Why does M+ have exponential scaling?

Why not flat scaling? Is there a reason?

I’m pretty sure it’s linear. Please someone tell me it’s linear.

It’s not exponential, that would be way more extreme. But it’s not a flat line either, just a gradual increase per level. Gap between a 22 and 23 is slightly bigger than between a 2 and a 3

That’s all really. TLDR at some point for the keys to get actually more difficult, if it was a flat line the whole gear scaling per key would be very different, and quite possibly way less fun

Additional info to explain; if it was a flat line, you’d need to reach +48 to have the equivalent of current +20

Ain’t nobody wanting that


It jumps in difficulty more and more as the levels go up.

I actually believe it would be best for them to flip the curve so it scales way harder earlier when it matters and the gap between difficulties above 20 lessens.


You are right that it is not crazy exponential. But, the gap between a 22 and 23 is not slightly bigger than between a 2 and 3. It is significantly bigger.


Regarding needing something like a +48 to reach +20 equivalent, that does not have to be true. You just need scaling to be big enough between each level to make it equivalent.

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Many are already struggling enough as it is between 18-20, lets not make it worse yeah? :joy:

Ok but why? Why would it matter if sub 10 keys be harder? The more casual player base doesn’t need that, and it doesn’t affect higher key runners either. Just not sure what that would achieve

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There are already 30ish difficulty levels even with exponential scaling (each key is either 8% or 10% depending on key level more hp and damage than the previous).

If it was some flat linear scaling we would have SO many more key levels.

They’re normally not in 18-20s so there’s the problem. Players are making it to that range without having to learn hardly anything.


Ok… A flat line wouldn’t change any of that so… Yeah.

What you actually are asking is a more drastic increase. Flat lining the distribution at the low keys wouldn’t change anything.

As for learning, yeah well… Statistics says that with the amount of players playing this game, you are bound to encounter duds ever so often :joy:

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What would be achieved is a more accurate and straightforward progression for players.

But, it is true that flat scaling would bring its own set of issues such as too many levels. So, I got my answer.

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they reduce the scaling above 20 last season?

I didn’t say flat line. Not sure what you’re on about here.

I’m not sure about plateauing the curve toward the upper end … I feel like it’d just mean inflated higher-level rating while making entry at the lower end tougher.

What impact does inflated score have on anything in a score range that has no rewards other than a title that would adjust with it?

Entry to keys needs to start at the lower end too. Currently entry to keys where players have to actually learn something is where max rewards live. It would be like if normal raid dropped myth track loot.

Well the point of the high score range is earning the high score. How would the inflated scores benefit the game?

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Am I understanding the problem is 20 levels of waste of time content?

it’s linear, but bimodal.

actually it’s closer to quadratic.

Someone check the interval of the intervals, I don’t have the patience to type that in excel.


See the goal isn’t to inflate the scores. I edited my post above to address your entry to keys. The goal is to have rewards consummate with players learning the game and not to make key level jumps at the higher end not feel like the key below is equivalent to Gnarlroot and the key you’re on is fyrakk. Not giving them max rewards while then watching them aoe grip adds on morchie on top of the whole party cause they thought you had to kill them.