Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

The whole thread is asking for it and you did it again a few posts later:

Lie to yourself if you must, but not to the rest of us.

Because they’re too dumb to set a relative static difficulty for achieving them. So instead of reaching a level you’re comfortable with and saying ‘okay, I’m this type of player now,’ a season or two later the same rewards require increased effort.

This sort of game design is what causes most of the rifts to begin with. No one can ever know where they’re at on the totem pole. One season you’re 3200 IO, the next you’re failing +6s. lol Creating a clear-cut pathway to rewards and allowing people to feel themselves improving if they want to go for them is drastically more rewarding, and less insulting.


Yea I never got that line of reasoning either. Claim they don’t want to play retail because it turned into a seasonal game, yet they’ll play the same Vanilla content over and over as its restarted…almost like a new season…

The error, on Blizzard’s part, was dropping the threshold for max gear from M+ in Dragonflight.

Because when they went to correct the error, people completely lost their minds now that their freebie was taken away.

In response to the guy asking to make myth track gear accessible at 8’s, I’m saying to leave it at 10’s. Thats me asking for easier loot is it?

because blizzard isnt the same company that made wow. load up a classic server for a much better gaming experience. the difference in style and substance is genuinely shocking.

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They intelligently removed the 11-12 wall for next season so we can get back to a somewhat more linear progression. We will see if they did it for raid too, but that’s way harder to do imo.

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Nobody is saying this , but making roles like healers and tanks harder to play when people are already less likely to do so is bad game design plain and simple. I also said nobody wants to bang their head against walls for hours , which did happen in the past , seeing as some raids took weeks to months to down the final boss compared to now where everyone just waits to see the strats top guilds use.

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You and I have both been playing this game way too long for you to pretend that BFA didn’t exist. Used to be timing a 15 a week, then they increased the dungeon scaling and made it 18’s, then they squished the keys wiping out the entire field for probably half the people who ever larked with M+ to begin with (and probably a few more changes in between that, I’m not a WoW historian) and the final cherry on top this season was curbing the number of tanks/healers.

M+'s difficulty for reward structure has increased over time, not decreased. (not to mention the addition of crests for gear upgrading)


I’ll come right out and say I would even take myth track gear at 12’s if it meant we could have a proper linear difficulty curve without janky nonsense like challengers peril nuking timers on RNG mechanics. Steady key scaling, or hell even tier it out. 2-5: 8% per level; 6-9: 10% per level; 11+: 12% per level.

In the current iteration they have the scaling entirely backwards. It’s front loaded difficulty with inconsistent challenges week to week for the lowest brackets, where people are trying to learn these dungeons and mechanics, and the groups with the skill and experience to succeed in these environments the best are being treated to affixless environments with steady scaling (and now non-depleting keys) at 12+. It’s such a slap in the face and a DETERRENT for anyone not playing at that level, because even when you get to that range as someone who overcomes the challenge, you’re now competing for those luxury key spots with people well above you in io. You just simply don’t get picked even when you earn your stripes.

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Right because removing the first 10 levels in M+ at the end of DF was a great idea , since there were a ton of people who enjoyed doing the lower keys and are just SOL now.

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I have no idea why Blizzard did that, but as I’ve said before, my guess is that they had reason to believe the people doing sub-10 keys in the old scaling system just didn’t like the timers in the first place, so Blizzard shunted them over to untimed dungeons (Heroic & M0). Certainly we’ve seen enough “remove the timer” chatter over the years to give that some merit.

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Maybe so but now there’s a huge gap where people struggle getting into M+ unless they are pushing keys day 1 of the season.

Struggling how so? It only gets easier with time.

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I will repeat it here again,

gestures to the entire thread

You really don’t pay attention at all do you?

If you’re referring to how people conflate “getting better at m+” with “getting better at conning people into inviting me into their groups so they will carry me”, I disregard such nonsense, just as I disregard people who confuse content progression with gear progression.

I think the best thing Blizzard could do is remove group finder from the game so that people stop turning the game into “who can I convince to carry me in a pug?”

And as an added bonus, maybe people will start treating others as human beings again, instead of as disposable cogs, to be used and cast aside.

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Here you go. Read.

Um by less people in lower keys? All the people I mentioned who enjoyed lower keys before typically don’t do M+ anymore due to their comfort levels being removed so all you have left are those pushing higher for the most part. I’ve seen many say they can’t get into a +2 simply because less people are doing them.

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I read it. It’s a lot of rage with nothing there. The gaps between keys go up as you ascend, not down. The difficulty is not front-loaded. And complaining about challenger’s peril is silly because it just says “you can’t die all the time, anymore, and still time the key”.

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