Why does nobody care that Novas don't break?

What do you mean…if? They’ve used the Retail client since the very start of this project. That’s how Omar got it made. As they keep updating the Retail client, they transfer Classic to the newest version as well. And yes it’s a patchwork mess, and I don’t buy their supposed reasons for doing it. As far as I’m concerned they’ve handled Classic very poorly.

BUT I have to laugh anytime someone says, ‘Blizz’s reference 1.12 client that they use isn’t authentic. The private served I played was authentic!’ That’s just nonsense.

Talking about Wrath, not vanilla or TBC.

not that its not authentic, but I doubt they ran it though the complete patch cycle that the original game went though. Reason I sate this is simply because they used a emulation to build a the modern version but the “reference client” never was actually run though the patch cycles that happen not only client side but server side. Many things run server side not on our PC side of the game.

For example, heart beat break on CC was entirely eliminated in patch 3.0.5 (super early TBC) and it took Blizzard until just recently to patch that back out, yet they made no patch note on that.

There are a plethora of other bugs that simply cropped up from early vanilla that never existed in TBC, but were here in “Classic TBC” because again the game is so massive they have no time and lack the manpower to actually weed the bugs out. Will most people notice? No, because most people never played TBC but I did and I know what my class and others could do. This is by no means TBC, its only a reasonably close ish emulation.

Considering that Blizzard HAS the Wrath ATR servers still to this day, (inactive) why not use those instead of the trashcan fire that this engine is?

The ATR as late as MoP ran flawlessly, I see no issue running that; some will say “But my so and so bullcrap reason” but really they’re being way too fanboy…

Real client or bust man; that’s where I stand on this.

gets stunned on 3rd mace stun DR

Totally not 55% proc rate!

Lolol, if it was a 50+% chance to proc youd just be hard stunned until DR kicked in.

fake pummel and get mace stunned all the way until warrior has his pummel again

yep, totally not 55%

Well, Wrath is 100% going to be based on the Retail client. So prepare for that.

But just to return to what I’m talking about as to how this e-sport mindset (for both pvp and pve) has ruined the class design of this game…I just installed Retail WoW and did some class trials. Haven’t played in a few years. My question is how does anyone find these classes enjoyable to play?

Nothing feels impactful. Nothing has any levity or meat to it. Things don’t feel powerful or meaningful. In Classic it’s totally different. Your tools and abilities are extremely impactful. A PWS is a huge chunk of your health. Dots freaking hurt. You can get blown up by one lucky crit, etc, etc. Some players call these things overpowered, broken, imbalanced. But they’re FUN. Isn’t that what a game should be?

I play these classes now and everything has been diluted to having the least possible impact. Why? ‘So that the skill of the player truly comes to the forefront rather than relying on overpowered abilities’…as the e-sport minded morons who have ruined this game by Blizz trying to appease them. Blizz has sacrificed so much in the name of balance and just sucked the life out of the game. Why? In large part because of this e-sport crap. Can’t have ‘luck’ or ‘outside factors’ come into play when big money is on the line.

To try to bring this back on-topic…racials fall into the same category. They’re a fun, immersive rpg-oriented aspect of the game. But oh no…it might cause a slight advantage in competitive duels and can’t have that! Such a terrible attitude to have for an mmorpg.

Its definitely not 50%, maybe 20-30%, still way too frequent, but no way its 50

the retail classes suck entirely. Basically there are 31flavors of 4 classes that all basically play the same where you’re ineffective unless you have your offensive cooldowns present, but you gotta get past their defensive cooldowns first.

Retail is potentially one of the most boring games ever made, not an exaggeration. You’re spot on about the competitive side of the game. My complaint about racials is they were never done right with some being head and shoulders better creating some serious dogpiling on certain races be that this classic or even retail.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… 55%… You are out of your everliving mind if you think it is anywhere close to that! Mace spec is a 10% proc on a 3.8s weapon. It has been tested extensively on every PTR auto swinging and special attacking target dummies. Stunherald adds like 1% to that. RNG is RNG. Mine has been horrible in arena. I am yet to kill a resto druid that is above 1700 rating.

This is already the shadow lands client lol… Can I have your stuff?

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talking about wrath; not tbc

You think they are going to downgrade the client? We will be on the retail client from here out

wrath ATR > this turd client

PS this is the REAL TBC Shatter combo.

spell damage will break the nova in actual TBC.

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