Why does WRA feel so... dead?

Sylvanas and Anduin are both still in the Shadowlands.


End of expansion situation. It happens.

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Fun zones, large capital city with areas for rpers, new race/class, dragon riding is incredibly fun, and a more grounded narrative. That’s the main stuff I’ve heard. Fingers crossed

The main thing for me is that it’s on Azeroth


They’re interested in IP for future platforms. I won’t be surprised if we see a major revision of the IP and world, though not any time soon.

A lot of the cash grabs happening with Blizz now feel like number pumping at the end of an era. It’s a vague sense of it though; I sold my Blizz stock a while ago.

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They’re making their books look better for their eventual Microsoft masters. Longstanding developer name means nothing in this industry and Microsoft is more than capable of breaking Blizzard apart and dispersing it across its other studio bodies.

Given Blizzard hasn’t actually released a new game since 2018, they need their profits to be as high as they can be when the auditors inevitably come to inspect the new acquisition.

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reposting myself here

November 19th, 2083

The sky above Orgrimmar is crisp—sparse clouds dotted with Wyverns, weaving between docking and departing airships.

Two Orcs stand at the foot of Drygulch Ravine, enthralled by the city’s majesty.

“Zug zug! Right? That’s the–”

“Ya, ‘zug zug’… man, look at all those spikes.”

“Never mind that, look at this,” the greener Orc says, flexing.

“Yeah, we’re jacked.”

“It feels amazing, huh? This has to be one of the tightest rigs I’ve hopped in months.”

The browner Orc shrugs. “Microsoft, man. Step into one of their worlds, get that androst-tri-diazepam through your synth feed. They own the patent so all their buff rigs feel perfect.”

“Right, right…” the greener Orc adds, sniffing the air, “it sure is lively.”

“Well, where to now?”

“We keep going, to the city. We have a billion more things to do to level up.”

“Nice. I want to get to that tower. My grandfather loved that place when all this was just a game.”

“Karazhan, right? I heard you can die in real life there.”

“Yeah but it’s worth the risk—some of Microsoft’s rarest interoperable NFTs drop there.”

the moral of this story: WoW will not die – we will.


Here’s the thing about “resurgence” and I’ve posted this before:

Day 1 sales of Shadowlands: 3.7 million.
BFA - 3.4 million
Legion - 3.3 million
WoD - 3.3 million
Cata - 3.3 million
Wrath - 2.8 million
BC - 2.4 million
OG/Vanilla - 240,000

There is no shortage of people who want to play this game. Their problem is in not retaining those people after a few months into the shiny new expac. People come back because they love WoW, they love this universe and they want to be here.

They leave, because Blizz can’t get out of their own way and stop with the “we know better than you do, what you want.”

Clearly, they do not know better or people would stay.


The new talent system has been fun, more than I expected. I’m looking forward to many of the specs and associated builds.

Digital Ashes in a Digital Urn


With Shadowlands, speaking as a very late comer to the expansion, it’s being drip fed a 20 minute episode of a Saturday Morning Cartoon plot from the 80s over the course of 2 years with enough patch-specific currencies to make a F2P Cash Shop focused MMO blush and suggest maybe tone it down a smidge.


Dragons will be good for WrA since new races are always good for RPers. I’m just hoping this current faction imbalance is only temporary, because Stormwind being empty is truly sad. The server definitely isn’t dead, but Alliance isn’t the same.

I understand what people are saying when they point out that Alliance RP is still there, just in events/guilds. That is fine, but I do really enjoy the atmosphere of walk up RP happening in cities. I don’t even do it, I just enjoy seeing what other people are doing, reading profiles, etc. It is one of the reasons I play on an RP server, and if Alliance RP remains an event-only community with Orgrimmar being the only bustling walk-up city we’ll have lost something that was neat.

The perception that certain servers/factions are dead becomes sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy, which I guess has reached a tipping point for WrA alliance. It is perceived as dead (because the cities are empty, so if you’re not already engaged in event communities/guilds you have no immediately visible way to start RPing), so people go to MG instead. I’m hoping that everyone who has moved/created a character on MG also still have Alliance characters here they will be willing to return to.

Even if x-faction guilds/most things becomes a thing in DF the ability to just walk down your capital’s street and see people RPing will remain Horde-exclusive unless Orgrimmar is x-faction too, which I don’t expect it to ever be


All I can say is I haven’t been a Horde-main since Cataclysm.
I only maintain a Horde-side toon for exclusive content like BfA leveling.

Beyond that, I have zero interest in the Horde as a geo-political entity or as a narrative device beyond a concern at how rapidly they go from Zero to “Let’s burn down a tree full of Civilians because one Elf said a mean thing!”.

It’s because I came back for about 47 minutes today because I was feeling lonely. I’m off like the setting sun once more, thus those who scattered away from my poor taste will slink back with the evening stars.

I don’t have any interest in the Alliance as a geopolitical entity either because they’re always written as “the humans and their wacky pals”, and I’ve never played a human. Draenei are basically always written as neutral, we’re just forced into the Alliance for reasons. I’d happily play Horde, but horde males look dumb. I might become an orc if Alliance doesn’t recover and just wear a full face helm at all times so I don’t need to see my dumb orc face but that is a last resort measure.

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Gestures at the Path of Glory in Outland
There was a Reason.

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I’m willing to forgive the whole “being used as building materials” thing if I can walk through the valley of roleplay and read some profiles ok

Basically if they want me to care about my faction they probably shouldn’t write every draenei character as being neutral? Velen rents his spaceship out to anyone who needs it and cures the Sunwell for a race that should be an adversary, Nobundo is an Earthen Ring aligned character, the Hand of Argus never did anything except be in the (neutral) paladin class hall, and nobody except maybe Maraad ever has anything bad to say about the Orcs. If we’re supposed to be vengeful Alliance partisans who hate Orcs fine, write us that way. The only potentially militant sect of Draenei, the Army of the Light, got a Human as their leader, so we can’t even show a more aggressive style of Draenei leader there.


Same gear treadmill gets stale after 20 years. Not enough evergreen content.



I’d personally prefer a more lateral to horizontal endgame experience, personally.

Gear is great and all, but I’d be willing to forgo upgrades in favor of more cosmetic drops, toys, and pets if it meant staying “geared” longer.


That all feels really Westworld.

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Agreed. I like PvE but I also like dress up and we need more dress up options!

And player housing to decorate! I spent 99% of my time in Rift creating my housing/dimension and just chilling in it because it was my house. My home. I was proud. At least 50% of my time in SWTOR is decorating my houses/strongholds. They even have a train stronghold! How cool is that?! I wish we had a housing project like that. Imagine doing RP events and train heists on a dang moving train that you can decorate as you wish?!

wanders to swtor now