Why does community defend pay to win aspects?

People keep using this term, and its incorrect. By every known criteria.

What people who do paid runs are doing is (a) earning gold by whatever means (b) paying it to a guild or a group for raid or mythic runs and (c.) getting some gear.

Part (c.) can be done without parts (a) and (b) being required. Players can simply join groups through Premade or do it with guilds. No handover of gold or cash is required. So you get the same result for zero currency input.

It is only “pay to win” if you achieve an object that gives a distinct and significant advantage by paying cash in a store or through loot boxes, and it is something that cannot be earned any other way. And WoW does. not. have. that.

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I’d be inclined to agree with your viewpoint of P2W a lot more had Blizzard introduced WoW tokens from the get go.

As it stands, no. As long as everything in game is obtainable via actually playing the game, it’s not P2W.


the store items are not why this stuff is not right in many ways. this is graphic artists (GA) type stuff.

Unless Blizzard is cutting back on staff and GA’s are also doing class design, mechanics coding, etc…don’t be looking at the GA’s. They come in and “doodle” drawings all day long lol. That’s it.

GA’s had jack crap to breaking most classes with choppy CD mechanics thanks to GCD. They just doodled the armour we wear as we work this crap lol.

The graphic artists at Blizzard right now are just about the only people keeping the game together.

They need to get a raise to be honest.

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  1. Someone has to get that BOE to drop. They are not created endlessly nor on demand. And you dont need wow tokens to buy them.

  2. See point 1.

  3. Pet battles are a sub game and have almost zero bearing on the storyline and progression. While I wish this would be removed, it realistically affects a very small minority of the population who likely are not very vocal and therefore probably wont see any change from blizz. Could potentially be balanced by simply making store pets not able to battle.

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Would that do anything? I very very rarely use store pets in my battle rotation.

Yeah, I’m not buying the in-store pets being an issue. Some of the pets are very strong, but they’re all niche pets. I rarely use the few stronger ones I’ve bought.

Yay. You “win” 3 410 BoEs. That gives you a TIME advantage for X-Y weeks.

A clueless idiot who buys top end gear will get destroyed by high end PvP players, high M+ and Heroic/Mythic raids.

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But that’s not “P2W”. Blizz isn’t selling the carries/raids on the shop, and getting the gold to buy those carries isn’t only available on the shop.

Which are?

Still not P2W. Getting to the appropriate level is still available in game. What people are arguing against is Pay To Accelerate aspects, not Pay To Win. Maybe there’s legitimate reasons to be against that, I can understand that, but those things are not Pay To Win because they aren’t exclusive to the cash shop and unable to obtain any other way but cash.

I’ve played this game for multiple expansions.

Trade chat used to be mostly people chatting and people looking for people in their group.

Today, there’s little chatting and the thing posted most are people looking to sell a run.

It’s also a shame the OP chose the term P2W because so many people are just focused on the WIN aspect.

Thread should be titled “Why does the community defend micro-transactions?”

Honestly, I don’t think the micro-transactions are the problem. The problems with the game cause people to focus on micro-transactions, and how they ruin a game because now the game team is more focused on making money as opposed to making a good game. So my question is, are there any games out there with micro-transactions that are still really good games?


I think people underestimate the impact of the token in WoW

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pay to win does mean pay to win though. It doesn’t mean pay for gear that might get you into a raid long enough for them to see you don’t belong there. If you buy $700 worth of gear and clear the raid doing top 5 damage, you were already good before you spent a dime, you just made your guy stronger, but could have won without it.
The only pay to win I see on this game are the raid carries, especially the ones that blatantly offer cash sales that get ignored by mods. I also have never been in a situation where I thought, “you know what, that guy obviously paid to win”, so all this anger is coming from what, Blizz making some extra money? Whoopty doo every game company on the market does this, so why is Blizz always the target?

Its like 30 bucks if i remember right. But its not pay to win like this guy is suggesting.

It brings you up to current content (story skip sold seperately), and gives you the a set of minimum level gear to level in so you dont run in naked. Just like wows.

So these were all one sided agreements by the community resulting in square enix not making the boosts? A discussion is exactly what we are having now. Some people agree, some disagree.

A discussion isnt proof its pay to win. Thats like going to the ffxiv forums and saying “i saw a wow discussion calling their level boost pay to win, so clearly ours is.”

All youve proven is that the whiney players who quit wow for ffxiv are now annoying their new game instead of us.

THIS WOW WILL BE BROKEN. alot wow player been carries for cash from doing illegal stuff break wow rules and spaming the chat been greedy but do run for real cash!
also they do help with your pain in M+ or raid run
but not cheap really expensive, A friend told me he got AOTC in 1hour after he try WOWVENDOR they did help them very well! they never got wipe in the raid or fail in mythic. so this wow will be alot carries and lazy player then fail when looking for player to do raid and wipe. this game going be terrible with all unskilled player been carries for achievements! this wow

You don’t its endless here is no winning without a real ending imho in a MMORPG.

Mythic raid have been around since forever and whioe +10 caches dont award strictly a 415 ilevel its kind of splitting hairs at that point plus it can WF/TF.

Not that I care too much but you definitely can if you want.

Personally, I think paying for convenience or short-cuts is just as bad, especially in a game where there is no “end state”

I mean, it’s hard to argue anything in this game is P2W when you can’t really win . . .

Someone couldn’t get BOEs at a cheap price.

I feel you are really stretching the idea… And ignored the fact that you can earn that gold in game… And as mentioned alot there is more to winning than Ilvl. Also this “paytowin” is used by maybe 1% of people…