Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

Dosen’t bother me any that we didn’t get them

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Or, secret Alliance in disguise :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Just the West, we’re quite adored by most in Japan and Korea. :wine_glass:


Don’t threaten me with a good time! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So since only 10% survived the scourge attack and 10% of that stayed High Elves that means only 0.01 are high elves .

Which means Void elves are either equal to or greater to alliance high elf numbers.


it would be more like if high elves are 0.01 of all the survivors, then void elves were like 0.001.

Again, void elves were just one group of blood elves. A relatively obscure group at that.



One thing I will say, I’m glad Alliance got Velves. Now, I can have a Belf in an Alliance Garrison 'cause the Horde Garrisons suck!

Still, Alliance got the short end of the stick. Horde got a brand new race with Vulpera whereas Alliance just got a bunch of re-hashed skins.


We took one of their models.

They have a right to be upset.

And then to add insult to injury, Blizzard made the original model’s coloring available, basically negating the void difference.

But not the same model.


My argument would have been, ‘You stole one of our race models!’

I like the voidy customized Void Elfs. I think there is a lot of ‘cool’ there and it should be expanded on.

I detest the fake High Elves customization because they are fake High Elves.

If I had a magic wand, I would change the story, give Void Elves to the Horde, made Blood Elves and Void Elves uneasy allies and kept their customizations voidy. (And then give High Elves and WildHammer Dwarfs to the Alliance :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.)

With the way things stand, they just look like another one of Blizzard’s half-baked ideas.


There’s also a number of Quel’dorei elves in Outland and its been quite a long time since the events of Warcraft 3. Pretty sure they’ve continued to procreate during that time. Besides, game mechanics can make anything possible. How do you think our characters manage to carry around 5 backpacks full of items at once - including feasts big enough to feed 25 people? Or throw fireballs around, in forested areas, without causing wildfires?


Some people =/= all horde players

I main horde and I like void elves, really love their hair… I would like to see more lore implemented for them though, the race feels too empty compared to others.

Just play what you like and ignore the haters :+1:


I love void elves. I wish they would come out with something exactly like female human on horde so I could play that


It’s the fact that the Alliance got a copy of the Horde’s most popular race just by spending over a decade bellyaching about the Horde getting a conventionally attractive race that was briefly aligned with the Alliance at one point. Then Alliance players complained that what they got was something created on the spot as an offshoot of Alleria’s story arc instead of the race whose entire identity in canon was being the original anti-blood elves and nothing more.

Because void elves actually had something unique going for them on release, then the community strongarmed Blizzard into giving them blood elf skin tones and hair colors in two separate patches. It’s not like pandaren, who were intended to be one race playable on both factions from the start.

Void elf posters on this board also have the stigma of appearing as whiny, cringy, entitled, and more than willing to throw hands with blood elf posters over the pettiest of issues. The last few years have been them asking for or outright demanding the ability to toggle the race on their nameplates to read “High Elf” instead of “Void Elf”, visual toggles for Entropic Embrace and Spatial Rift, void elf druids, void elf shaman, a new capital city, and everything else that blood elves have that void elves don’t (green eyes, paladins, demon hunters, complete or partial control of Silvermoon).

At this point, the image of a blue-eyed, blonde-haired elf on a blue background is likely now associated with people who come here to troll and/or emit an air of “I’m better than you” in their posts, and no one is really happy with how void elves turned out; their fans and dissenters both wish they were written better, blood elf fans don’t like them for being derivative, high elf fans don’t like them for being a monkey’s pawed version of a race that was requested for years, and everyone else wishes their fans would just shut up and take what they can get.

Nightborne actually look different enough from night elves and were originally a neutral race that was the focus of their own zone in Legion, so there wasn’t an uproar about the Horde taking something from the Alliance. When BfA was announced, there were a few people who malded over the nightborne joining the Horde after both factions helped drive the Legion out of Suramar, but that’s more or less completely died down now.


Because they’re the better faction, dad!

Ohh sorry, saw that tuft of fur under your chin and mistook it for someone else.


Allied races were a mistake.


I love all elves!


Something about “Stealing” Blood Elven features, on top of that Void Elves should’ve been High Elves because that’s as 1:1 as they wanted to get but instead have to stick to Blood Elves because that’s really all they care about.

Well, that’s the biggest outcry I’ve heard since, there’s plenty of other reasons but that’s what I’ve seen since the playable introduction.

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Besides a few customization features that made my heart skipped a beat, I could honestly seen the Void Elves with immense indifference. I found them to be quite fascinating creature when observing the strategy they take in battle from the use of Fear as a weapon.

I’ve taken immense interest when observing paying close attention to their personality I find inspiring. Also when changing faction I’ve had a decent laugh about the change in my characters personality and made jokes about his sudden rise in confidence. “Did he get laid or something?!” :laughing:

The primary reason most people dislike the being their terrible timing of arrival and the poor execution of their lore just for the Developers hope player forget.

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THose actually consider themselves Sin’dorei because they went over with Kael’thas after he renamed them to Blood Elves. Plus in lore most of them fell with him in Outland .

Those at the Black Temple were captured and are now Blood Elf DHs . In game they are there but in lore not really.

Just like in game the Sun Well is contaminated but in lore it isn’t any more .

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They should have made the KEEBLER ELVES a playable race.

Alliance can have them but we get 40 % of the cookie profits