Why does lore matter now for race/class combos when

Thats a thing i think people dont care enough, they want every single gameplay addition to be explained with lore, while not all gameplay addition have to be lore explained, some are just gameplay and should stay that.

I remember an interview, prior to SL, when they said that all the customization they added were aprouved by the lore team. I wont find it right now but i know it was duirng SL alpha/beta.

The problem is when you have these players who think their character are the main char of the story…and that Jaina Thall etc are just here to make them look good.

Except that exactly is what happens. “Who will be our hope?” Jaina even once said during Ulduar’s cinematic. Players are free to have main character syndrome if they want. In fact, most of the story encourages it.

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I know, and thats a problem, because WoW is not Swtor, and while in swtor it makes sense and your character is fully integrated to be the story main character in wow you are in a kind of weird spot when your character is encouraged to think he is the main char but cant have any choices, have no “face” no “name” and will only thumb up and nod…

If you can make it… it’s canon. That’s been stated.

How it’s canon, that’s left for you to decide.

Yes, but class to race gameplay has a pretty significant impact upon the lore given it’s a point blank characterisation of the heroes (Players) story.

There’s obvious things that aren’t immediately & utterly explained by lore from gameplay, but it’s disingenuous to suggest such matters should apply to other themes & significant notions that have had core-correlation from story to gameplay since the game’s launch.


Heck, even in Chronicles it details how the heroes (players, again) bested various signficant threats throughout Azeroth & beyond — From Ulduar, Icecrown Citadel, Magtheridon’s lair, the Black Temple to the Sunwell Plateau etc

But to her point, and even to Drahs point to an extent. That’s entirely up to the player to decide if they were the hero or not. We the players are ultimately in the drivers seat when it comes to our characters.


Yeah that’s fair.
Personally I rather like us being heroes — as a collective.

The way the first Chronicles books portayed it was really well done. :slight_smile:

However yeah, for the sake of the overall story: I think the narrative could use some more main-characters getting spotlight & epic appeal moments. :dracthyr_nod:

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And nobody cares, because, the problem with this is, that it prevent the lore characters to evolve, a good example of that is…yes you know it! WRATH OF THE LICH KING! =p

And i will tell you here something that might be “out of this world” to you but : You never wondered why Sylvanas or Jaina never got the oppoturnity to have their story evolve by facing of Arthas and saying all they had to say about him? Because the players do it, and because of the players, they are prevented to get a story.

And thats not the only example, there is many such examples. Everytime the great heroes of azeroth deal with a threat, its developpement lost for the actual character of the lore. The ones that have a name, a voice, a background etc…

And chronnicles should have said that it was the characters who kill these boss IN LORE and not the randome heroes who you dont even care about, but no, chronnicles did not do that and you know why? Because players are kids and refuse their “accomplishement” be given to others, just like they went completly ape when the lore said that it was Varian who killed Onixya.

This is not true, simply because, classe in gameplay =/= classes in lore, because for example, you cant be a shadow hunter, yet that class exist in the lore, so the classes players can be are just “gameplay” because they have gameplay limitations by not being able to be all the classes that actuallyexist.

By the first chonnicles you mean which oens? Because the only oens which are taking place in wow is the 3rd one (and 4th one) and it was terribly written…

You cant deny that the 3rd chronnicles especially the moments whichs take places in the “wow era” was badly written it was bascially “patch by patch” writting and you could even count the “points” of the 'Alliance did the dungeons, Horde did the raid" as if somebody cared about that…like “omg horde did more raids than alliance i am angry!”

All of this imo come down to kind of player ego, not wanting to let actual characters (like jaina, thrall, sylvanas, etc etc) have their own story developement.

When i played in vanilla and tbc, i always saw the players being more like the units of war3 and the character of the story being the heroes. And thats how things should be, we should be spectator, to the story, to the characters.


I care.
Others in this very thread obviously care.
Many people care … YOU may not care. You however, do not equate to everyone.

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I hate these posts, all these races make sense. Theres nothing restricting them. Can these races die? Yes, thus they can become DKs.

Can Undead become hunters? Yes, they use nature magic from time to time. Druids.

The being only needs a will to use the light, due to the Eredar with us making an oath to repent, it opens them up to being able to use the light. Same as Shamans and Priests. Shaman Eredar could be working closely with the Broken.

How about we talk about Murlocs, who were the first light users on all of Azeroth? If a murloc can do it, so can a player.

Void Elf Paladins make sense, as well. No void and light beings don’t explode when they make contact, the book really points out it was Xera who did that.

Any race/class combo just requires some “active thinking”.

Ps: Sorry if this post sounded hostile, I debate this every day with people <3

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But where
I don’t just trust, bro

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The only people who have ever implied otherwise are the would-be gatekeepers in this forum or on the web.

Yeah I wouldn’t have allowed these customizations for these classes or these race/class combinations.

The problem is, the more you will want to care about it, the more you will harm the story, you just cant deny the fact that the more the player is visible the less the story is evolving.

The big proof of that was in one of the best cineamtics in TWW ; the one when Magni becomes flesh again, in that cineamtic you have emotions, you have epic, you have tension etc…

Is the player visible in it? NO

What would the player do if it was even here? Nothing…

I its why i dont care and why nobody should care, because you will never amount to anything than standing by and looking pretty while the real characters have actual emotions.

We told you already!!! Right now i cant find it, but once i do i will show you.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: That’s literally contradictory though …
Because you harm the story by actively going →

:clap: DIRECTLY :clap: AGAINST :clap: IT!

However, to give benefit to the doubt — I’m talking about honouring the story in general, like with class to race combos.

I actually agree with you, on your notion of the story following main-character journeys & having THEM hold significant moments, as opposed to the player — Because yeah, it erodes the autonomy of the story since “everyone” is the player … It kind of goes to what Syndrome said in ‘The Incredibles’ movie:

  • “And if eeeeveryone’s special … No one is.”

– Since every player would be the apparent ‘singular’ hero in whatever X significant moment – which also makes future story telling of such events somewhat evasive too (not naming the ‘famous’ hero, lol).

:person_shrugging: So yeah, I’m all for main characters getting the spotlight over the players. :dracthyr_nod:

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How…did you make murlocs compared to players? Was there a large gap to point a, to point b or something?

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This is irrelevant. You said it’s been stated.
So I want a source. Please?

Well if you read what i’m saying. I’m saying race/class stuff shouldn’t be locked just because people cant think of a way to make something work in an MMO RPG

Murlocs being the example of being able to be every class ingame, even apparently Evokers. So if Murlocs can do it, why cant we?

And thats why they didn’t hire you to write the lore for the game.

One: Balance. People forgot how racials or this case classes that are broken tends to be a issue. To this day Blizz still aiming to fix the power scaling. Does or doesn’t work on player’s favor.

Two: Special snowflakes. That says much of itself.


The Balance issue was PVP balance between the factions. Horde Shamans vs Alliance Paladins. But if both factions have equal access to everything, that’s no longer an issue.