Why does community defend pay to win aspects?

We are not crying out because its not a problem. Its easier to get the gear and stuff without buying on the AH. Also this is not the truth. One Wow token is worth around 100,000 gold the gear on the AH is 150,000 ish so it takes 2 or more to get. Thats not pay to win. Thats a stupid waste of money. $40 for one slot thats probably not even best in slot. We aren’t stupid enough to spend THAT MUCh on gear. Thats why its not a problem


Auction house

I think…you’re just complaining about random things you think are the reason you’re failing to progress but the reality is you just stink.

Pet drops from instances or rares are generally dropped as soulbound items you learn in order to have the pet. The pet and the item you learn it from are separate, so the pet, once learned, may be cageable even though the item from which you learned it was BoP.

Pets caught in the wild are never cageable.
Most store-bought pets are not cageable, though there have been a couple of exceptions.
TCG pets are cageable.
Most pets obtained by doing the pet battle dungeons are cageable.
Pets from the Celestial Tournament in Timeless Isle are not.

Op is right but the problem is people actually buy this stuff. I think the only DLC I have ever bought was the season pass to Fallout 4 and I only did that when I caught it on sale for $15. I have just never found there to be enough gameplay in DLC. I have played alot of DLC when buying older games that have it allready packed in and it just doesn’t seem like it adds much most of the time.

I am just talking about DLC that actualyl gives you a new map to explore or something like that. I won’t even get started in garbage like a new gun, cosmetic items, etc.

Also people need to realize this isn’t normally an issue that someone is simply “too poor” to buy these things. Just because you have money doesn’t mean you need to make foolish purchases. If something is a rip off I don’t care if your Bill Gates rich you shouldn’t buy it.

Guess that day is today.


Oh how quick and easy we forget why tokens exist.
Gold sellers, they where worse than the burning legion.
Do you remember the piles of corpses in SW and Org advertising gold selling sites? I do
Did you have any friends hacked and bleed your GV? We had two, Blizz had to go through the hell of returning everything taken.
If selling tokens stopped the account hacking, it’s a good thing.
And to counter your point, gold was ALWAYS sold, it didn’t start with tokens.

Now if they put a full mythic raid set up for US Dollars, THAT would be pay to win, and I would stand behind your argument.


I do not accept this point.

Very little of the game is defined by the very limited micro transaction available in the shop.

Your examples are:

  • the world first race - which is an “exploit any advantage possible” scenario that very few players participate in (and if you think it was done solely by selling BOE gear you don’t understand what was done);
  • Twinking - which was just forced into its own bracket and has little to no bearing on any other aspect of the game now, and;
  • pet battles - which is entirely side game.

If there is pay-to-win at all its done through is carries paid in gold purchased thru the token - which are both unpreventable (as they can be and are often done for free) and player created - ie not really in Blizz’s control.

The other example would be the character boost. Which, OK yeah. Its a bit of a cheat - but its also meant to put you in the current expansion, where you still need to level and earn stuff. & honestly… 120 levels is a lot of levels.

So…I neither accept your premise or your examples.

Emotional attachment I suppose.

Two things. One, there’s not mythic level BoEs in every slot. Two, link to the character.

Hey, pet battles are fun and something to do. The game needs more things to do, not less.

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First off, don’t open your argument by assuming the general reading populace has accepted your unproven point. All you are going to do there is annoy people before they even start reading your piece.

Secondly, none of your examples are pay to win. Pay to win is giving an unfair advantage over other players via IRL currency, in a competitive environment. And no, battle pets does not count as a competitive environment. As for boe’s anyone can buy them, and there is AMPLE time between tiers in order to garner the funds necessary to get them. That is what the top end guilds do to get theirs.

While I am not a proponent of all the things they have in the store, or even the existence of a cash shop, calling it pay to win is far from the truth. It is completely optional content that is cleverly marketed so that players will feel enticed to buy it. It is something basically every game does, and the only thing different about WoW doing it is that they already have a monthly fee that dwarfs any other games’.

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Another way to look at the cash shop- Blizz has not raised subscription fees in 15 years. The cash shop allows people who have extra money to spend it beyond the sub fee, which no doubt leads to more development that benefits everyone, including people who don’t buy extra things.


Op,well,if you’re paying with gold(or any of such) a raid to get loot ,you are really paying to win.

Just a friendly heads up, it’s not a good idea to mention the names of providers that offer an illegal service within the game.

Making them known can often lead to further abuse, Blizzard has been known to make suspensions for it.

Is that against TOS? People have been doing it since vanilla.

I’m not sure if it’s necessarily against ToS, although I know it’s heavily frowned up, and I believe can lead into further action if excessively done.

The issue is generally that by saying X enables you to do Y you are promoting the service, even if you aren’t in favour of it.

It’s the same with in-game exploits etc.

So for the P2W people I did a quick filter on Plate Armour BoE drops released after 8.1 (It is unrealistic to say that a 350 BoE from 8.0 would TF to 425) and got the following results.


There are only boots and waist available out of ~9 armour slots. You can hardly buy a full set of BoE gear that will surpass Heroic or Mythic gear from AH.


Pay to win has always been a part of just about every online game in existence. That does not make a game pay to win. A really good example of pay to win was/is archeage. You can literally buy the items for upgrades from the cash shop and use them to make your gear better. In WoW that is not the case. You can pay around 2 grand and get a full mythic carry along with any drops you can use but that would be through unofficial channels and if caught likely suspended if not banned by blizzard. Blizzard and WoW do not offer such services and thus the game is not pay to win

except…nothing you use real $ to buy from shop benefits anyone more than anyone else. Even lvl boost just skip lvlign process but that isnt p2w as ur not getting strogner than any other person when thye get to that lvl.

1: you can make gold w/o touching tokens…this isnt P2W.
2: again…BoE’s with gold isnt P2W.
3: maybe? Dont pay attention to them much but afaik theres always alternatives which are as strong.

1 & 2 have been done since day 1 of vanilla.

3 isnt really different from pets achievements.

TBH anything in the game is available to anyone as gold to tokens to shop stuff.

all without paying a penny more than your subscription.