Why does every class have at least 2 roles but hunter didnt get a second one?

I think there should be a hunter tank… I mean the far right tree IS called survival after all. We already have up to 50% dodge as melee hunter. Just need to make monkey a tanking aspect. increased threat and the pet is just a bonus like tank lock. melee hunter is cool and all, but they missed an opportunity.


I mean that would require completely re-working Survival and honestly BM rune is pretty much that but hunters dont know how to multi macro their skills so their pets is always on the current target hitting growl but I think a high aggro rune for pets should also suffice tbh

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ya, I just think using the pet to tank more than it already can seems a little clunky. That actually could work though if you gave them some aoe moves that they could spam more often. I hadn’t even thought about buffing the pet more.

They got the 2nd “grossly overpowered dps spec despite multiple nerfs” role. Quite a good trade IMO.


Hunters get to shoot through terrain and solo everything.

Why? Survival is where the defensive talents are located.
It’s even less work than for rogues. Just add a rune that increases threat generation, grant crit immunity in PvE and turn disengage into a taunt. Could use 2h weapons as a requirement to reduce dps. Gj hunters now have a tank spec and SV is worth investing into.

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Your not wrong… Just saying it seemed like a lost opportunity. We have mana but little in the way of magic. So, healer is out. Tank isnt too far off base for being doable.

It really wouldn’t. Multiple classes got all they needed to tank with a single rune.

if you arent also taking into consideration that most of those runes take up other powerful runes spots like imagine a rogue tanking while having deadly brew active? so unless replace a really strong like lions or something along those lines its gonna just scale way to well. Hunters could be tanks with just the BM rune if it was solely turned into a rune like that

To be fair it wouldn’t really, a lot of the talent tree is already focused around it, and other SoD specific tanks are implemented solely through rune abilities anyway.

Give a threat increase on Counterstrike and melee attacks, threat modifier on Aspect of the Monkey, traps in combat as default, and you’re pretty good to go for a baseline.
Then you can just play around with runes, give them something fun, perhaps also give them some kind of armour/health scaling from their pets (to give value to the tanky pet talents of BM), and possibly some kind of pet interaction and they’d be sweet.

Rune of Spirit Bond:

Damage taken and healing received by the hunter and their pet are now split between them

This would allow healers to heal the hunter as the tank still without having to worry about healing the pet separately and would provide some tankiness/mitigation by splitting the damage taken.

Survival doesn’t need reworking at all. The majority of the talents in survival would work extremely well with a tank role. All they need is a rune to enhance deterrence and grant 6% crit reduction and maybe a rework of Aspect of the Turtle to grant 20% damage reduction. Distracting Shot becomes distracting strike and now acts as a taunt. Boom, done.

we hunters should be able to deploy nukes from bunkers - only if you have gnome engineering! mawhahw

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  1. Blizz has only ever released 2 new runes on old rune slots. So if they release tank runes theyd go in new slots, not replace existing ones.
  2. 2004 Pet AI being main tank would make me grow aids. Survival Tank is the way to go, it requires 1-2 runes for defensiveness, threat bonus and a taunt. Not some major rework ur thinking of

also sitting here calling all hunters bad while green/grey parsing 5/7 ST. just a heads up on who were dealing with

Stop it with the idea of tank hunters idea. No means no.


No thanks.


just never understood people like this.
You want to mention whats causing you all to be so ANTI hunter tank?
you dont lose anything by them adding 1-2 tanking runes. You can still play surv dps in pvp. you can still play BM and ranged. The only difference now is that Surv isnt a dead pve spec and can be used for more than “zug zug me hit boss for big number”

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To me, it’s because melee is extremely bland and needs to have more to do to be interesting. Focusing and developing tank abilities and even adjusting major things in an entire talent tree is not the way to go. If they do anything, they should make melee more interesting.

Don’t care if melee does 50,000 DPS. I played ranged last phase and this phase because it’s exponentially more engaging and they did a great job this phase making it even more engaging than it was in phase 2.

Now, if they do more with hunter, they should bring melee up to that same level of engaging. Not work on a completely new idea.

so no tank because melee is bad rn? im sorry but how about both?
it would probably take less dev time to make melee dps more fun AND add a couple tank runes than it would to make rogue tank viable.
Kinda already figured melee hunter was going to see some trap overhaul next phase anyway, our next 10 talents are useless unless they give us combat traps next phase

Make survival a tank so we can have WoE shaman 2.0 in PvP please!