Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

I don’t really agree with this. This tier was surprisingly simple.

I think the only standout is that it feels significantly better to have fewer people on Queen.

I can hear Gollum’s voice in my head after reading your response. “My Precious”, as they stroke their shiny new gear.

This is too simple of a take. +8 keys and higher are fun for me this season, +4 keys are not. But when I bring up a new character, I have to get a minimum amount of gear to be successful in a +8. Since I’m not going to have fun in either a +4 or delves, electing for the option that gets me gear faster is a logical decision. But for players who need to run that +4 for experience, IO, or both, the fact that delve gear is so much faster to acquire, this creates two unsatisfying options.

This is something that only happens if your class gets nerfed into the ground, which rarely happens mid-season in WoW. If your class is nerfed mid-season to bring it in line with other classes, that time investment is still just as valuable since you’ll still be able to accomplish your goals just with other specs not as far behind. Unless your enjoyment stems in significant part by being overpowered relative to other players…

Like when fury warriors got incrementally nerfed week over week until we were below Aug evokers? Week 5 doing the same damage I was doing in week 2, despite having gone up 20-30 ilevel or something at the time?

It only took the community memeing fury warriors into the spotlight before we got rebalanced back to the upper middle of the pack (where we should be for a spec with no utility). You’ll be hard pressed to convince me there’s any consideration for player time investment in their class.

what’s your sample size please share with the rest of us i am so excited to see your facts

Watch a YouTube video. Bellular, IZEN, the PoddyC, AutomaticJak, etc. It’s inescapable if you lift that wool up just a little bit.

The problem is and always has been, Elite top players ruin the game because they are the ones Blizzard has always listened to. In reality, they should have made harder servers which came with distinction that you played in a hard mode, and allowed everyone else to just enjoy the game, rather than continously “fixing” the game so toxic top-end players don’t whine and cry about other players being in the game.

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And when did this supposedly happen? I just checked every non-fated season going back to when Augmentation was added, and at no point did Fury’s performance tank like you’re suggesting here.

I mean even if what you’re claiming happened, why else would we see unpopular specs stay at the top for as long as we do if Blizzard truly didn’t care about time investment of players? Sure, when we see ret paladin or balance druid sitting at the top, it’s easy to rationalize that’s Blizzard just catering to their largest community.

You think mistweaver monks being the top healer in raid by a mile is good for engagement? Or when survival hunter is absolutely blasting? The only explanation I can come up with, besides just apathy, is that Blizzard doesn’t want to make players that invested time into their survival hunter to feel like their time was wasted and give them their moment in the sun.

Literally this season. We were nuking Rash adds and webs on Queen from orbit, so Odyns got gutted, Bladestorm got gutted, and we got even harder target capping than we’d had previously atop a 3% aura nerf and other select changes. Check the hotfix notes from the end of 11.0, the 11.0.5 patch, and why WClogs has the first week of 11.0.5 split out from the rest.

The second week of 11.0.5 finally added single target help that we’d basically spelled out for them in the warrior discord and here on the forums. Go check Critcake’s videos on the whole saga of it as the changes were happening in real time #nerffury

Hilariously, WClogs no longer actually counts Ulgrax adds, Rash adds, or Silken Tomb as real damage in the fights anymore, so we got a good portion of our burst aoe blown out of the water over actually irrelevant adds.

sorry I do not watch streamers they have no facts just more opinions. have a good day we are done here.

If this is all true, why on Earth are you still playing?

Yeah sure. Let’s dismiss the raid leader of the top guild in the world, the guy who writes most of the healer guides for wowhead, and a good portion of the top ranked M+ players and top 25 world raiders (Tettles/Dorki/Dratnos). Those guys don’t know anything about the game.

And Fury still never dropped below Augmentation, no matter which log you look at. Not 11.0, 11.0.5 week 1, 11.0.5 week 2 onward, and not 11.0.7.

I’m not saying Fury didn’t take a nerf, certainly it did. I’m not saying Fury didn’t see a significant drop in a specific context, I’ll take your word for it. But this portrayal that Fury went from the penthouse to the cellar as a result of that nerf is just not accurate when looking at the actual data.

As bad as Blizzard’s balancing is, it’s rare (if ever) that they nuke a spec from orbit mid-season. If they overshoot the mark significantly on one spec, that spec largely remains near the top of the meters the rest of the season.

They often (but not always) have opinions and oddly enough they often have differing opinions but all of those are based on facts. The bench for instance will bring up the data from RaiderIO or look through old runs of Motherload and talk about how the recently revealed patch notes will likely change routes or what has become more or less dangerous.

Hell when its about a subject they don’t take part in like say low level keys they will search through their own comment section and or reddit to consolidate information and find out what other peoples arguments are and discuss them.

The fact remains however despite you burying your head in the sand that its not just the forums that are talking about this. Its on Twitch, Youtube, Reddit, and even in game in guild and trade chat.

This season has radically increased difficulty and that isn’t opinion but fact. In DF S3 you needed to complete +18’s for vault gear, now you need to complete +10’s (and we can ignore that its not just an equivalent of +2 levels so as to avoid speculation.) You needed 90 crests to craft vs 60 in DF. Tank difficulty is now the hardest since SL S1. And the list goes on and on. All of this has had a drastic effect on the amount of participation at the highest ends of the game.

The only thing that is really opinion is what can be done to fix it or if anything should be done at all.

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Well, that therein lies your problem.

Making decisions in this game shouldn’t be a logical one. You should do it because you want to, not because you feel compelled to.

I could ask the same of you? Where are the so-called millions of players you claim are playing retail and its endgame right now? What’s your evidence to show that this isn’t anything other than a small-scale concern for the playerbase?

I don’t know if what I said is wholly correct or accurate, but there is an observable trend with people consistently taking issue with the game’s current design function, and subsequently a lot of people in support of their talking points about what the problem is. I don’t think it’s really fair for anyone to dwindle the problem down to a forum issue. That’s nothing more than a deflection from addressing the points people have.

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I’m sorry, who are you to tell me how I should spend my time in game, exactly?

But even beyond that, I explained my rationale for running a +4 or a delve. What I want to do in the game is challenging enough to require me to run that kind of content first. I will enjoy the payoff of running those higher keys more than the annoyance of running that lower level content. Or are you going to try to tell me I’m wrong for desiring to run content that carries a higher difficulty than entry level?

Never going to make everyone happy. Gotta pick a side. They did. Some people prefer it, some don’t.

These are just a bunch of suggestions to make things super easy. Many, myself included, prefer an actual challenge. If that’s not for you, stop when it gets challenging.

Yes, nerf the overperforming class. The entire game is trying to be balanced against everything. If one class is having an issue, deal with that one issue. Don’t change every other class, ability, boss and npc in the game to address that one issue.

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I dont think Blizz is trying to keep people from playing. It’s players who like to point out how much better they are over others who are trying to keep other players from playing.

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My question too. the dev are so woke they ruining the game and this gaming company seem not to want anyone to play. they nef randomly and ruin character them will not help. i can not play some character cause they are so nef they useless

what’s wrong with that? there’s always going to be a wall. why shouldn’t it be 10s?