Why does the Darkmoon Faire feel so Old God-ish?

Seeing as it came out in cata, I suspect that it was put in to foreshadow possible old god stuff that might still happen in the future. Or was put in and was going to feature more, but it got scrapped like most cool things :frowning:

There was, plus, some people believe that we never really killed C’Thun but just a piece of him.

Because it’s the DARKmoon Faire.

Old Gods are the biggest ranking manifestations of the cosmic force of Shadow (also known as Void) in the physical universe.

If it was Lightmoon Faire, it would probably feel very Naaru-ish.

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Funn Saron :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We were literally told in interviews they were dead.

Better question is; why is Darkmoon faire left to rot?

Its nice there because they kill anyone that causes problems. There is also that lady in the woods that sells flesh of each race. Also wandering ghosts that say strange stuff.

Most likely a cult that has some powerful creature as their gaurdian some type of Loa or Demi-god is my guess. Or they just practice dark magic and protect themselves. Azeroth really isn’t a nice place to live and traveling Circus would have to be pretty strong since they travel from Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor. Only recently with advances in teleportation magics were they able to set up perma shop.

And blizzard has never change lore before.

sharpens cleaver I’m sorry to inform you but we must perform a radical surgery. Total amputation is required as those aren’t just eyes… but there is a fanged mouth below them.

Have you been to Auchindoun or Hellfire Citadel lately?
How long has your craving for souls been persisting?
Mam… I’m going to have to ask you to answer the questions and not repeat “Get in my belly!” over and over.

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I always felt it had a bit of a Something Wicked This Way Comes kind of vibe.

Way too many cues, like Silas seeming like Mr. Dark, the merry-go-round, etc.

…Ray Bradbury was a genius.

/raises beverage in approval

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Can’t you just stitch the mouth closed? I like my eyes.