What about this season would you call trivial?
Ignore them and just play the easy part? How often are you out and about in-game and someone’s being elitist about 10s?
Is this another rant about acquiring the best loot?
3 out of 4 keys at 10 or higher.
Maybe 50% of my >= +8 runs? Out of what? 60+ runs maybe more? I dunno, the statistics are probably there if you really want to know.
The game went the opposite. Being more complex and complicated. What most players want is the game to be dumbing down that’s why they favor Classic over Retail.
It’s on full display right now that a Monty Haul game is unsustainable.
Fifty years of RPG design wisdom if proving to be 100% correct.
Classic living absolutely rent-free in this guy’s brain.
You mean retail living rent free in classic players?
I am not the one going to the classic forums to create threads about not liking classic.
I don’t initiate these whine threads.
If people want to do faceroll dungeons, Heroics are sitting right there for them.
But it doesn’t merit getting the best gear in the game. Which is what this is all about.
All the phony nonsense about difficulty and interrupts and all that is just crap. What people are complaining about is that they want better loot and they don’t want to do anything that merits getting it.
You randomly brought up Classic in a thread that has nothing to do with it. You’re really mad that a version of the game that has 10% of the resources put into it compared to retail is doing better. Lol.

You randomly brought up Classic in a thread that has nothing to do with it
OP brought up classic in the very first post…

You randomly brought up Classic in a thread that has nothing to do with it.
You should read the OP before you make this claim.

Also Blizz: why is retail engagment dropping and everyone is going to play the 20 year old version of the game instead???
I can say the same thing about Tropical and Vedic Astrology. Most people prefer Tropical over Vedic Astrology because it is easier to understand. Although Tropical Astrology has alot of mis and disinformation, but most people don’t really care. As long as they know what their Sun sign is. Although their Sun sign is off by 23 degrees, but again they do not care.
Ah, I see. My mistake. So that’s what prompted the seethe.
To be fair, he asks a valid question.
I don’t know what prompted OPs seethe. Outside of things not being as easy as classic.
Well maybe the fact that Classic is ironically more accessible and modern than retail should open some eyes… doubt it.

There’s another dangerous way they misread the signals and that is by putting certain rewards, which will be highly wanted by nearly everyone, locked behind doing some chore. Example: This is what Plunderstorm was for me. The pirate themed rewards were something I (and a heck of a lot of other people) had been wanting for a really long time. For some reason these super-limited, purely cosmetic rewards were locked behind an awful PvP event, with no other way to obtain them.
I pretty much just missed that event… but yes, I can see the appeal of the sets. I did manage to get the yellow version from the Trading Post, but of course that’s the worst recolour option, and I suspect it was a hook to nudge people towards the refresh of the mode with better colour options.
I’ve since quit the game (still able to post here for some reason)… but yeah, WoW is pretty much just a carousel of rotating time-limited rewards & events to keep players enticed and playing the game endlessly at this stage.
Realizing that (and some other growing frustrations), I backed out of the game and just wander here every so often to give my honest opinion on things… strange that the forum game can be more entertaining than the game itself, but it is what it is.

The devs have gone on record they do that intentionally so content gets engagement metrics they want.
The question is who’s worse for the game? The developers for abusing these obvious carrot-on-a-stick design choices… or the players who not just fall for them, but zealously defend them?
The latter are an especially strange crowd, they seem reluctant to acknowledge the game has ANY flaws… to the point they call the punitive and tedious design “necessary”. Because the only reason for that to be true is for it to be integral to maintaining their own illusory perception.
… well, that probably explains more than I’d like it to.
Oh, I’m not saying he’s wrong. OP is definitely right that Classic is the better game.
Retail is accessible.
Isn’t it great we can have different modes for people that enjoy different things?
Some people enjoy classic. that’s great.
Some enjoy retail. That’s also great.