So I can feel speshul
Hugs all the mage tower appearances and MoP appearances and WoD weapons
So I can feel speshul
Hugs all the mage tower appearances and MoP appearances and WoD weapons
I feel like I’ve just been missing a step as I played WoW. Anytime I couldn’t complete content, I was supposed to be feeling “denied”. My bad. I thought I just needed to learn to play better, and work on my social skills in order to navigate this new world I was experiencing.
And I’m happy to hear that “back in the day” grouping was all roses for you, but that wasn’t my experience, and I’m sure I’m not alone. There was server variance, and skill variance. Just because you fit in, doesn’t mean everyone fit in or look back upon their time with a gusty sigh.
If anything, I find the current iteration of WoW so much more inclusive than exclusive it’s like night and day.
In before people go;
Because everyone doesn’t deserve everything someone else has. Strive to get better if you want someone that someone else has that you don’t.
I like this typo, I disagree with your statement but this is amusing lol.
Freudian slip? Do you want me to want you need me to need you.
How dare that someone that someone else has that you don’t for being inclusive. Grrrr
I feel like this thread is going to turn into being an Alpha to steal the people away from the betas. lol.
What do you even need them for? You clearly won’t use them.
oh god my sides.
My biggest criticism of Blizzard in regards to World of Warcraft is that they keep removing things from the game (mounts, achievements, items and quests). Let players play at their own pace and quit removing fun from the game.
I’ve basically quit retail because of that very reason. I got sick of the hamster wheel.
lol gg
It’s called the I got mine club. Then proceed to close off possibilities so they can look down their nose at others who don’t have them. They get off on having things that others don’t even have the option in acquiring.
Caught the reference <3 much love.
so how much of my time am I supposed to waste inviting no-experience-bob who hasn’t enchanted his gear and has all the wrong stats to my 23 atal key?
I’ll continue on being exclusive, because giving bob a chance means my run fails.
Being exclusive on who you invite to a run isn’t a bad thing. If anything, I have an obligation to the other people in the run to ensure that I’ve done as much as I can to invite people who I think can complete the content.
Also, you’re delusional if you think people weren’t exclusive back in vanilla/bc. they were. “LFM [dungeon] come to org bank roof for inspect” was absolutely a thing we did.
No, they don’t want to have to carry people who aren’t willing to put forth the effort. That’s the jist of it. That’s what gearscore was for, that’s what training grounds was supposed to be for, that’s what raider io is for.
They don’t have to work harder because others don’t want to.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself
Wasn’t the raiding participation in Burning Crusade something like 5%. Because that’s what got you LFD and later LFR because the “community” couldn’t be trusted to involve others.
SWP saw about 1-3~% of the playerbase, yeah. But that was when the content was designed to be linear, rather than skipped on a per-patch basis. Wrath (which didn’t have LFD until the very end, and no LFR) had a huge uptick in raid participation in every raid, with the addition of the 10/25 split and the addition of heroic in ICC.
It wasn’t about gatekeeping, it was that raids generally had their roster and anyone new would have to be drug through old raids that they would otherwise not really have a reason to do. It could slow progression, and there was no guarantee (and far more likely to happen) that the person would leave when they got their farmed loot because they didn’t want to dedicate the time and effort to raid bleeding edge.
A lot of players confuse gatekeeping for a lack of interest on the part of those not participating.
Classic actually shows this, too. The things that are required are well known, and they just take effort and time on the part of those doing it - pre-raid BiS, for example, and getting the gold to afford enchants on some of the best pieces you have - that you’ll keep for the entire tier. If you’re not willing to put forth that effort, you’ll be passed over for someone who is.
No one owes anyone a free ride.
I’ll just agree to disagree. It’s what causes people not to care or put in effort. It’s why people show up with their stuff not ready or on point. You’ll just criticize them anyway. You’ll quickly throw someone in the trash over your progression. And people wonder why subs are down dramatically. When it’s very obvious. I see it all the time. People just trying to learn and kick because the execution wasn’t perfect.
You don’t build by gatekeeping or tearing others down. But I guess keeping others down will work this time. Good luck with all that.
No, it’s because they don’t think they need to do it. They don’t have the same mindset as the people who clear it quickly and early - they don’t have all their consumables, they don’t have full enchants, nor do they prioritize their time in being efficient and hunting items for itemization and not just ilvl. Someone like that is going to win no favours when the crunch comes in on progression, as something so basic as that likely means the person doesn’t put forth the effort in the actual encounter itself - which can be tracked with warcraft logs.
Players want a scapegoat for why they aren’t able to get into content. Few would want to admit the reason they’re not able to get into the content is because they’re not good enough or lazy. I don’t know if you’re like that, but the only ones holding these people back are the people themselves. If they wanted to get into a higher tier group, they could do so.
Also, the subs are dying for a lot of reasons. Mythic is also a niche interest, so it’s not at all likely many subs are lost because players can’t get into it.
See, just a very selfish me me me attitude. You would be surprised the amount of people you could elevate just by talking to them and treating them like people. But it’s a leadership quality concept that many don’t grasp.
Both sides are guilty of being selfish tbh. It’s just I think one side is being more selfish because they are actively making it harder for people to try harder content. While the other side is only being selfish by not considering how them being in the group would make it harder.