Why does the launcher update every time I lauch it?

Anyone else have this problem? Retail and ptr keep updating. I know they arent pushing out hourly updates so thats out of the question.

I’m getting it too.

Not sure if its a bug, or a small hotfix.

Battle.net App Update Loop has been going on for 10 days and they seem to be having problems fixing it, can find posts about it in the tech forum.


This is going to sound odd, but the last Windows10 patch was to blame for my Update loop. 21H1 was the windows update. I uninstalled that patch and the loop stopped, reloaded it and it started back. I finally just reloaded the game and at last the endless game updates stopped.

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I noticed that windows updated right before i started seeing the issue, but im not tech savvy enough to roll back a windows update.

They said they were fixing the issue yet yesterday it happened again. It’s constantly doing it for some odd reason.

mine has just stopped doing the update loop.

Just checked and hearthstone and wow still push an update when I close and relaunch the launcher. Glad the issue is resolved for you though.

You’re going to need the window’s update. If Blizzard doesn’t fix it, the last hope is reload the game. You can keep all your settings and addons.

By reload I assume you mean reinstall, which I’ll save until blizzard says the issue is fixed or suggests that that is the only fix cuz I don’t need 72 gigs of download wasted on my internet plan.

It’s been an ongoing problem since 9.1.5 launched and apparently Blizzard’s having a hard time fixing it.

I seriously hope it gets addressed soon, though; it’s causing SERIOUS performance issues on my end.

A reinstall was the only way I could get it to stop and keep 21H2 windows patch. What one has to do with the other I have no idea. Waiting on Blizzard to fix or work around a problem could take longer than just biting the bullet and remove and re-install. One hour compared to, what, ten day or longer so far. I did it over a week ago and not any extra game updates since.

Reinstalls aren’t working for everyone. Mine fixed itself on Tuesday. But I know a lot of others still having the issue.

If you can, exit the Bnet app and run WoW from the wow.exe in your retail folder. That worked for me. But I know others who can’t use that method, because the game thinks it’s on an older version.

I tried reinstalling hearthstone since it was only 5 gigs. Still updates every time i load the launcher. Good thing I didn’t uninstall wow.

I had to turn mine to manual updates in order to stop this from happening. It was so annoying, but it doesn’t happen now.

I get these loops all the time. Maybe blizz servers are running off AOL.

cannot delete toon…You’ve got mail

Keep an eye out here: Battle.net App Update Loop

I’m still waiting for a fix. :frowning:

Sure wish they would fix this issue soon.