Why does blizzard refuse to humor making pvp a plug and play model?

^There’s a lot of truth packed in here! Also, I absolutely believe most people don’t want to play rated. Most people want to pop in to on-demand battlegrounds where they can have a bit of good old fashioned fun and not have to worry about gear mismatches.

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That still exists, and it’s called the tournament realm.

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Two things:

  1. Why does everyone act like Blizzard intentionally decides how anything is? We have the model that they ended up with. Went live with what they had ready, at the time they went live with patch.

  2. Blizzard would have to hire a team of designers who thoughtfully approach aspects of the game such as… pvp structure.

You’re playing a 20 year old game where they’ve already peaked in terms of success and design scope. It’s probably more reasonable to expect blizzard to leave pvp in the state it’s always been: fleeting enjoyment at best.

By the time you find equal footing in terms of gear, youre bored or tired of playing. By the time you achieve anything, new season is around the corner. Enjoy the reset.


They tried it in WoD and decided afterwards not to continue with it

Having played Guild Wars, this always confused me. GW had differant versions of a skill based on the content. If a skill was too OP for PvP, then it was altered for PvP only. Blizz would instead just nerf the skill.

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It’s an MMORPG first, so PvP should be based around that fact. Gearing and levels should come into play.

I’m sure the 8 players who PvP because they enjoy it would be mad over this

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Why would anyone feel good about that?

Destroying a less skilled player might feel good and actually mean something, but face-stomping on lesser geared players just means your cat could do it too. :upside_down_face:

Also, isn’t this contrary to the scaling they are putting in here and there now that makes it difficult, if not impossible in some cases, to outgear stuff?

Ever notice this doesn’t happen in any other game genre? Imagine having an FPS where someone has an advantage like this. Or a MOBA. It would not work.

I 100% feel like PvP and PvE gear should be equal.

I 100% think they should have the same max scaling. For example is PvE mythic can go up to 100 lvl, PvP should as well. But as of right now.

PvE hits 100 Ilvl and PvP is at like…90.

I also feel like secondary stats should be removed from gear and be gem only.

So many times youll get a piece of gear but the secondary stat is something your spec doesnt need. Make gear only have Stamina and your primary stat(str,agil,int)

Allow you to slot in ANY secondary stat you want but make it so you cannot double stack.

No 2 of the same gems etc.
To make PvP more competitive with PvE just increase the max level of upgrades and greatly increase the cost.

If PvE introduces Legendaries. PvP gear should be able to hit legendary tier.

There are some players who only play to slay dragon’s. And others who play to fight other players

they tried templates before, which is similar to what this would do. and people hated it.

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Here’s a wild suggestion for everyone here:

Make gear & level irrelevant for PvP

I’m quite specifically saying this in specific reference to the actual PvP activities themselves, literally change the rules for instanced PvP to make it more or less “fair” except for class/spec balance by minimizing the number of variables. This has no bearing on a players’ gear & level outside of instanced PvP.

Let’s keep it simple, a lowering the barrier of entry to a bare minimum - get your character up to level 10 and arrive in a major city. That’s it, literally nothing else barring a player from accessing all forms of PvP including ranked PvP.

When joining up for PvP, every class & spec is locked to a specific and tailored set of stats that is 100% independent of what your character actually has on their gear. Hell, you could go into PvP without any gear equipped at all (the game auto-equipping temporary template weapons if you have nothing equipped at the moment, the one thing you might need) and your stat block will be the same.

It also doesn’t matter if you’re level 10 or level 70.
Same stat block for the same class & spec, every time.
Heck, you may not even be able to see the difference during PvP itself.

This could even go further with classes & specs in PvP having an entirely independent set of abilities for PvP, perhaps even PvP-specific abilities, so that the PvP balance & gameplay no longer affects the PvE in any way because they’re actually different.

The whole objective here is to level the playing field as much as possible, such that players don’t take in overpowered gear and crush everyone else. Similarly, undergeared players don’t find themselves at a disadvantage during PvP and won’t feel helpless.

I suppose for those who do want that power imbalance (typically in their favour)… there’s always open-world PvP and duels.

Rewards, I’ll split that out as it could go one of two ways:

  • The rewards are regular gear, so there is an outside PvE progression path through PvP if players want it. But as everything else above outlines, there’s no advantage gained in using it for PvP activities themselves because gear & level have been rendered irrelevant.
  • The rewards are 100% cosmetic, removing the gear progression incentive.

Of course, there should still be something to entice players to PvP… just don’t make it relevant while actually doing PvP yourself. Cosmetic gear rewards are arguably enough, but the whole obsession with power progression the WoW playerbase has likely means it would require actual gear rewards. I don’t really care either way.

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agreed, but like most of WoW, Pvp is dominated by players who for years treat it like an RMT business and a way to make a living.

in vanilla Romanian army officers sold PvP ranks and it became impossible to compete against pros sitting in a room doing 24/7 premades…

They have an R&D department lol Im pretty sure they have thoroughly explored options with college-educated staffing, some with masters. Just because you dont see your idea in the game. Just know, most companies pay salary to ppl to just run 100s of test runs or simulations of what is, basically, your 1 idea.

That’s not even the case with this though.
Blizzard have tried this in the past and folks absolutely hated it. So they haven’t had a 100 people but more like 10.000 people provide their input into it, with the overwhelming notion being that having no gear progression for PvP is boring.

Because whenever they do that… The pvp population plummets.

Since pve players have less incentive to engage.

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Seriously… Stop freaking arranging words you read so simple, peanut brain can understand. Where did 100 people come from??? Why did you mention or even bring up the idea of 100 people???

You are correct PVP players PVP for PVP not gear progression. Especially the ones who actually get their BiS, they don’t care who else has BiS they want to win with skill anyways.

Probably because you mentioned

And they are equating a person with a test run.

Pretty sure they are just saying they did much more than 100s of test runs. They had an entire expansion, if not more based around it.

And it was universally hated.

Because people LIKE gearing.

If people wanted a competitive PvP experience they would play Dota or Counter Strike instead of this bloated addon-ridden unbalanced crap.

There has never in the history of WoW been less of a gear grind than during DF, yet PvP has never been less popular.

You have a minority of PvP boomers who have played this game for 15 years trying to convince ppl that ppl dont like gearing in PvP. Nah, competitive arena doesnt matter. The majority of PvPers are the ppl spamming BGs or doing a bit of arena or whatever to casually gear their characters.