And youre translanting this idiots words, so it make sense to you… wtf. What is going on?
I misread what you said but… considering how insultive you are, I doubt having read it correctly would have fixed that issues for you.
Please grow the hell up.
Furthemore, Yes Akston understood how I had misread what you said. And that’s how you actually respond to people.
Go outside, touch grass, and grow up you massive baby.
It wasn’t that complicated
I apologize for my insulting nature after your confident, condescending, misunderstanding of my words. For I am in the wrong and I should have just accepted your handicap and proceeding through my life, misrepresented.
This is a logical fallacy, an incorrect internal assumption made by anyone trying to explain the choregame.exe attached to everything in Wow. Maybe step back, ask what’s fun, and design around that. If I need to do ANYTHING prior to participating in the activity I am supposed to be having fun with, that’s a design flaw.
If Gear is requried to be competitive in PVP, then YOU need to stop making it so the only thing players can do is be uncompetitive for X amount of time prior to being able to participate in a meaningful, fun way. Whatever gear I have should be adequate for pvp.
Not, The Gear From the Vendor, the Vendor Gear Earned By Grinding So Many Points One Becomes Numb To The Activity Within Hours. When I show up to pvp prior to max level, the only thing that matters is I have somewhat close to the best gear I can get for my level, which NEVER comes from a pvp vendor, ALWAYS comes from pve aspects of the game.
That’s probably the appropriate way to do it at max level too. If your fear is ‘we won’t keep playing with nothing to work toward’ you need to remember this is a video game first, the goal is to have fun, not work toward some externally forced goal that doesn’t even matter in the long term.
I sat in general chat today while morons kept trying to warn players to spend their conquest, end of the season is tomorrow. What meaningful progression lies in spending conquest the day before a prepatch comes along, which will drop gear rewards better than what you were getting from pvp anyway?
Those ‘catch up’ rewards, displacing the meaningful grind you think we need to do. The very game we play is poorly designed disposable content, pvp is the worst offender of it, with nothing of substance to do but grind gearsets for reducing the inbuilt handicap.
No thanks. Either way we gonna stop playing very soon after the start of a season, and the grind is never going to be attractive. Figure out what fun gaming looks like. Ask a player, if it’s really that big of a mystery.
So you think people would play more if there was no gear?
Working toward a goal can also be fun? You know we have achievements, mounts, cosmetics, etc?
Or you’re just playing the wrong genre.
You know you have to level, right?
Low post count, classic poster, effectively necro’ing a thread. Smells like troll up in here.
The game should never be designed around how much people play. That’s issue #1. If you aren’t trying to milk players from their cash, you don’t need this endless treadmill of new content releases slathered in FOMO that no one really needs either. Release a good game, completed with the content which aligns with the intended design, let players approach it at their own pace, and stop pushing everyone toward artificial goals.
After 20 years, this game feels like the devs behind it don’t know anything about game development. Players having their own goals is 100% good and fine. Developers imposing external goals, having fluctuating goals, having inconsistent game design masked behind ‘hey we have a new thing coming soon’ is just bad development.
I think giving players something to chase for is totally normal and healthy.
How you do it can be problematic.
I don’t think more players would be happy without gear progression and at the end I think that’s the biggest argument. People have pvpd more when pvp gear was more meaningful in pvp and people have played less pvp when gear in pvp was less meaningful.
As for the fomo talk, I’m not one to say that fomo is bad. Giving a reason for players to come back and play something they enjoy at the end of the day I think is great. If it didn’t work they wouldn’t do it.
Lack of rewards at low ranks means no fresh meat willing to get chewed up by higher ranks. The skill floor is constantly raising in PVP and that’s awful.
Gearing so far in TWW is fine, except maybe the sharing of catalyst charges with PVE so it’s still hard to PVP on your main. Gear isn’t the primary problem in PVP though and hasn’t been for a long time.
I think giving players something to chase for is totally normal and healthy.
How you do it can be problematic.
How Wow does it is they release content, soft reset you so you have to grind again, then by the time you have anything resembling a competitive character, you’re either burnt from the grind or bored from the activity. That is where most people end up.
So the game cannot be designed from this myopic ‘well if they want to have fun, they need to grind out two sets of gear and hope they can do it prior to gear differential making everything harder’ viewpoint. Just can’t. I don’t value my time disposably.
I don’t think more players would be happy without gear progression and at the end I think that’s the biggest argument. People have pvpd more when pvp gear was more meaningful in pvp and people have played less pvp when gear in pvp was less meaningful.
I don’t think there has ever been a relevant gear progression, in this entire game. At any point anyone thought their gear progression was meeting expectations, a soft/hard reset was just around the corner to upend that progress. Blizzard isn’t valuing your progress, issue #2.
As for the fomo talk, I’m not one to say that fomo is bad. Giving a reason for players to come back and play something they enjoy at the end of the day I think is great. If it didn’t work they wouldn’t do it.
