Why does blizzard prioritize fixing fun stuff instead of bigger problems?

  1. You were saying that unintended use of game mechanics are exploits.
  2. Twinking is an unintended use of game mechanics.
  3. Therefore, twinking is an exploit.
  4. All exploits are bad (your premise as well)
  5. Therefore, twinking is bad

That’s all based on your arguments. If you disagree, it’s because you don’t believe premise 1 or premise 4, both your premises for your argument for this change. So either you think twinking is bad, or you agree with this change for reasons other than what you’ve said.

Is it Boomers?

Can we all just agree that the largest bug in the game has been around since wrath.
It’s destroyed communities, killed knowledge about the world (of warcraft) and has spread to effect raids as well.
You can experience this bug by pressing the i key on your keyboard while playing WoW.

Anyways I’ve been meaning to submit this bug but I assume since they are quick to fix these “features” that introduced unintended consequences they will fix my bug too.

I loved the excitement when you finally got a group together to go and clear a dungeon or the hours it took to find a group to raid Kara. You learned these people’s names and started to form regular groups with the good ones and eventually created/joined the guild(a group of people that regularly socialize and play together).

Oh the good ol’ days.

And yes I know if you look at my profile I participate in this system. And recently I have stopped because it’s not enjoyable anymore.

There was also the 50k AP reward from islands that was up for a half hour or so.

You may want to look up logical fallacy.

You might want to, it doesn’t mean what you think it does.

How did that work out for EA though?

Fifa sales down, Battlefield V down roughly 50%, FTC investigating Loot Boxes…

Working as intended?

Why does blizzard prioritize fixing fun stuff instead of bigger problems?

If you had to choose between boring fixes or fixes that bring more fun and enjoyment, I’m glad they are choosing the “fun” fixes.

Well for one, the one of the express purposes of turning off XP is to allow for twinking. Blizzard literally said this when they announced their intent to address the abuse of that game mechanic.

So no, you have no argument. Again.

If you want to be all upset that they want to stop this behavior, that’s fine, but you would be better served if you came to grips with that reaction being exclusively due to personal opinion and emotion rather than the fictional flawless argument you think you have.

What I don’t understand about the pleveling hotfix is that why they didn’t do it in Legion?

There were 101 twinks, wrecking everything even world PvP, it was really hard to go after them. (Or at least it seemed that way in video)

The reasoning is confusing because tbh, this doesn’t affect me a bit.

What about us an exploit ask.

Using something in game to get an advantage that was not intended by the developers is an exploit.

Powerleveling someone else by using a twink is one of those things

The fix should of been to only match up someone with XP turned off with others who have it turned off. Group twinks with other twinks.

However this action is inline with one they took a few years ago. A level capped player used to be able to run lowbies through old raids and dungeons and the Lowbie got heaps of XP. They changed so that the Lowbie would get very little XP. A good change in my book.

50k AP? God what a bug.

Twinking is not an exploit or Blizzard would have ended it. Twinks are just people that gather the best gear for their level and use the level pause feature that was made for them to stay at said level.

They have addressed twinks many times and why do you think they made the level 101 Epic items in Legion?

The irony of this post.

Speak for yourself, you are the one who agrees that something that was never a problem before and doesn’t even seem to be a problem now is breaking the game and needs a Fix™ that will cause many players to quit.

It appears they were totally taken by surprise when the forum didn’t meekly accept their unsubstantiated claim that massive numbers of carries were taking place. Seriously, they did zero about this in Legion when it was extremely common, and now that it rarely happens it’s a problem?

And guess what just the second reply to Blizzard announcing the fix:

I half suspect that the people who’d quit over whether or not this leveling trick gets hotfixed is the same crowd that’d argue for the removal of leveling up altogether.

Can’t imagine why I’d be pretty dismissive of an argument insisting that this is entirely necessary for leveling.

You’re right. You are pretty dismissive of just about everybody.

And the part about “people who don’t want X removed from the game always hated leveling” is a standard Blizzard apologist meme.

I’m dismissive of disingenuous arguments.

I hardly think it’s unreasonable to see a bit of overlap between players who insist that the quashing of a power-leveling gimmick is the targeting and elimination of ‘fun’ and the players who have clamored for a removal of leveling altogether.

I replied to say this, though: I’m no apologist. I think Blizzard’s systems and story teams are asleep from the neck up and I’m highly critical of their inability to deliver on their pitch. Just because I don’t support the latest entitlement-driven outrage by players doesn’t mean I think Blizzard can do no wrong.

SO what I have read from others is , this is being done due to people selling carries to help people level for real money.

Why nerf or do away with the xp freeze ? Shouldn’t the actual fix be suspend those selling carries for actual money ?