in my opinion it takes more thought than obliteration does, since you need to keep an eye on your runic power. where obliteration is oogabooga press glow button
I mean, isn’t that BoS?
Oh I have runic power? oogabooga, now spam oblit.
Frost DK as a whole is the least complex spec in the entire game, lets not split hairs about its talents and try to one up someone else’s level 50 talent choice.
Runic power tracking and management are important for all DK specs, not just BoS. It’s always important to avoid overcapping. BoS, at least to me, does nothing to change this. It simply changes your mindset from “avoid overcapping” to “pool runic power” every few minutes.
not trying to do that, i’m just giving my opinion.
Saying BoS takes more thought than Obl. is like saying a five piece puzzle has more thought than a four piece puzzle.
well, it still does take more thought in that scenario. but, doesn’t really matter, people have given some great opinions on this whole topic. i now fully see why you hate it so much. heres to maybe seeing some major changes in the future.
Dr. Evil “Riiiiiiiiiiight”
“It takes a certain IQ to understand the complexity of Breath of Sindragosa Frost Death Knight in Shadowlands expansion…”
given the internet can’t fully express every little expression, i can see why you thought that, however, it was an off handed comment.
BoS DK is that big 189 IQ level of complex
The IQ gap comes from patience and resource pooling. Extremely hard mechanics.
I think BoS is more situational. I don’t think it takes more thought to use as it’s still very simple.
Obliteration is just Frost Strike > Obliterate (or the other way around) and that’s it.
BoS is just spam Oblit to set up and spam is again to maintain. That’s it. There’s not a lot of thought into that there.
See, 300 IQ playstyle.
BoS is also dorky looking, you summon a low poly dragon head that floats above you and spits 2005 snow jpegs out in front of you as long as you can sustain it.
Purely my own opinion.
thanks for not feeding into this devolved conversation with further needless iq related comments.
So THATS why we don’t see BoS DK’s on the leaderboards, No IQ big enough to grasp even the slightest understanding of such a complex spec!
You are a god amongst gods, my friend.
you don’t need to continue this.
I think I may have been misunderstood here and now I’m not sure how to respond
Both playstyles are very simple doesn’t take much thought. If anyone misunderstood, that’s what I meant…
Its funny.