Someone should decide to do an activity because it fits within their time management and appeals to them. Someone should not do an activity because they feel pressured to participate OR miss out on a reward. That is why FOMO is bad. It creates anxiety and stress for players where it otherwise, wouldn’t exist.
Think about it, if there were no badly designed end of season reset prior to the ‘next content’ I wouldn’t have had to witness people trying to get others to spend their conquest today. Literally, the most moronic thing I have seen in this game… ‘don’t forget to spend your season 4 tokens today, cuz tomorrow you won’t be able to.’
What on earth are you buying today that won’t be replaced with the poorly implemented content update tomorrow? (I say it’s poorly implemented on the grounds that a game company should be able to do significantly better than this, after 20 years of it).
We should be saying ‘what’s a reset, precious?’ It becomes this odd situation where we spend all this time chasing power rewards, trying to have the best gear set so we can do an activity. Then the end of the season comes, and the cosmetic value of those items are the only thing that carries over.
Why did I grind for them, again?
Why did I grind for them, again?
The experience.
Hi, welcome to video gaming. Whole lotta word salad to dance around this obvious point.
Someone should not do an activity because they feel pressured to participate OR miss out on a reward. That is why FOMO is bad. It creates anxiety and stress for players where it otherwise, wouldn’t exist.
That’s a you issue, homie.
Id hang on to see whats in store for pvp. Theyve been changing big things once an expansion. Solo Shuffle. Now Blitz. Its getting better.
BGs are the future. And it seems like theyre heading on that direction. If they can crank out 5 new maps on the next two years you’ll see it blossom.
BGs are forgiving. Theyre fun. And they let you play your toon. Gear is better now. And they renoved the vault so things are going in the right direction.
So strange how we didn’t get a new BG in years, not since Legion. That’s three plus one xpac cycles of nothing.
It’s why I kept calling this game Hello Kitty, was because ever since 8.1, PvP was on the slide. That’s quite a Hail Mary throw to get the spirit back.
How Wow does it is they release content, soft reset you so you have to grind again, then by the time you have anything resembling a competitive character, you’re either burnt from the grind or bored from the activity. That is where most people end up.
If for you the problem is gearing taking too much time, I think that can be a valid point to discuss.
I don’t think there has ever been a relevant gear progression, in this entire game.
Well that is certainly an opinion, I’m not sure how many people would share it.
Someone should decide to do an activity because it fits within their time management and appeals to them. Someone should not do an activity because they feel pressured to participate OR miss out on a reward. That is why FOMO is bad. It creates anxiety and stress for players where it otherwise, wouldn’t exist.
I don’t feel a season that last around 5-6 months is that much pressure or Fomo but that’s also my opinion.
What meaningful progression lies in spending conquest the day before a prepatch comes along, which will drop gear rewards better than what you were getting from pvp anyway?
Conquest expires end of patch to the next and is converted on patch day.
Only plain honor carries over to next patching.
Its been this way since the old days of arena points even.
Retail if memory serves makes this gold even. They old way could make this honor. So you’d burn some honor to sell a pvp gem or something then get your refill on the arena point conversion.
edit: and the only pvp game I know with some of your idea is eve. Good game, I’ve had an account or 3 there going on 14 soon 15 years. Catch 22 is when you blow up, the gear is gone. Pick your poison.
If for you the problem is gearing taking too much time, I think that can be a valid point to discuss.
It’s not a matter of how much time it takes to get a set of gear. It’s about the fact that it’s all been the same disposable grind activity this entire time. If a person does it seasonally for 10 expansions, when is it enough fake progression for them to start the real progression? Why continue to participate at all, knowing future seasonal play will be the same braindead design?
The logic then becomes: Why play if requirement is to grind two sets of gear before it’s fun? It’s an arbitrary requirement blizzard could easily just not have, could also design a much better progression system around.
Meanwhile players like me let our subs lapse for the day Blizzard announces sunsetting of Wow, cuz then maybe the game will get good again.
Well that is certainly an opinion, I’m not sure how many people would share it.
If we are talking about the scope of pvp especially, then there is no progression. Not really a matter of opinion. Acquiring gear items from an AH, capping honor a couple times, capping out conquest weekly and spending it on one or two gear items for a few weeks isn’t really ‘progression.’
As I stated, pvp prior to level cap, has no grind. You pvp and your gear is just what you walk in with. Probably how end game should be too.
I don’t feel a season that last around 5-6 months is that much pressure or Fomo but that’s also my opinion.
Seasonal play is pretty much garbage. FOMO of any kind ruins players ability to approach a game in a meaningful way, especially when suddenly a new content comes out and players current progress is upended/finished/truncated/pickyourword.
I don’t much care what the justification is for releasing new content, when it comes at the cost of everything before it. If Devs can’t figure out why that is a horrible waste of everyone’s time, especially the players, I can’t figure out where my credit card is.
Simple as that.