Why does Maiev sound so angry all the time?

date: “Oh, I might be busy this weekend.”

Maiev: “I said we’re going to see a movie this weekend!!!”


Hmm well, who knows what happened between “I’m a murderous sociopath, I kill higborne, I kill malfurion, I kill Tyrande, I kill humans and their pitful alliance” -next scene- " you highborne dude, work with me, hey alliance buddies, lets fight togheter, for the alliance!".

Whatever we missed in between might be the lost cause :o

Reminds me of the lead singer for Metalocalypse. Walking parody of rage, brutally and epicness. I dig Maiev

Conversely, it would be awesome if there was an AU version of Maiev called Mauve and she’s was super chill and un-excitable. :]

Yes, like that other show has Mauve

I’m not, nor have I ever been a fan of her line delivery(Always sounding so angry - annunciation, not her voice per say) and have often thought she is just an eternally angry Warden. I mean I know a hunter is nothing w/o a hunt & really feels like they have no purpose, but she sounded like this BEFORE she caught Illidan so idk.

Why does Maiev sound so angry all the time?

Thousands of years without a date will do that.

She spent 10, 000 years guarding Illidan and the Illidari: I can well imagine what sort of mood I, personally, would be in if I’d spent all that time with so many hawt lovelies so close and so totally out of reach!
Flips hair

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Not only that… but the demon hunters have pretty much been accepted by all the other lore figures. We’re Alliance and Horde heroes and champions.

Because she really wants to be Gnome but doesn’t know how to race change.



Why doesn’t she just use a shrinkray. It is right there on the warning label: Usage may turn people into gnomes.

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I’m not sure, but she is really old. Perhaps she doesn’t know how to use it?


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Why I hate Worgens. Get Gabbin or Get Going!

Scorn Woman…shall we say more? My advise is to say less.

You leave my Batman voiced Maiev alone, shes already perfect :heart_eyes:

Because her voice is the same as the player nelf female and if she doesn’t lay the Batman effect on thick, it’ll be weird.

when you live as long as elves you’ll probably just be tired of everything at this point


Her unrequited crush went off to hang out with a corrupted Titan instead of her.

I laughed so hard at this! :rofl:


Well, listen to her voice in Black Temple. Same voice actress.

Her voice was actually changed because of IRL issues.

That’s an interesting theory! Yes, Batman talks like a chain smoker, too! At least in the Christopher Nolan movies.

Could Maiev actually be this super pretty, super famous and rich character behind her mask? Like, Alleria’s sister or something?