I was so disappointed with the new faces. I still can’t play my nightborne.
So go ask for em’. Void Elf / High Elf players campaigned for three years.
So RP a Nightborne Dark Ranger then. They can be hunters.
If you want more classes ask for them.
Here is the main thing:
The most requested race for WoW has been High Elves. So, Alliance players asked for High Elf stuff. They got Void Elves. They got upset and asked for High Elf stuff.
Horde/Blood Elf players got upset. But the Alliance isn’t asking for Blood Elf stuff. They’re asking for High Elf stuff. Which has been in the Alliance all along.
So there is the argument that, “They’re taking our stuff.”
They aren’t taking Blood Elf stuff. They’re taking High Elf stuff… and Blood Elf players aren’t out there asking for Blood Mages or Blood Elf stuff.
Nightborne players are Night Elves. They did get more skin tones. But at the end of the day, you’re trying to be a Nightborne because you like Nightborne.
The Alliance wants to play High Elves because they like High Elves.
So what’s the problem?
Blood Elf players like High Elves too… and they don’t particularly love Blood Elves.
So I really get the whole issue. Because it makes sense for Alliance players to get the stuff that Horde players want to be because Horde players want to be High Elves.
That is something I want, but no indication from blizzard from it happening. Might as well make humans nuetral. My forsaken warrior would appreciate the face lift.
Didn’t really stop them from having a very human-looking Nathanos directing the Horde Campaign for an entire expansion. Or from putting Calia Menethil as the next leader of the Forsaken.
Honestly, there’s lore to support humans in the Horde. May as well just add them. More options are always better.
Yeah. But you can be a Void Elf Holy Priest so that’s already out of the bag.
You’re not actually defending the races integrity unless you go out and ask them to remove a priest spec too.
Yeah but wouldn’t you like your Horde humans better with void tentacles though?
I’m not going to play them either way, so however Horde players want them. I couldn’t care less how they look. Could be bright red with fairy wings for all I care, so long as Horde players are happy with them.
The horde has had high elves for decades. The ones that stayed in the alliance didn’t really change as needed. They stuck with there human families and cultures and lost there high elf culture. And assimilated into human society.
Alleria came back and got some blood elves to join the alliance.
I was just making a joke about Blizzard ruining a request for something.
I wonder if they’ll ever make that mistake again?
“Oh, you want Sethrak? Wouldn’t it be cooler though if they weren’t snakes at all?”
“You want Worgen tails? What kind of tails? Platypus tails?”
I don’t oppose them. Playable Fogsail would be cool. I just don’t expect them to happen is all.
Oh I don’t care about that. Just it would be thematically sillier than just a spec, so I would find it to be an odd addition.
I don’t really have strong thoughts on it one way or the other. Do I think something that looked like Alliance high elf paladins would be cool? Sure. But my paladin is staying human for the rep bonus so six of one to me.
I don’t feel like it’s that genuine of a request. Pirate humans horde would be cool, people would probably play them. But I don’t think that many people genuinely want them.
Then again, no hordies wanted Blood Elves back in burning crusade and now the Horde is blood elves. So maybe that would flip.
We talking lore-wise or real life? Lorewise I don’t know if its even been a full ten years. Real life wise, about a decade and a half.
I think Dalaran really offers a good window into the result of a mixing of heritage and culture. It just outright looks like a blend of Thalassian and Human architecture to begin with, and it’s always had a sizable population of High Elves. It’s probably also the major hug for half-elves.
Just a shame Blizzard can’t seem to make up their mind on whether its Alliance or Neutral.
After Legion, I’m going to assume they’ll keep it neutral in case they ever want to reuse it as a hub again.
The events in game roughly reflect irl time periods.
And I have no interest in halflings.
It’s already annoying enough to get basically the same race when cross faction is coming soon.
If cross faction is going to be center to gameplay I hope they diversify future new races and keep making similar races as customization features.
Meanwhile I will wait to see the trailer to see what they will do about customization. I hope they remove race/class restrictions partly so the high elf threads stop. But I doubt they would be satiated.
The Horde has had traumatized Elves who changed their names to Blood Elves.
There are literally High Elf Lodges and Elves hanging out around the Mage Tower right now.
I get that this is just like, your opinion on High Elves. But it’s not the lore.
Lorewise High Elves stayed in the Alliance. Blood Elves changed their name and culture, then got redeemed in Burning Crusade.
Yea blood elves are high elves dude. Who respected there fallen enough to change there name for them. They are the true mvps.
Wheras the ones that stayed alliance didnt really care for them.
The blood elves continued the culture of Quel’thalas. It just changed as it needed to for survival.
The Alliance high elves do not continue that culture, as they are divorced from it. That’s what makes them different. Sure they still love their homeland. But you can’t look at them and call them “the rightful heirs of the legacy” just because they kept the name.
Sure. But that’s not the lore though. That’s just your personal definition.
Blizz stated so in the past. Blood elves were playable high elves.
They changed their minds after loads of bad pr . That doesnt change history. We have had playable high elves since BC. Just on the horde.
The new customizations reflect that new chamge in thinking. They even modernized their customizations to be more lore appropriate.
Mmm. I don’t know that I’d say that. I mean, they are the inhabitants of Quel’thalas so the culture of Quel’thalas is gonna be whatever they do.
But lore wise Blood Elves have Blood Mages and Blood Knights and other crazy factions to get by. Like you say, to survive the Zombied up Quel’thalas.
Yeah but like, who does that?
Lorewise High Elves are a pretty specific thing. They’re High Elves that didn’t change their names / become Blood Elves.
Also, I think the argument over the legacy of whatever is pretty absurd.
In Warcraft 2, In Warcraft 3, You’ve got High Elf units. Are those the legacy of Quel’thalas?
It’s kind of a crazy argument. At the end of the day, what you know about High Elves is from the wow encyclopedia, from the enclaves sitting around vanilla and are from the High Elf mobs.
Blood Elves changed their name and they’re their own thing.
Dalaran High Elves are kind of in the middle.
There is also a huge lore gap between High Elves landing in Quel’thalas and Warcraft 2 thats basically summed up as, “They fought Trolls.”
It’s a really strange thing to hinge the arguments on.