Why does every class have at least 2 roles but hunter didnt get a second one?

Has anyone tried tanking on a hunter now with running the melee runes and Lone Wolf? Outside of a taunt… they seem like that have most of the tools already.

They also seem like they would play differently like that. Instead of charging in, pulling to them with Ranged and front loading threat.

I’d go two hander and trap mastery over dual wield though.

One melee role is enough for a range class. If a Hunter should tank, it should be the pet.

Ever hear of the Ranger from EQ? A Hunter running Lone Wolf is basically a Ranger tank.

except that vanilla hunter was a Pet class. not a ranged class. this is backed by the fact that theyve always carried a melee weapon, and have a whole talent tree with melee/trap/survivability talents. And lone wolf was never intended. if melee hunter running nightfall was bis hunter dps in 2004, no one would be calling it a ranged class.

I dunno, I kite a lot when I play that way, taking damage is the last thing I want.

Hunters are bad enough as DPS, you really want them to tank too? I wouldn’t trust a hunter tank.

1.) You will be competing with “tank” gear against rogues/shamans/warriors/pallies. Why suffer more than you already do? Most “tank” gear you will have will be dps gear. Goodluck on your rolls.
2.) Who is actually going to want to tank when they cant even balance the other tank specs currently?
3.) How many runes are you willing to give up right now for the devs to remake them into tank runes?

Same… It’s just not efficient to bandage all the time. If I had a healer though… It would be interesting to Try.

Lone Wolf gives 30% to all damage, even melee… In PVE groups, I only don’t run LW due to threat management. With the pet, my threat is split. If I was to tank, it wouldn’t be a concern though.

Still… need a Taunt and Distracting shot wouldn’t cut it, I don’t think.

as for runes… It really could be one Rune that had a Taunt with some more mitigation. That would be “Hey, Hunters are now Tanks” from Blizzard. Hell, they could throw that on Carve.

It’s not mutually exclusif.

Also as a “pet class”, that pet is doing less than 20% total damage in Era while the rest is made from range.

I never said Hunters shouldn’t melee, I’m fine with melee hunters but adding a new spec so they can tank is a little too much for the class fantasy when it’s their pet that should tank.

yeah because adding bonus defense to mail gear is really gonna shake up the loot competition.


this is what you cant get into your smooth brain. youre not LOSING anything. these are just new rune ideas for phase 4 that will go into the new rune slots, along with other new runes for the dps specs. No talents are changing, no one is making you play surv, nothing about the other specs would change.

Come back when youve actually played any of the other tank classes. Ill wait.

bard healing spec would be nice iw ould actually play heals if that was a thing

“dont make a new tank cuz other tanks are weak”
like go away bruh, figure out why you’re actually upset before dragging other people down with you

I still want an “Improved Eyes of the Beast” rune that swaps the hunter and pets consciousness. You fully control the pet to tank and the hunter becomes the “pet” following you around doing auto shots.

People forget about ranger. Hell hunter doesn’t read archer to me. Just one that hunts. Many hunters ran down their prey with spear for food!

The epic swords for ranger in EQ were the coolest dual wielding ranger fantasy for me.


Regardless, the ranged pov is irrelevant in this conversation when Aggrend specifically asked melee hunters how to revive surv. and imo the only way to do it without also killing BM is to make it a tank spec

Their second role is the ability to solo content far above what any other class can do.

There’s a reason they removed this from Warlocks. It was far too powerful.

If anything you could do:
Loyal Beast
Any Attack that would kill you is instead redirected to your pet. 10 Minute CD. Passive.

Increases threat from Counterattack. Dodging any attack restores 6% mana. Reduces the chance to be critical hit by melee attacks by 6%. Aspect of the Monkey increases your threat generated by all attacks. Disengage now taunts the target. Your pet’s Growl and Intimidate no longer causes any aggro or taunts.

Hunter has mDPS and rDPS. Two roles.

Imagine using your pet to taunt as a defensive CD. I could see it, as long as it’s not the pet tanking full time obviously.