I absolutely have to bail I dont feel quite as bad (I rarely have to do this but it has happened before and I let them know before just disappearing :p)