Why does everyone want to dps?

Nobody likes to take responsibility that’s why


Idk i always level as a tank if i can. Instant queue times and you can gather up and aoe a ton of quest movs at one time.

You can pretty much do the same thing as dps sans the instant queue, and tanking dungeons just goes back to the whole issue of responsibility.
Sure, it’s easy while you’re leveling, but it’s still responsibility. There’s a reason the queues are fast.

Interrupt is too hard :pensive:

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Its the most efficient in the most situations of solo play and can be carried at low to mid levels of gameplay.

Its also in many ways the most selfish role to play as outside of specific duties ( dispel, decuse, enrage) you are only really expected to do damage and interupt

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i guess no one’s like me like to heal lol

Tank and healers have more responsibility. People usually take the path of least resistance. As a dps, job is to not die to avoidable damage and just zug zug.


Okay. 10 characters.

Simple answer they want to see the big numbers

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Turn your brain off?

Tell me you’ve never dps high content without telling me.

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Because tanking and healing require skill…dps could be performed by a one eyed chimp on a keyboard with half it’s keys.


It’s pretty natural for people to want to be able to hide in the crowd and have the least responsibility as possible.

It’s not unique to WoW at all.

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I got fed up dealing with pugs as a tank in wow. I also wasn’t a fan of some of the tank spec changes over the years. I could never get into healing. That leaves dps as the only other option.

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This whole thread is full of people self reporting lol


So, I’ve always played tank regardless of game with the exception of futuristic single player games, where I prefer to have a gun. CRPGs? Sword and Shield Paladin if fantasy. Overwatch? Reinhardt. League of Legends? Leona and Braum and so on and so forth.

But from talking to and observing my friends, it’s mostly a matter of people enjoy the competitive nature of being damage dealers, some even enjoying the spotlight it brings, like getting a pentakill in League, or obliterating the enemy team by yourself in Overwatch.

Typically damage dealers have pretty easy ways to tell when you are performing well and with that comes recognition from your peers and a quick dopamine hit, not to mention that these roles will typically be mechanically harder to play than healers and tanks, so the room for skill expression is also higher for those that challenge themselves.


Anxiety. Fear of disappointing people and getting them killed. Also, I really like rogues.

That being said, I may try it out this expac once I’m done gearing up all my dps.

yes, average dps brain
it’s always been like this

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Turn my brain off?

I play Destro or Ret when I want to turn my brain off. Enhancement and Survival do not get to do this,

The sooner people stop mystifying the tank role, the sooner people realize it’s a role anyone can do.

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Maybe they were referncing DPS in General. Aside from Instanced PvP and M+ runs, most DPS is actually braindead activity. It is how we got the Hunter and Warlock meme: BRBAFKLOLAutoAttack. I mean, let’s face it, the pet does most of the work, even if they do not do most of the damage.

Big numbers go boom.