Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

He won’t get Myth-track gear.

It’s the only thing that matters to these people.

Why would I need mythic track gear if I can only manage to do M+2, M+3 and M+4s? I feel like I am still missing the core of the argument.

This entire game funnels you down the same path as everyone else. If it wants people to push progressively harder content, it should be available for everyone to accomplish.

It is available for everyone.

How is it not?

The question of “why do you need top-end gear if all you’re doing is trivial content” is a psychological exercise unto itself.

I mean, it’s a progression based video game. I’d suggest that for most people, World of Warcraft is not a hobby where getting better at it and developing & honing your skills is it’s own intrinsic reward like woodworking or painting.

Obviously for some people it is, with the higher tiers of M+ and Delves catering for those sorts of players but for many more people they play a game like wow to see number go up. Making number go up also lets whatever content tier that they’re personaly capped out at become easier, which is one of the basics of a lot of RPG type games. You become able to take on harder content but also the stuff you were doing becomes easier.

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Is is just me or does it seem insane to expect to get the same gear as people doing content FAR harder, requiring FAR more coordination and a FAR higher skill level?

Why not just give everyone full mythic sets on day 1? Why even complete content at all?

This is the most common explanation, btw.

Because they confuse gear progression with content progression.

Why do you need top end gear to do mraiding?
There guilds which cleared mraiding without it.

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It’s called munchkin gaming, it’s been around since RPG’s were created.

I did it, too. When I was eight.

Or it could have read how I meant it, which is moving the goal post tunes some content out of the reach of some players and gives me less people to play with, thus increasing downtime.

There’s always been challenging content. I’m sure you’re aware keys go past +11 if you want to see what you’re made of.

You don’t find elitism at the top end (at least not on these forums). People who have legitimate shots at titles are never on these forums punching down. It’s always people who can manage to get portal keys, maybe a level or two higher, trying to punch down because they can’t go any further and the less people who get it the more meaningful they think it is. lol

So there should be no challenging content giving gear upgrades?

Right. So people doing challenging content do not deserve player power rewards.

I will help anyone attempt to get their portals.

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you cannot design game around top performing players.
THat is if you want it to be profitable.

And still nobody is asking for it, yet here you are still bringing it up. The concerns are about the artificial difficulty being slammed into places it shouldn’t be.

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I advocate for mtrack gear to be available in the vault for completing 8+,
it would benefit community.
Also revert tanks and healers changes asap.

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Apparently not according to Blizzard. I’m not the one who designed the game where the difference between the next to last, and final rewards of a content type are 600 miles apart from each other with nothing in between to validate effort.

But you were talking about challenge, not rewards. So I mentioned there’s always a way to challenge yourself in the game if that’s all you’re looking for.

again, so what? other than “we want the loot from 10s” what does it matter if your personal wall is 5s or 8s or 14s?

Because some people would rather not smash their head against a wall for hours on top of having a full time job? Because people have less time to play now as they have more responsibilities as adults?
Take your pick , there’s a ton of people who started the game back in 2004/2005 and just can’t invest the same amount they used to 20 yrs ago.

CE raiding is largely made up of working people with families.

We all have the same number of hours in the day, if people “don’t have time” it’s because they’re choosing to spend it on other things, which is fine, but don’t come with tin cup in hand wanting the best stuff in the game for doing trivialities.

If Fort, Tyran and Challengers Peril were flat out removed and the only affixes to contend with are the current iteration of the kiss/curse style, it would be a lot smoother of an on-ramp for people to gradually work up to/succeed at 10’s. My goal here isn’t to lower the bar, it’s to straighten the course.