Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

I’m on a low pop Classic realm, but there are lots of levelers. Surprised the heck out of me. No idea about other realms.

The layers of difficulty they added were supposed to inspire new-to-mediocre players and convince them to make the decision to become fast learners with the knowledge of 20 years of competitive play under their belts.

What if they have no desire to become competitive players and are just here paying $15 a month cause they just wanted to play some more Warcraft solo or with friends?

My whole ethos is login, play some Warcraft stuff, maybe do a raid on normal or so, a Delve and then log off. I have zero cares in the world about my parse, rank, or whatever in the world.

Mythic raiding to me might as well not exist cause I don’t care about putting in the effort for it. M+ I rarely care about and don’t feel like putting most of the effort required for.

I’m here to have fun with my time that is all I care about.

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But if your version isn’t exactly as I like it then it proves that you work for Blizzard and are actively focused on making me quit, because everyone knows the best way to gain stable employment is to make as many customers leave as possible.

Just let us get myth track in the great vault with 8s again please

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Truthfully, are there that many people playing classic (the same thing) over and over again, and again this time? If so and they’re on their 3rd iteration of playing it I think there’s something wrong with them.

And they would say there’s something wrong with you.

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Why? I’m not playing the same iteration of retail over and over and over.

How about we remove flightstones and make crests account bound? This would give people who don’t necessarily enjoy pushing a good reason to still play their main if they decide to that day. It would also somewhat alleviate the problem of having alts take too long to gear.


I agree that this season had bad decisions.

This was definitely the worst.


There’s another dangerous way they misread the signals and that is by putting certain rewards, which will be highly wanted by nearly everyone, locked behind doing some chore. Example: This is what Plunderstorm was for me. The pirate themed rewards were something I (and a heck of a lot of other people) had been wanting for a really long time. For some reason these super-limited, purely cosmetic rewards were locked behind an awful PvP event, with no other way to obtain them.

I know A LOT of people who played the Plunderstorm event because it was the only way to get the cosmetics. There is no way I was alone in UTTERLY HATING EVERYTHING ABOUT THE WHOLE EVENT. The problem is, all Blizzard saw was that I performed the actions. From that alone, they can NOT see or recognize I was NOT enjoying myself and NOT having fun. But the only way I can express my “I’m not having fun” is by shooting myself in my own foot and not getting a pile of limited rewards I really want. Now the “”“very successful”“” (air quotes) Plunderstorm is coming back again and I am pissed to see it returning.

Blizzard is far too scared to put in multiple ways of getting things. Plunderstorm example: Fine, put in a PvP way to get the cosmetics… BUT THEY’RE NOT ACTUALLY PvP ITEMS so how about also putting in a PvE way to get them? That’s the only way to really see which is more popular. Instead we all ran the PvP garbage because the only other option was getting NOTHING and now Blizzard thinks it was popular when it was very much not anywhere near as popular as participation numbers would have you believe.

There are a lot of similar examples sprinkled all around WoW of things people participated in NOT because they enjoyed them but because they had no other option. Torghast comes to mind first as an even more atrocious, obnoxious, and abusive example of the above since it had character power required to participate in every other aspect of the game locked behind it. Of course people ran it… they had to run it or not play the rest of the game. That in no way made it fun or popular but, once again, looking only at the participation numbers does not tell the whole story.


Because, as the playerbase gets older, more and more people want to put on their nostalgia goggles and remember “the good old days in high school, when content quality was lower, yet everything felt new.”

These people tend to forget the things everyone hated about older content.

I’m not saying the current content is great, but 1) it is higher quality, and 2) most of us have done the expansion reset/regear rigamarole enough times that it’s starting to feel repetitive.

Think of it as being just like how, from time to time, you might blow the dust off an old game like Legend of Zelda - Link to the Past, and replay it. You’re not after a new experience when you do that. You’re after a familiar one.

The devs have gone on record they do that intentionally so content gets engagement metrics they want. They simply dont want to get fired for bad game modes or bad systems design, so they put things people want behind them.

They game their own metrics systems clearly for corporate politics and because it is what they show shareholders. Instead of facing true reality.


lot of us have lives that are incredibly challenging and game to relax

Edit add : and I’m happy for people that enjoy the bits I don’t like at all. I was making a very simple statement and there was no subtext to it

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Like many dysfunctional companies, Blizzard seems to have never heard of Goodhart’s Law. When a metric becomes a target, it ceases to be a good metric.



WoW gives you an option to play less than challenging content.

The issue seems to be you want everyone else forced to play your way.


I could be wrong but I think the priority has always been to make sure people are subbed. They could not care less if you’re doing anything more than logging in monthly really.

Only thing pushing me away from playing daily is myself if I don’t feel like playing whatever particular day.

If ya don’t feel it’s not for you anymore then don’t play.

Just let me know when the next season starts, please!

They can do this for Diablo, why not WOW?

Content tested and prepared doesn’t need to be immediately released.

I second this, and I also disagree!

We don’t.

But we also don’t want to have 2 key levels to choose from that we have to farm endlessly before we can get enough crests to upgrade our gear 5 iLVL and do it all again.

Allow us to push to M30, who cares, it was fun, it lets us push higher and play more content. Allow us to clear heroic raids in 2 hours a week, who cares, it was fun, it allows us to gear faster so we can move onto mythic raids quicker.

This season is the first season ever that I haven’t played the top level of raiding, and the first season since Legion that I have only gone so far into keys before stopping. I’ve done M10 in each dungeon and that’s it, got my portals and never needed to push higher.

I’m actually playing less now than I used to simply because there are too many walls in place that stop you from progressing and getting to the actual hard content. And if the easier content is this hard and it takes this long to gear up past 630 before your iLVL becomes acceptable to do said content, I would hate to think just how much harder M12+ and mythic raiding actually is.

I know a few people who have a 3K+ M+ rating, yet never go past the M12-13 range and only do the first four mythic raid bosses simply because it all scales out of control.

Blizzard are doing nothing good for the players here, the jump in difficulty and how less fun it is hitting your head against a wall all day means people simply play less. And this isn’t we just talking garbage, the numbers show it also, we are down still about 15 million keys completed compared to DF season 1, raid numbers are also down.