Why does lore matter now for race/class combos when

The only racial flavoring of the classes was in Priest spells, the the Paladin/Shaman divide between Horde/Alliance, and we lost that many expansions ago, starting with Burning Crusade.

Man’ari “Paladins” was a thing since WoD, there is no problem for a man’ari to be a paladin if you explain it like how Velhari was explained back in WoD ;

Velhari is a Dark Vindicator, a “bad” paladin if you want, she use not the “light” but fire, but she is not the only one to use the Light in such a way, dark iron paladins in vanilla did that with the fire of Ragnaros, here its the fire of Sargeras.

Undead demons is a thing.

I will want this along with proper man’ari customization, you know, with fel scars and all, not just tomato draenei.

The problem is, in my opinion, that, let say, they pout no restrictions at all (i think it will happen) but they still pout the culture in the npcs and lore, and let the players play what they wish. But no, the problem is that, they dont do like that, they actually use “randomizer” for their npcs, so you will have man’ari paladins and man’ari shamans etc all around as npc

This fight is a think one of the most interesting in term of thematic, the class is fully shown and you have a lots of thematic, the boss is really cool, yes her lore is not super deep, but the way she talk, the way her spells are etc makes you want to know her more.

Here are the devs notes about the fight which i find very cool :

“Designer note
The concept for this boss began with a simple idea: anti-paladin, or “dark vindicator.” What would a corrupted version of a draenei vindicator fight like? Many of Velhari’s abilities are a play on core Paladin mechanics such as (Un)holy Power builders and spenders, auras, and Guardians of Ancient Kings, with each of the three phases having a theme that parallels one of the Paladin class specializations.”

What i also find cool touch is the fact she switche weapons on each phase, having a 2h fire sword on p1, a 1h mace and sheild on p2 and a 2h mace and shield on p3 (yeah she can use 2h weapon and shield at same time!)

Unless there has been a retraction somewhere they have already said all race/class combo will arrive. This has nothing to do with racial culture(because honestly, there are always outliers in any culture, anyone can be a warlock for example) and purely a gameplay thing.

It definitely was a culture thing. You would start out as an average member of your race so would have access only to classes that were present culturally.

Yeah, any race could go off and learn to be a warlock somewhere, but for say the average night elf it just wasn’t something that was accessible on Teldrassil.


Actually, i am thinking, whe could have been done, would be something like swtor, that, if you reach max level on a character of X race, you unlock the ability to unlock all classes on that race.

That would still keep the culture restrictions, but also make a lore reason for the other classes to be available even if not “part of the culture”


see, that would be an interesting way of unlocking them is if they were put behind (non-time gated and non-grindy) questlines , ideally one for each faction so we can see how each respective faction’s race’s culture meshes with the idea of being a paladin or shaman, nightborne, blood elves, forsaken and evokers learning from literally all the other races and what shamanism means to them both cuturally and spiritually. then we could have the the zandalari prelates, bloodknights, and sunwalkers teaching the other races about how they each interface with the light and its place in their respective cultures, with the questlines culminating in how shamanism/being a paladin has a place in their culture as well

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Not really. For all intent and purposes, hunters were always a thing in human society but gameplay wise it was never done until Cata.

Similarly, anyone can be a warlock and now anyone can be a mage too and it is simply culture evolving. If anything the old reason why orcs for example could be one was because they were too dumb to learn or some such.

Ultimately the starter quest are just that. A way for people to interact with the world. But if you think warlocks are “present culturally” at say Stormwind then you are mistaken. They would be just as hidden as any other warlock practitioners in Teldrassil.

waves in void elf dk. we cant be paladins but dk is fine lol

It doesn’t, the race class combo stuff is pretty much all just a matter of Blizzard actually making the assets to have these classes and not anything to do with lore.

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Because having poor lore to gameplay portrayal in one area, shouldn’t justify having such everywhere else. :person_shrugging:

Not that such a statement would still justify it — as per my first statement made, but do you have a source for that? :open_mouth:

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The moment they decided to make Lightforged DKs/Warlocks and Mag’har warlocks was when they should have just pulled the proverbial ripcord and given every class to every race.

You’ll note they’ve done that with the exception of every class/race combo that requires custom assets (i.e. Shaman, Paladin, Druid) and Evoker “needing” dracthyr models for a lot of their abilities.

Mysteriously, they seem to come up with lore for any race to get any class when there’s no new assets they need to add to the game.

They also suddenly backtracked on Earthen DKs at the last minute before TWW went live. I believe they said it didn’t make sense in the narrative because they weren’t around to be risen as DKs
 but I think it was more likely there was some weird bug they weren’t able to fix, so they just disabled DK for Earthen.

If it was truly a narrative reason, why couldn’t they have just plopped players down at the top of ICC with the rest of the AR and Pandaren DKs and just say the player is a Northrend Earthen and not an Algarian Earthen? I don’t buy it. I’m sticking with the assumption there’s a bug they just haven’t fixed yet.

Could you imagine though?

“I have raised these rocks
“But they’re rocks. They’re not alive to begin with”


I’d be asking some deeper moral questions about the Ebon Blade.

I like the idea that an Earthen DK is no different than an abomination or the Draenei’s Vigilants. Might not even be the original soul being shoved in there.

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Y’mean like troll golems that are powered by a soul?

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You might have been average, but I was exceptional. :slight_smile:

Not everyone has the same self conception of their characters.

You became an adventurer instead of a baker, shop keeper, peasant, or peon. That kind of defines you as not quit run of the mill.

Them too. :dracthyr_nod:

Because aside from this game being an MMO, it’s also an –

R :clap: P :clap: G :exclamation:

– and the game itself follows a storyline and lore for its continuity 

It may not matter all that much to you, but it still means quite a lot to many others.

And as I’ve already stated:

Having poor established lore-to-gameplay portrayal in one area or another shouldn’t justify having such everywhere else. :person_shrugging: