Why does the Darkmoon Faire feel so Old God-ish?

Is Silas an old god in disguise?

Maybe the last old god is imprisoned there :thinking:


Why is everything eyeball immediately marked ‘old gods’ geesh the stereotyping. You should feel bad.
(I’m just joking)


I’m a shadow priest. I know void eyeballs when I see them :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:


Oh, in that case, could you look at these lumps on my chest
 I think they might be void eyes
 -lifts shirt-


The Darkmoon Faire is a mystery. I don’t really think it’s Old God motivated, despite the Eye of N’Zoth burning on the front gate. And the Hearthstone expansion based on that idea. It’s probably just for spooky effect.

I mean there’s just nothing bad there. No violence, no madness or cultist ravings. It’s a carnival of weird people and performers. Completely not suspicious, in an evil way. Maybe a little suspicious in a watch your wallet kind of way. :smirk:

There is no last imprisoned Old God though. Azeroth only ever had four of them and they’re all dead now.


Tomtom coordinates? :yum:



Don’t worry about it. Would you like some punch?


I want the DMF to be run by an old god.


It would actually be kind of funny if the DMF pulled a Pratchett “The Tooth-Fairy is actually a Boogie-man” plot twist.

“My Brothers and Sisters are all about enslaving the mortals, conquer the universe, let loose the void lords
 I just want to make people laugh and have a good time.”


Old Gods can take on a Shadow Form in order to move from place to place so I’d assume Silas is infact an Old God.

He is the Old God who is smart enough to know the meaning of Subtlety!

This is very debatable. Did we really kill them and do we really know that there aren’t any more. After all, we really don’t know what might have been developed (and let out) of Uldir, nor do we know if there are other old gods roaming the universe. :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

Wasn’t there also some art a few years ago that depicted all the old gods along with a 5th unnamed one?

There’s a lot of evidence to support this.
Darkmoon flag is a stylized picture of Ysharrj, Eye motif, Quotes about the dark forest from the puzzle box, and the entire (non-cannon) darkmoon themed hearthstone set.

There’s some youtube videos on this.
Platinum wow has a good one called " 5 Reasons Why The Darkmoon Faire Is CORRUPTED By Old Gods!"

It’s one of those things where it might be an easter egg, or it might be a coincidence. I guess we’ll either find out eventually or it’ll just stay a mystery forever until some ex Actiblizzion employee makes a tweet.

There is Xal’atath hanging out there somewhere.

Those definitely shouldn’t be eyes

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 Xalatath redemption arc incoming!


I think the DMF gives off that vibe as a thematic thing, not as a literal thing.

But because it’s like that, if they ever wanted to, they could definitely lean into it and have some kind of plot thread there, maybe during a prepatch sometime.

To anybody who thinks there isn’t something sinister going on, try going to Darkmoon Faire and dying. Then you can wander around the island while dead and talk to the ghosts.

For example:

  • “I remember telling Silas, ‘I never want to see my family again.’”

Oh, don’t worry, Silas made sure you NEVER saw your family again.


Silas told me to say that. But don’t tell him I said so. Everything is ok! The fair is a lovely fun not-sus place.

{◕ ◡ ◕}

Stay away from that island