Why does WRA feel so... dead?

I may have stopped playing for a while, but even while I was active WRA was always a server that focused more on its guilds and organized events as a community rather than the random walk-up RP in the cities.

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Lots of people accusing OP of being dishonest but come on. He claims he’s been away for a few years. The fact is, there’s been a major demographic shift over the last little while.

When I started on this server in MoP, Orgrimmar and Silvermoon were both regularly full, in multiple districts. Now Org is good for walk up RP in the Valley of Honor (though lots of OOC there too) and Silvermoon has gone very quiet. Stormwind was the sole Alliance RP hub of significance (although I’d find the odd RP in Ironforge), but it too was pretty occupied. I mean the amount of people who fought over the emptyish buildings like the Argent Dawn Embassy in the Cathedral District and the house in the Dwarven District… It was hot real estate! Now they’re almost always abandoned. Stormwind is quiet, even at peak RP time.

I’m not saying the server is dead. It’s not. There’s SO many events and so many dedicated people here that keep this server alive. Hell, I wouldn’t be restarting my niche-timezone guild here if I thought there was no hope for a resurgence. But give the guy a break is my point - like it or hate it, there’s been a significant decline. Times have changed. I just hope this is rock bottom so we can continue to build from here.


I agree that the server isn’t dead but Stormwind pretty much is… which makes me very sad. I’ve had so much fun over the years playing around in Stormwind as horde causing mischief and of course getting stomped. You could always find someone willing to do some city defense against us farting around in the bank or the crypts under the Cathedral now it’s a ghost town. I was flying around briefly earlier today and there was no one in any of the taverns…no one in the cath district. I really hope WrA alliance gets some numbers back.


I would love some alliance members to run around with , I just made a little one coming over from a truly dead rp realm, come say hi to Lyriasha! Add me, let’s go on adventures! I’m tired of feeling alone in an mmo.

Silvermoon used to be THE happening RP hub when I first joined WrA, and yeah now it’s basically abandoned. To the point I haven’t bothered visiting since I’ve been back.

Stormwind is also a ghost town in a lot of respects. But what I find interesting is Bolarus Harbor is actually a still pretty hopping place. And of course there’s Duskwood.

So yeah, the old RP hubs have been replaced with the new. I’m also melancholic when I go to Ironforge specifically because I’m old enough to remember when it was called “Lagforge” and the sheer amount of skeletons clogging the entrance during the Burning Crusade Pre-Patch event.

Now it’s like visiting a tomb.


IF is still my home and it pains me. It’s usually me, a few random bank toons that run around the main AH area but never speak and the occasional lowbie passing through on their way to somewhere else.


Might seem a little disingenuous coming from an alt with the same bait we get monthly.

I mean really, who posts here with their classic toon? :grin:

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This is no dwarven city…

it is a tomb.


We can’t fight the new war using decade old strategies.

Rp hubs aren’t dead, they’re just not the only option anymore. Communities are stronger. We have discord. WoW has less players, and those who do play likely have less time. I’m guessing that most of us are aging gamers who have responsibilities, jobs, social lives outside of WoW. Even if we had an evening to hang out in the Valley of Honor to see what’s up… would we want to? If there are RPers there, there’s also a crew of OOC people flooding the chat box. They’re easy to ignore, but people are easily discouraged too.

The Alliance community project seems like it’s something great for their side of the coin. There should be something similar for the Horde, and if anyone wants to go in with me on making that, then I’m down. (Unless it already exists and I don’t see it.)

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There are a few stragglers left on the Alliance.

Until I get to them, anyways.


It just bothers me when people use the word “dead”. It’s very much far from dead. If someone were to use the phrase “quieter than usual” I’d accept that as much more accurate, but “dead” just has a lot more weight to it and feels extremely inaccurate. Maybe not necessarily on purpose, but I did want to address it.

It’s certainly no secret we’re worse off than we were in Legion or BfA. Shadowlands genuinely did almost just straight up kill all walk up RP at one point. I remember VoH even being a ghost town in the evenings during Korthia’s tyrannical reign.

And I suppose that’s why I’m so defensive. I saw WRA at almost “dead”, and it was really worrying. But it’s come back. Not fully. Yet the comeback is something to be celebrated, not to be diminished because it’s not come back enough.

As I always say in threads about Silvermoon, be the change you want to see. I plan on parking a blood elf character of mine in Murder Row on evenings. Just haven’t gotten the time to lately because I have a Discrete Mathematics exam in a few days that’s got me trembling in horror.

There’s people around now. The vast majority though are uncomfortable standing around alone IC not knowing if anyone will show up or not. They need other people to stand alone first to break the ice.


WRA isn’t about quantity but quality :weary::ok_hand: :dracthyr_no2:

I don’t want to throw shade but I’ve always been in guilds that peak in activity around peak server time because we all have jobs and lives and things to do. Occasionally someone will join that’s on 24/7 and constantly asking to RP which isn’t a bad thing but their expectations are just too high for what is reasonable for some people. They usually don’t stick around and again, no hurt feelings, find a group that meets your needs and makes you happy. It’d be like me joining an oceanic guild and being like, well crap no one’s on when I’m on and leaving for something that fits my schedule better.

Yet when I see these posts OMG SERVER DEAD?!?! It kinda reminds me of the above example. Is it the same type of person that expects a guild or in this case a server to have 24hr activity and tons of people on to RP at all the time. Unfortunately, unlike a guild where you can shop around, your options to find another server is a lot less easier these days.

WoW isn’t the premier MMO it used to be, the setting has been shat on by the creators and it honestly doesn’t take much critical thinking to really get why the community isn’t the same as it was when the game was at its height.

Also last night while doing keys I got phased into an actual dead pve server and let me tell you, WRA is not at all dead compared to some other realms.


Honestly at this point the best thing that could happen is the Warcraft IP passing hands to another company. I don’t see Blizzard having much of a future. Opinions I see online on social media of Blizzard and Activision are all just negative. Diablo 4 is rumored to be heavily monetized, Overwatch 2 is already being boycotted over the Battle Pass system. Unless there’s a complete overhaul in all levels of management, which is unlikely, I think WoW will just continue the decline.


This is also probably also the first time WoW actually has a competitor MMO that offers a lot of the things role players have wanted for years.


I was hoping the MS acquisition would bring some new life into Blizz… but from what I have heard (salt, grain, huge) is that they are only interested in mobile games. So that dulled my already smoldering flames. DF looks like another xpac I am gunna skip entirely, last one was WOD.

It also seems to me that WoW has turned into a waiting room for other new games, right now namley AoC, Pantheon, and the Riot MMO (one I am waiting for). That’s not good for obvious reasons, I think it will take some significant shifts in overall game design to really reinvigorate WoW.


Laughs in constantly instanced in 18 years worth of Raids/Dungeons

You have no power here


I’m hearing good things about Dragonflight, on balance, so fingers crossed it leads to a resurgence! I’m certainly holding out for one!

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Tell me the good things you’ve heard about DF.

The expansion takes place on Azeroth.