It’s not that the horde hates void elves it is the fact that the horde hates helfers for basically going full on Karen and getting Blizz to give them pretty much carbon copy (minus the void tendril hair) Belf skin and hair colors.
There are some of us that have Void Elves that don’t play them because of Blizz caving to them .
The lore is literally that they are former blood elves. Whereas the nightborne split off from Highborne a while ago. There is definetly a difference. It’s like saying high elves are night elves.
High Elves / Blood Elves split off from Night Elves at the same time… High Elves are Night Elves. The High Elf Prince was literally a Night Elf and changed on the journey by boat.
But that’s kind of a lore consideration and not a meta consideration as well? Like, meta-consideration, Horde got Night Elves.
Horde got shaldorei, nightborne. They don’t even speak the same language, nor do they even share the same culture. Void elves literally are former blood elves.
You can make a void elf look like a blood elf, you can’t do the same for nightborne.
I think the Zandalar Troll skeleton is more alike to Night Elves than Nightborne are.
If the Horde got a copy/paste of Night Elves or Humans, like the Alliance did with Void Elves/ Blood Elves, things would have been fair.
But while Nightborne are amazing, they are not a copy/ paste of the Alliances most beloved and popular Race.
I don’t hate Void Elves, I’m a big supporter of a lessening of Faction restrictions, so it makes no sense for me to ‘hate’ any Alliance races.
However, I really dislike how entitled and demanding a small group of players have been regarding the Void Elves. I find the whole thing quite distasteful.
Honestly, with how the story is relating to the factions, it really makes no sense with the current faction restrictions in general, to with the current story. Even when they allow cross-faction instance grouping, still wouldn’t make much sense.
I mean, are we supposed to be fighting each other or are we supposed to be working with each other.
Imagine comparing the Void Elves to the Nightborne, as if they were equals?
Suramar was considered by many to be the highlight of Legion, producing some of the most well regarded characters in Thalyssra, Occuleth, and Valtrois.
Do you know how rare it is in this game to produce a storyline that players enjoy?
The reasons players hate Void Elves is partially their awful in-game lore, and the obnoxious Void Elf posters begging for blonde hair.
Void elves are just a bunch of scientist that got caught up in some experiment. As I recall 10% of all surviving Quel’thalas elves did remain high elves. Also, we see surviving high elves in as far a field as Stormwind, Ironforge and Theramore, heck even in Darkshore at one time.