Why does community defend pay to win aspects?

im not suggesting anything negative with xiv. i have bought the boosts, why would i have a problem with it? same with wow. i thought the topic was about pay to win aspects and defending them. not -eww, offensive words-.

thats not what i said though. i asked how it couldnt be the same thing, because it is the same thing. taking an example of hypocrisy and making it literal, which it can be if you really take the p2w thing seriously, is kind of silly.

ok -ewww, really offensive words- apparently.

i didnt suggest that it was pay to win. i used examples of what other people think. as a matter of fact, i never said i had a problem with pay to win aspects either. im not a broke chump. why would i have a problem with boosting, buying tokens or anything else? i had 400,000 in xiv from the 4 different classes i boosted on one character lol.

I mean, it’s kind of stupid that exclusive pets have overpowered abilities, but pet battles shouldn’t even be in the game to begin with, so I have a hard time getting bent out of shape about it.

The other two examples aren’t really examples.

I’d think a good part of it these days is that most people that haven’t quit are super fanboys, and would happily defend it if Blizzard took a dump in a sock and sold it to us.

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I think that is a dishonest statement. Not just false, but dishonest.

What real-world MMO are you comparing this game with? Or are you comparing it to “an imaginary game in my mind”?

Your only example is that Blizzard allows gamegold to be purchased with real dollars. That is not a micro-transaction. That is not pay-to-win.

Play-to-win is where you get a better weapon, better armor or a faster mount by paying dollars: and that is the ONLY way to get them. That is called “play-to-win”.

Don’t blame Blizzard for allowing players to buy gamegold for cash. It has always happened, in WoW and every other MMO. There are 3d party websites that let you purchase gamegold in every MMO. Blizzard decided they could not stop them, so they made it legal. That changed NOTHING about the game. It didn’t turn it into a “play-to-win” game.

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Are you saying that people never bought BOEs before for low level BGs? I did, I bought BOEs like every couple levels :rofl: back in the glory days before scaling trash

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because you will always have blizzard shills that will defend what ever blizzard does.

Is op seriously saying boes are pay to win lmao 10/10 im dying right now thats amazing


I disagree. The fact that if you search the website up on the forums only 4 results appear is an issue. It’s literally a huge source of the problem and no one is talking about it. Blizz says nothing, yet they’re running a website and (presumably) making thousands off these runs. It’s insane and needs to be discussed. It doesn’t take a genius to find them, they are spamming everywhere.

…? You can buy a few tokens and buy a carry through a mythic raid… Did you not know this lol?

Ans its for gold which means its perfectly legal.

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Its a company… end goal is to make a fun game and you do that by… selling stuff

Im all for adding more stuff to the store

Exactly this, because many that call this, of all games, PAY TO WIN, simple because of a rather weak extrapolation of the ability of using money to buy gold in order to have more gold. This still doesn’t allow someone win due to many with high ilvls that can’t sustain DPS, hold aggro, or even know boss fights enough to not cause a wipe. The relationship is similar to people saying that the NY Yankees buy championships because they have a very large payroll, but it that was true, then they would have won every single game.

Also, the OP’s theory is based upon an indirect way of buying gear, whereas in a truly pay to win game, you would go to the game’s web site with a credit card to purchase the actual gear, and not gold. The token was added to combat against the large amount of gold sellers, which has helped immensely. Methinks that the OP is really Bernie Sanders trying to garner support within the WoW community, and perhaps the gamer community as a whole.


[Why does community defend pay to win aspects?]

More important question: WHY do YOU attack pay-to-win aspects? What’s wrong with it? There is nothing “bad” or “evil” about pay-to-win. Is ESO evil? Are all those “free to play” (pay-to-win) games evil?

We defend because WoW has LESS of the pay-to-win than other games. WoW was not designed around pay-to-win. Many MMO games are.

Gamegold is not pay-to-win. I earned more than 15 million gamegold in recent expansions. I paid for none of it. Is there anything in WoW that you can pay to get, that you cannot also get for FREE by doing some work? No.

Purchasing gamegold with dollars started after 8 or 9 YEARS of WoW. That’s how unrelated WoW is to pay-to-win.

WoW is the OPPOSITE of pay-to-win. You can buy subscription months, new expansions, even new games all using game-gold. I haven’t paid a penny to Blizzard for 2 years now. How is that pay-to-win?


…and yet I’ve not spent real money on the game in a long time…

…and battle pets… why in the world would you complain if others want to waste money for battle pets… /whocares

Wizard 101 and Pirate 101 are very evil.

wow isnt pay 2 win

Clearly, you don’t understand what pay to win means.

Some random piece of BOE gear has essentially zero impact on the games progression.

Where can I buy a 120 toon from Blizzard?

Show one example of a toon going to the AH, buying all their gear and weapons. They next hop into mythic raiding (or rated PvP) with no prior experience and just crush it.


The game is not pay to win. Nice try. Not really


Dude. You don’t even know what microtransactions are if you think WoW has microtransactions.

Imagine this.

You pick up a quest. You can do the quest, or skip it and complete it instantly with extra gold and a bonus piece of gear for $0.99! Congrats, you just downed a big boss! Get a bonus loot chest for just $2.99! Okay, so you finished up Tiragarde Sound. You can progress to Stormsong Valley and levels 112-113 for just $9.99. Yeah, you could skip Stormsong, but eventually that’s where World Quests are and also to progress to the final raid you have to have done all three zones and get those levels. OH BUT WAIT. Drustvar is another $9.99, or $14.99 for both on sale! (Sale price doesn’t get you into Battle for Daz’ralor, if you take advantage of the sale price the final raid is another $5.99).

Hey, that armor’s looking pretty worn down. You can find entirely new pieces, or repair what you have for $2.99. Hey it’s Hallow’s End! Run the Horseman encounter once a day for free, or buy bonus attempts ON SALE for $1.99 apiece! Get a free loot powerup with purchase that opens up access to a chance at a Hallow’s End mount and pet only available in powerup boxes!



Wow is “walk outside and do some world quests, then the darkshore warfront, to win.”

400 ilevel, soloing, I won. No paying involved.

What are you winning?

You have a 7000 ilvl, cool story, who cares?

You have Cutting Edge for the latest raid? Oh, let’s see those kill dates, all the same day? So you were carried? So you’re :poop: cool story who cares.

You can’t buy ‘achievement’ or skill. Buying achievementS and gear only makes you a gold plated player with no substance. It’s like getting muscle implants, you look great but you can’t even carry all the groceries in one trip.


Your complaint is that BOE equipment exists? BOE items have literally been in the game since vanilla.